Catching up - Chapter 1


So… This is my 2nd story. The idea just hit me this morning, and felt like I had to write it down for some odd reason.

Anyways none of the characters belong to me -- and the story is rated M just in case.



Sakura ignored whoever it was at her door, pulled her pillow over her head and tried to fall back asleep.

Hopefully whoever it is will just go away when I ignore them. I just want to stay in bed all day…


Sakura just groaned as she started to pull her blankets over her head.


Today was an important date for Sakura. It wasn't the good kind of important. She was on this break for a personal reason. She had expected this day to be gloomy and sad. It was suppose to be one of the most horrible days she will ever wake up to; but instead, the sun outside was shining more brightly than ever.

Maybe I'll start hating the sun forever…

"SAKURAAAAA – CHAAAAAN!!!!!" was followed by more knocking on her front door to her apartment.

With a growl, Sakura ripped off her blankets and stomped to the front door. She thought of what to say before opening the door. Putting on the usual "Sakura" face, she whipped open her front door and opened her mouth and snarled…


Sakura was really NOT a morning person, on top of that, she was just getting into the mood of her "suppose to be" horrible day.

With the usual wide fox-like grin, and completely oblivious to Sakura's mood, Naruto took a small leap towards her to give her a hug, and to invite himself into her apartment. Sakura just stood in front of the door; making no motions to move aside to let the blonde in.

Sakura noticed that Naruto wasn't alone. Kakashi stood with the usual jounin uniform and mask in place. And as polite as ever, he raised his hand and two fingers and said, "Yo."

With a shriek, the now red faced Sakura slammed the front door close, hitting Naruto square in the nose in the process, and ran to her bedroom to get something decent to wear. After all she was only dressed in a pair of black boxers and a skin tight pink tanktop with no bra under. It was something she didn't really care about since she grew up with Naruto and he was her best friend. Besides he was as dense as a brick; he wouldn't really comment on Sakura's taste in clothing or rather lack of. And if he did comment, Sakura would just beat him till he forgot. She was sure that he saw her naked enough back in the old days during missions where he would accidently just walk in on her changing, and then get punched into the next tree by her.

Why is Kakashi-sensei standing in front of my apartment?! I haven't seen the guy in a good 5 years! The last time I saw him was where again? I can't even remember! Kami, that was embarrassing, letting my ex-sensei who happened to be a pervert, see me practically wearing close to nothing!

Sakura frantically ran her brush through her short straight pink hair, brushed her teeth, washed her face and ran to the closet in record speed. She pulled out a red long sleeved shirt and pulled that over her head, and decided to wear a white skirt, and wore black flip-flops. She didn't feel the need to wear her medic uniform today, since it was suppose to be her day off where she was going to sleep in, and just relax at home…


Sakura swung her front door opened again and glared at Naruto.

"So you never did tell me what you wanted at 8 am in the morning." Sakura continued to glare at Naruto.

"Well see… I was just walking through the streets towards Ichiraku's and guess who I bumped into?!"

Sakura rolled her eyes, and waited.

Naruto just beamed at her with his smile and anticipation for her answer.

Did he actually want me to guess? Why am I doing this… let me crawl back into bed…

"Gee… Naruto I don't know… Kakashi-sensei maybe?"

Naruto blinked at her and said "How did you know?"

Sakura pointed to the guy behind him, who now had an amused face behind his mask, and was looking at Sakura.

Naruto turned around and said "Hey! Kakashi-sensei! How come you're here?!"

Kakashi looked at him, with one eye brow raised, and shrugged.

Naruto blinked some more then his face lighted up as if an idea hit him. And he rambled on…

"OH YEAH! Sakura-chan! I bumped into Kakashi-sensei when he was on his way to the bookstore, and since we haven't caught up in such a long time I was wondering if you all wanted to go out to eat ramen together! Of course, Sasuke isn't back from his mission, but we can always catch up with him later! How often do you see Kakashi-sensei these days?! Where have you been anyways?"

Naruto turned to look at his ex-sensei, awaiting his answer.

Kakashi just simply replied "Around."

Sakura was standing at her front door staring at the two males in front of her. Sure, both she and Naruto may be 20 years old now, but it didn't change the fact that Naruto was still as slow as ever. He was still the same energetic, dense, oblivious, hyper and ramen-loving Naruto, while Sakura was the same Sakura. She was still smart, hardworking, her temper changes every two seconds, she put others before herself, gave out her trust and love to those she felt like they needed or deserved it, and would willingly pound anyone who angered her.

She also matured in more than one way, but it wasn't something she wanted to think about in front of her two guests - one of her best friends, and the other almost a stranger.

And Kakashi was… well Kakashi. The guy was a mystery and no one ever really knew him that well except that he read porn in public. Sometimes when Sakura felt like he was opening up, he would close right back up the next second.

Naruto now stood a little bit more than half a head taller than her, while Kakashi was a head taller than her. Naruto's appearance changed slightly. His blond hair was a bit longer and the spikes were more natural. He still wore his normal orange uniform, and the same wide friendly grin. Of course, Kakashi's appearance was the same as always except his silver hair now hung a bit past his eyes at the front over his hiate-ate.

Truth be told, she really missed Kakashi, but her duties at the hospital had her so busy that she never really got time for a social life. And Kakashi being Kakashi, never went to the hospital unless he was dying, and that has never happened yet. There was something about Kakashi that made her want to spill her guts out to him. Maybe it was because she knew that he would always keep her secrets, a secret. Of course, she'd never talk to him, as much as she wanted to.

I would be considered weak again…

Besides, it would be pointless to talk to someone who doesn't care.

Sakura looked up at her long missed ex-sensei, and found him staring back at her with an amused face.

She dully wondered what was so interesting; did she have something stuck to her forehead or something?

So Sakura sighed out, "What's so amusing?"

With a friendly smile and his famous eye crinkle, Kakashi responded, "Your shirt is backwards."

Sakura looked down at her shirt, and for the second time that morning her face turned cherry red.

Naruto once again hopped towards her with enthusiasm to invite her to eat with them, and the now mortified Sakura once again slammed the door in his face, hitting his nose. Kakashi just chuckled at his two former students.

Sakura stood on the other side of the door, trying desperately to fix her shirt back the right way as fast as she could. She ran to her bathroom mirror to make sure she was decent before going to open the door again.

He must think I'm an idiot, what kind of 20 year old wears their shirt backwards. How is it that Kakashi-sensei can make me forget what I'm thinking, and make me completely embarrassed all in 5 seconds flat?

Sakura hit her head on her wall repeatedly; feeling like a complete idiot. For one of the most intelligent kunoichi's in the village, she certainly didn't feel like one. In fact she was embarrassed beyond belief that her ex-sensei that she hasn't seen in 5 years, suddenly is standing in front of her apartment, saw her almost naked, then saw her make stupid mistakes that even 7 year olds don't even make, all in the time span of less than half an hour.

What a day this is turning out to be…

She sighed to herself.

I blame Naruto.

I welcome any reviews. As for the story, I know that the first chapter doesn't seem to be going anywhere (think of it as an Intro, not really a chapter), but I actually intended for the story to go much deeper. Later chapters will take a huge turn from chapter 1. I know I have a lot of tense problems, I'm still working on that. If there's any other major problems, please let me know!
