Sorry it took so long. When I was on vacation with my best Friend my brother deleted every chapter of every story I had! Sorry. But I made this one extra long.

Her lips crashed down on mine, moving in sync with my racing heart beat. God, I could feel every curve of her body, the way her hips moved with mine was sinful.

"You're still wearing too many clothes, Fang," she whispered in my ear. Her hands moved to the bottom of my shirt peeling it off in one swift movement. Her lips went down my body, her tongue tracing my muscles.

"Max," I moaned. Her hands began to unbutton my jeans when she suddenly started sneezing and feel off the bed.

That was when I realized that Max really had fallen off the bed- or couch whatever you want to call it.

"Ouch! Son of a gu-" Max muttered What the heck was she doing in my room? Am I still dreaming? "What the..."she whispered. Couldn't have said it better myself Max. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that when I opened my eyes she would be gone and I could take a nice cold shower. Instead I remembered I wasn't in my room at all, I was in the cabin we stopped at.

"Nudge! Nudge! Wake up! Oh, man..." With that I threw my threw my feet over the edge of the couch and sat up before Max could see my 'little' problem.

The air was dusty which in turn caused me to sneeze. I could feel another one coming but before I broke out into sneezing hysterics, I shook my head and asked calmer then I felt, "What time is it?"

"Almost morning!" Max practically yelled, almost in hysterics. "Of the next day!"

Shit. I started moving towards the food, getting us ready to go so when Nudge wakes up we can start flying again. To be honest, I didn't watch what I was putting in there, I just grabbed what ever I could get my hands on and stuffed it in the backpack. Except of course the lone candy bar sitting in the corner of the pantry, I grabbed that and put it in the front pocket so it wouldn't get smashed.

"Fang," Max started, "you can't carry all that. It'll weigh you down. Nothing's heavier then cans."

I almost shot her a dirty glare and a snort, but I knew all that would get me was a fight, and right now we needed to find Angel. So I shrugged and pulled the backpack on. A silent way of saying, "Try and stop me." Of course I wouldn't even give her time too because I was already out the window before she could say anything.

After a few minutes Nudge and Max came out the window too, and just like that we left the house behind. As we were flying above the tree tops I couldn't help but notice the sunrise. Just like I couldn't help but notice how tense Max was. Knowing her, she was probably blaming herself for everything, maybe even calling herself a horrible leader.

So sucking up the backpack incident I flew beside her and said, "We had to rest." I tried to ignore the upset glance she sent me.

"For ten hours?"

Suppressing a sigh, I used my not-so-secret weapon: logic. "Today we've got another four hours to go, maybe a bit more. We couldn't have done it in one shot. It was late when we left. We're going to have to stop again anyway, right before we get there, and refuel."

Max knew I was right, I could tell by the look of annoyance on her face and the fact she still hadn't argued with me. I flew silently next to her for the next hour before I realized we had no plan. That, right there, was a sign this was getting to her. Since I was the second in command- as I so frequently pointed out to Iggy- I knew I had to show her the error without it coming off as condescending otherwise it would end in an argument I would no doubt win but with the price of Max not speaking to me until I die.

After my silent ponderings actually lead somewhere I asked, "We going to storm the place or what?"

"Yeah, Max, I was wondering what your plan was," Nudge said as she flew up to the other side of Max. "I mean, there's only three of us, and a whole bunch of them. And the Erasers have guns. Could we, like, drive a truck through the gates? Or even into a building? Or maybe we could wait till nightfall, sneak in and sneak out with Angel before anyone notices us."

Unfortunately, Max still hadn't told us the plan so my many ponderings were useless. That and the fact I was pretty sure Max wasn't going to tell us the plan- which meant it was something bad. Why did Max have to be so stubborn?

While I flew I was silently seething. What did Max plan on doing? If she thought she would sacrifice herself to save Angel she had another thing coming. I would make sure she made it out of the building. God, she was too self sacrificing. Couldn't she see how much the kids needed her, how much I needed her? Of course she didn't. I was just a friend. A shoulder to lean on. That was all I would ever be. But I'll be damned if I don't try to make her see me in a different light, and I can't do that if she's captured or dead.

"Gosh, I wonder what Iggy and the Gasman are doing now?" Nudge babbled. "Maybe they got the TV working again. I hope they don't feel too bad." Knowing them, they're probably blowing up Max's and my- me and Max's? Max's and mine? Who knows, I didn't go to school- stuff right now... or using it to make a bomb to blow up our stuff. "It would have- I mean, I guess it's kind of easier for them to be home. But I bet they're not cleaning up or getting wood or doing any of their chores." Ding, ding, we have a winner.

Nudge rambled on and on, but I wasn't paying attention to her, I was watching Max. Max seemed to be looking at an all to familiar scene, a bunch of big kids picking on a smaller one. Great. Knowing Max she would want to fly down there and be all "I am here to save the day!"

Max seemed to fill my exact prediction not a moment later when she looked at me and opened her mouth.

"No," I said

She narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth again.

"No." But does she listen? No.

"Meet me at the northernmost point of Lake Mead," Max said still glaring at me.

"What?" Nudge asked. "What are you talking about? Are we stopping? I'm hungry again."

"Max wants to go play Supergirl, defender of the week," I said, trying- and failing- to keep my agitation inside.

"Oh," Nudge said, as if it all made sense now.

Max started to make circles in the air that would soon lead her down to the girl.

"Oh! Max, remember when you got that little rabbit away from the fox, and we kept it in a carton in the kitchen, and then when it was well you let it go? That was cool... Did you see another rabbit?" I hoped not, the last rabbit especially hated me- biting me whenever it got the chance. Everyone else it loved. Me, it hated with a fiery passion. Eh, it was mutual.

"Kind of," Max said. "It'll take two seconds." Liar, I thought. She turned to me. "I'll catch up with you guys before you've gone forty miles. Just keep on course, and if anything weird happens, I'll meet you at Lake Mead."

I stared ahead, knowing if I looked at her I would start crying or doing some emotional crap. She knew I hated this, she knew. Yet there she was going to go down to help a rabbit.

"Okay," Max said briskly, causing me to almost look at her. "I'll see you in a few."

* * *

The thing was, she didn't see us in a few. After forty miles- where she said she would catch up with us- I had debated on whether I should go back and see if she was okay, I decided against it, but instead decided I would go about as slow as I can without falling out of the sky.

An hour after Max had landed, I was silently freakin out. Only to the outside I would look impassive, uncaring, maybe even irritated. Nudge's voice broke me out of my panic like state.

"Fang? I'm really hungry, you know?" I did, my stomach felt like it was trying to eat itself, but I had ignored it in hope of getting to Lake Mead before we stopped. Fortunately we had made it here.

I nodded curtly to Nudge then pointed with my head to a random cliff that had what seemed to be caves. I couldn't trust myself to speak. After making sure Nudge was following me to the caves I watched Nudge land and only then did I land silently next to her while taking off the backpack. Max had been right- it was heavy and my back had started to hurt. Max.

I started handing Nudge some food I had grabbed. I remembered the candy bar and got it out. This was what I needed right now. Chocolate. I grabbed the bar and noticed Nudge's excitement towards the dried fruit. I wonder how she would react to the chocolate bar... I waved it in front of her and got the reaction I had been hoping for.

Along with a squeal she said happily, "Oh, Fang, where did you find this? You must have been hiding it- you didn't say anything, and all this time you had chocolate, and oh, God, it's so good..." I gave her a small smile, and sat down with my chocolate. When I took my first bite I almost moaned at how good it was. It wasn't like that crappy Walmart chocolate, it was like... chocolate from the Gods.

"So where's Max?" Nudge asked, pulling me out of my moment. "Why'd she go down there? Shouldn't she be back by now? Aren't we supposed to go all the way to Lake Mead? What are we gonna do if she doesn't come back soon-" She stopped when I held my hand up, I couldn't think on that last possibility. She was going to come back, and she was going to come back soon.

"Max saw someone in trouble, down below, and went to help," I said trying to keep the raw emotions out of my voice. "We'll wait here for here for her; Lake Mead is right below us." When I saw the worry in Nudge's eyes I looked away and focused on the wall in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Nudge get up and walk to the left edge of the cave.

Then she froze. "Uh, Fang?"