Authors Note: Oh My God. I am SO sorry for the long wait! I hope this makes up for it. One more chapter to go. But, I still gotta finish writing that. I'll work on it, tonight. Thank You for all of the reviews, peoples.(: They really mean a lot to me. And. I'm Sorry If I haven't hardly replied to any, lately. I'm Sorry, Babes. X3.
Please Read And Review.(:
Brenda. X3.
Miley bit back a moan and gripped on to the towel holder bar behind her as Shane continued thrusting in and out of her, their hips rocking together. She let out a deep, shaky breath, trying not to moan.
"Shane..." She moaned out softly as he trailed soft kisses up her neck softly.
"Mmmmm, Shane." She moaned out as his body started to tire. Shane moaned softly and she rested her head on his shoulder, still gripping on to the bar.
"Shaney..." She moaned out softly as she felt his body start to shake.
"Miley..." Shane moaned out before he started to reach his breaking point.
"Miley..." He moaned out once more before he emptied him self in side of her.
Miley moaned loudly, feeling her grip on the bar starting to loosen and become limp. She threw her head back against the wall as she reached her breaking point and her body started to violently shake.
Shane moaned softly and rested his head on her chest, panting.
Miley panted with him as well as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"I love you, Shaney." She said softly as she rubbed his shirt over his back, his pants and boxer briefs were down to his ankles, her leggings and boy shorts were on the ground, her shirt covering their bodies conjoined as one.
"I love you, too, Miles." He panted out breathlessly.
"Alright, Alright! I just gotta use the bath room!" A voice said and Miley and Shane snapped their heads over to the door as it opened.
Dolly turned back to the bath room and gasped as her eyes widened. Miley's eyes widened and Shane felt his breath get caught in his throat.
"Oh. My. God." Dolly said shocked.
"Aunt Dolly!" Miley hissed shocked. "Close The Door!"
Dolly quickly walked in and closed the door, Miley pushed Shane off of her, he pulled his boxer briefs and pants up quickly before he started to buckle them as Miley started to get dressed.
"What the hell are two you doing, Miley Ray Stewart?!" Dolly asked angrily.
"Having...Sex?" Miley offered nervously.
Dolly glared at her before angrily shaking her head. "Wait until I tell Your Parents, Miley! I can't believe you would be so stupid! You're thirteen damn years old! You're suppose to be playing with Barbie's!"
"I'm almost fourteen!" Miley shot back angrily.
"That doesn't make it okay!" Dolly said before angrily turning to Shane. "Look at you, you little punk! I can't believe you, you're a monster!"
"I wanted it as much as Shane did!" Miley said angrily.
"No, you wanted it because the boy was probably pressuring you in to it!" Dolly said angrily as she shook her head.
"Please, Don't Tell My Parents!" Miley begged desperately.
Dolly quickly shook her head. "No, I'm telling them, Miles."
Shane glared at her before pulling out his cell phone, he quickly found some thing on it before holding it up to Dolly's face. Miley and Dolly gasped at the video of Shane and a bunch of his friends kicking some guy.
"If you tell them, this'll be you." He said darkly as he stepped towards Dolly, making her step back until her back hit the wall.
Miley bit her lip, wanting to stop him.
"Got It?" He whispered darkly as the guy on the video screamed out in pain.
Dolly gulped before looking over at Miley who was looking down and playing with her watch like she didn't even care.
"Got It?" Shane asked louder, Dolly turned back to him and quickly nodded her head at him, gulping once again.
"Oh-" Her voice cracked. "Okay."
Shane smirked before turning the video off and stepping away from her, he stuffed his cell phone in his pockets before pushing Dolly out of the way and walking out of the bath room.
Miley quickly ran after him, letting out a deep breath and leaving Dolly standing in the bath room shaking from her nerves.
"Shane!" She cried out as he walked down the hall to her bed room, she quickly followed him in and closed the door behind her. "Shane!"
Shane turned to her angrily. "You need to start fucking locking doors, Miles!"
"Me? You're the one who just threatened my Aunt's Life!" She said angrily.
"What was I suppose to do? Loose You?" Shane shot back glaring at her.
"You wouldn't care if you lost me, Shane." Miley said softly as she shook her head, Shane looked at her shocked.
"What? Don't Say That, Miles!" He said softly as he stroked her cheek.
"You just want my body, Shane." Miley said quietly as she jerked away from him.
"No, Miles... I love you." Shane said softly.
Miley turned back to him and glared angrily. "You don't love me, Shane! You just think you do because none of your other friends will take care of you!"
"Excuse Me?"
"You just love me because Your Daddy and Your Mommy don't love you."
"Shut Up."
"That's why they're never there, Shane! They don't love you."
"Shut the fuck up!"
"That's why you do all of these drugs! That's why you get high! That's why you get drunk! Because Your Parents don't love you and they never have, Shane! That's why you always want me to spend the night! Because you don't want to be in that big and empty house all by your self! That's why you think you love me! Because Your Parents Don't love you back! They never will, you're so pathetic!"
Miley let out a gasp when she felt a harsh slap across her face, causing her to hit the wall and fall down. She let out a sob as the stinging shocked through her whole body violently.
Shane gasped as he realized what he did, he quickly knelt down to her. "Oh My God! Miles!" He said as he started to stroke her reddened cheek.
"I'm So, Sorry Baby..." He said softly as he started to kiss her cheek gently.
"Get Out." Miley whispered angrily.
"What?" Shane asked quietly as she shoved his hand away.
"Get the fuck out, Shane!" She hollered as she angrily stood up.
"Baby, I'm Sorry." Shane said softly.
Miley glared at him before opening her door, she quickly ran out of it and Shane followed behind her, chasing her down the stairs.
"Out!" She said angrily as she walked in to the front room, making every one's attention turn to them, She walked over to the front door and jerked it open.
"Now!" She hollered angrily as she still cupped her cheek gently.
"Miles! I'm Sorry!" Shane said softly, feeling tears in his eyes.
"We're Over! Get Out!" She screamed before bringing her hand from her cheek and angrily slapping him. "How does that feel? It fucking hurts, doesn't it?!"
"I didn't mean to hit you!" Shane said as he tried to hug her, only for her to roughly push him away.
"You hit my daughter?!" Robby Ray said angrily as he walked in to the front room, getting a better look at Miley's bright red cheek.
"I didn't mean to!" Shane sobbed out.
"Yes you did! Just like you threatened Aunt Dolly's Life!" Miley spat angrily at him. "You need to get over the fact that Your Parents. don't. love. you. and. they. never. will.!"
The room fell silent and Shane bit his lip, looking at her sadly. "Please, just... stop saying... that."
"Why? Because you can't handle the truth?" Miley spat angrily, smirking at him. "Because you hate Daddy And Mommy always being in Paris? Them only calling to see if the bills being paid."
"Miley, Quit It." Robby Ray said softly, seeing the tears fall from Shane's face. Sure. He wanted nothing more than to hurt that little punk for slapping his daughter. But. At the sametime. His heart ached seeing the boys face when Miley brought up that His Parents didn't love them. It was heartbreaking.
"They didn't even call you on your birth day." She spat out, laughing dryly.
"Quit It!" Shane said, his voice tone trying to sound firm, but, it came out as soft, cracking and vulnerable.
"They don't care about you, Shane, just like Greg doesn't, just like Lilly doesn't, just like I don't. That day when you over dosed, they didn't even care. They were in the kitchen, getting high. When you woke up. Where were they? When you saw them again, they didn't even ask you if you were okay. Now did they?"
"But, you did! You... took care of me."
"I didn't want to be questioned by the police when you died."
Shane felt his heart drop to his stomach at the stone cold look on Miley's Face.
"Miles..." He said softly. "You- you said you... loved me."
"I Lied." Miley said letting out another dry laugh and crossing her arms over her chest. "But, then again, you said you loved me. And then you just slapped me like I was a little rag doll."
"You wouldn't quit it!" Shane hollered angrily. "You wouldn't stop! You wouldn't stop reminding me of how much they hate me! Of how much they never loved me! You made me snap! I love you, Miles! I didn't mean to hit you!"
"You don't love me. You don't know what love is." Miley said smirking at him. With her eyebrows raised devilishly. "Because Daddy and Mommy never gave it to you."
"That's Enough, Miles!" Robby Ray said firmly as he looked over at his daughter.
Shane looked at Miley before smirking, he turned to Robby Ray. "Mr. Stewart, do you know Miley made out with me and let me grope her, the first day, hell hours after I met her?" He said as he heard gasps.
"She gave me a blow job, the next day... for an iPhone, the video's on the phone." He continued to smirk as the smile dropped from Miley's face.
"She slept with me a couple of weeks after knowing me." He continued on before smirking again. "She's gotten high and drunk before."
Miley glared at him harshly. Shane smirked before pulling Miley's shirt up revealing her bite marks and belly button ring.
"And... I bet you didn't know about that." He said, humor laced in his voice tone.
"I hate you!" Miley said as she slapped Shane away.
Shane smirked at her, proud of him self. "Look who got the last laugh, Baby." He spat as she glared at him. "I may not have a family, but I make girls like you go crazy. I make you love me."
And with that, he walked out of the still open door and slamming it behind him.
Authors Note: THOUGHTS, PEOPLES?(:
Brenda. X3.