Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

The third story, whoopee! Hope you guys still like my storyC:

She's such a rush
She's such a crush
She's one in a million
She's such a rush
Can't get enough
She's pumping through my veins
She's too fun to be so gone with me
Too good to be true to me

She's over my head
She's all I need
I'm so strung out
She's out of my league

They don't see
She's down with me tonight
(Time to push off)

True To Me, by Metro Station

Chapter 1

Time goes on and so does my life. I never did return to the Cullens, after I told the Denali Clan about my life story, they insisted I stay with them. Of course I accepted, but I thought I would just stay here for a few days until the Cullens would find me. But I didn't think I would stay for 18 freakin' years!

I'm pretty sure you know me by now and some of you probably think I'm a smart-ass. And your very right.

I lived with the Denali Clan for 18 years and I am at peace for the first time in my life. I didn't shed a tear for exactly 17 years. I became more of a girly-girl, sadly, I'm actually comfortable in sun dresses, ballet flats, or just barefoot. I still have my powers, future seeing, making people faint, and mind reading. Unfortunately, I will never become a full vampire, so Eleazer says, since I have too much human in me. I will live forever as a 16 year old...


"But Tanya" I whined, trailing after her as she walked around the house casually. "I don't want to take piano lessons on Saturday, it's so boring!"

"Melody, you stay on the roof for hours watching the sky! You could at least come down there for an hour or two" Tanya countered, plucking a pink flower from a vase.

"But the roof is actually interesting, and besides! I took piano when I was younger, no need to relive those horrible moments" I argued with a pout.

Tanya whipped around and smiled at me patiently, "Now Melody, if you don't take piano lessons I will be forced to tell you-know-who" She winked.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "You wouldn't and their probably in another country by now!"

"I could still locate them" Tanya shrugged, brushing my curly and wind-blown bronze hair back, and placed the flower in my hair. "You have piano in 20 minutes" She said in a rush and disappeared.

"Tanya!" I cried, aggravated, but I knew I lost this match. I stomped into my purple colored room and to my closet. Absentmindedly, I threw on a strapless gray dress with colorful stripes on the top. I slipped into yellow flats and threw myself out the window. Don't be alarmed, I do this all the time.

I caught the roof's ledge and swung aimlessly in mid air. I pushed myself back by my feet as I hit the wall and flipped... All the way onto the roof and landed like a cat. "Cha Ching" I said breathlessly.

"Show off..." Someone snorted. I looked around frantically and saw Irina sitting on the edge of the roof her legs dangling. She looked absolutely breath-taking under the glow of the sun.

"Hey, Irina" I greeted her and sat next to her, indian-style. This was a first, Irina has never come to the roof. Irina always kept to herself and tended to avoid me, she liked me, but my connections with Cullens gave her a sore spot.

"Melody, I need to talk to you" She told me, her golden eyes looking ahead at the forest surrounding the house. The Denali Clan lived in the middle of nowhere, where they can be undisturbed.

"Alright, shoot" I responded, coolly. I lay back on my palms, I always felt free on the roof. It was absolutely amazing when the sun sets, it just knocks the breath out of you.

"Melody, this is important" Irina sighed, suddenly facing me. Her eyes were intense and serious. Eh... Weird. I didn't reply, just get it over with... Yes, I could read her mind, but I do enjoy surprises. Very, very much.

"Melody, we got this in the mail today and, well just look at it.." Irina pulled out a formal card from her pocket and handed it to me. Her eyes were full of worry and she bit her bottom lip like something was going to explode.

I sighed, uninterested as I looked at the front.

To Tanya and Family

From the Cullens

It was written in beautiful script, but that didn't catch my attention. Why would the Cullens be sending them a formal card? I mean what the hell?

I opened it anxiously and suspiciously, wondering what this was all about. I could feel Irina watching me and her breath came out uneven, she was hyperventilating I assume.

You are cordially invited to a Black and White dressed Wedding in Honour of Edward Cullen and Isabella Blake. On the date of September 29th at exactly 3 p.m. sharp. This celebration will be held ...

I didn't need to read anymore to know where it will be held. The same white mansion-like house nestled deep in the forest. I can't believe they lived there for 18 more years, to think someone would have noticed that they weren't aging. And September 13 was next tuesday and today was Saturday. Crud.

But it was weird how they were having a wedding, I thought they already were! Their probably pretending so people won't get too supicious. But why was my mother's last name changed? Another act?

My eyes skimmed all the way to the bottom where both my parents' signatures were written. Absentmindedly, the tip of my fingers brushed over the loops and lines of their signatures. I felt a pang of guilt hit my heart and a little something else that I just couldn't put my finger on. I must wonder though if the Cullenseven knew I was staying with them. Unless one of them ratted me out and broke their promise of not saying any word to them about me staying. 'Cause if they did I would be one mad bi-

"Melody?" Irina said my name urgently, shaking my shoulder, breaking my train of thought.

"Yes?" I said casually, closing the card.

"What do you think, do you want to go?" She questioned, her words coming out in a rush that I could barely comprehend them.

I blinked at her blankly and stared at the card again. The words were staring back at me, waiting for my answer as well. Something was tugging inside of me, wanting me to go and face my demons, but...

"Because if you don't want to go you could just stay here with me, the others are going tho-" Irina said quickly as she saw me frowning slightly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I cried, breaking her sentence. "Your not going, but why?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I lost a friend in Forks and I don't wish to see the Cullens, since I bear a grudge over them" Irina said, a bit pompous. A grudge? Wow... Who can hold something like that for so long?


"So, if you don't want to go, I'll be staying with you" Irina shrugged, dusting her hands off, as she sprang up. She held her hand out, waving her fingers patiently, waiting for me to take it.

My eyes flickered to her hand and the card and I could feel the sun setting. The warmthfrom the sun slowly creeping away from my pale skin. Should I go? Yes.. No.. Yes... No... Yes.. Oh, I don't know! I have to go, I had to face the music and stop running away like a baby. I was a coward for running away from my parents, but I didn't know why I ran. I truly didn't and that is the truth.

I also wanted to see Natasha, Kailey, and the new baby. Oh, wait the baby is probably 17 or 18 by now. Wow, time passes quickly.

"Irina.." I started, rising up slowly, eyeing her hand on my way up. "I think I need to go, it would probably mean a lot to Tanya and the others. And it might make Edward and Bella happy to see that I'm safe" I do remeber distinctly the day I left, how I left Natasha and Kailey without saying goodbye. The way Bella was reaching towards me, asking me to forgive her, but I turned away. I really needed to make things right, and soon.

I saw a wave of anger cross her face, but she hid it with a sad pout. "But what if Tanya and the others come back without you? What if you decide to stay with Edward or Bella? What if they lock you up somewhere and keep you for themselves?" She asked those what-if questions.

I sighed heavily, Yea what if I don't want to leave? What if they found some way to make me stay? But what are the possibilities of that?

"Don't worry Irina, I'll come back, promise" I smiled, swaying from side to side. My gray dress brushing my legs softly, the material cool on my skin.

"Pinky swear?" Irina giggled, childishly, holding out her chalk-white finger.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Pinky Swear" I replied, in my impersonation voice of Urkel from the old show Family Matters. We linked pinkies and laughed.

Then I suddenly remebered I had piano lessons soon. "Oh shoot, I have freakin' piano lessons!" I shrieked, slapping my head. "Bye Irina, see you later!" I said frantically and launched myself off the roof.

"Alright, bye!" Irina called after me, waving half-heartedly.

I was starting to like Irina, I thought as I landed with a dull thud on the grass. She was pretty cool.