Chapter 23
Jenessa was written off the script after Armageddon, saying she ran away from the Undertaker again. In other words, Jessa had left the WWE to take that long awaited vacation without anyone knowing, including Mark. The only person she informed was Stephanie, who understood fully after everything she'd been through.
It'd been six months and Jessa was finally ready to go back, having went to Australia for three out of those six months, wanting to get away from everything and everyone. She had to recharge her batteries and this vacation did just that. She had massage therapists every day rubbing her down, pampered to the fullest, and it was all thanks to Stephanie. Vince had no choice, but to agree to it, especially after he brushed off the fact that Bautista was hurting her. In order not to get sued, he agreed to give her a paid six month vacation along with the free spas and anything else she wanted.
The last three months of her vacation were spent at her home in Wyoming up in the mountains. She actually started her first novel, having contacted a publicist, and was almost finished with it. Jessa had promised herself after the whole ordeal with Mark and David to follow her dreams and she was doing just that.
Meanwhile Mark was very disgruntled and a complete bear to everyone on the roster, refusing to talk about what he was feeling. He ended up cracking Glen in the jaw for joking about being on PMS and put Jeff through a wall…literally. After those two incidents, everyone steered clear, not wanting to be another victim of the Deadman Express. Even in the ring Mark had grown sloppy and actually injured Hardcore Holly after jumping off the top rope doing his signature move and ended up crushing his shoulder. After that, Vince decided Mark needed some time off and gave him a three month vacation to recharge his own batteries and get over whatever personal problem he was having.
It was a cool April night, the wind warm, but there was definitely a chill in the air as Undertaker stood in the ring, awaiting his opponent. He stalked and paced like a caged animal, clenching his fists tightly, wearing a pair of blue jeans with a black beater that looked like a second skin on him. A black bandana was around his forehead, his hair in a tight braid, black boots encasing his feet. He was still the Undertaker, but right now he was busy getting ready to kick some ass since this was his first night back in three months.
"I don't care who it is, I want somebody to fight and I want it NOW!" He ordered gravely in the microphone before tossing it out of the ring.
Kidney Thieves sounded through the arena not soon after, causing the crowd to completely erupt in frenzy, everyone's jaws dropping.
"KING! Look who it is!"
"JR! It's Jenessa! She's back!"
She stood up on the stage, wearing a pair of jeans with a black and blue corset top. Her long black hair flowed down her back in waves that had blue streaks throughout it, her eyes having just a little black eyeliner on instead of it caked. Her lips were decked out in blue, just like her hair, along with her eye shadow as she slowly walked down the ramp way, blue eyes never leaving Undertaker's.
His green eyes narrowed as she made her way down to the ring, raising an eyebrow, wondering if she was going to be his opponent or not. He watched as she walked up the ring steps, stepping through the ring ropes, not making a move to attack her. What the Hell was she doing here?
She smirked as she slowly walked over to him and ran her finger down his chest; her nails painted black and stared up into his eyes. "Hello Mark." She murmured, hoping he wasn't angry with her, not in character. She was acting it, but this was really her as she grabbed his hands in her own. "I'm sorry for everything. I had a long six months to think things through and…" She sighed, tears shining in her blue eyes. "Please tell me we still have a chance."
"What about your rule of no dating co-workers?" He asked, reminding her of what she told him months ago, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He wasn't going to let her get off that easily. He was a stubborn man and getting up in age and didn't have time for these mind games that were meant for high school.
"Gone. I want to date you, I want to be with you; I want you and only you." She replied, biting her bottom blue painted lip, and slowly took a step back from him, seeing the uncertainty in his eyes.
Jessa knew he didn't trust her, especially with all the games she played with his mind, but she couldn't help it. He'd played with her just as much! When he didn't make a move or say anything else, she knew it was over and turned around, heading to step out of the ring and out of his life like he apparently wanted.
A hand shot out, stopping her from leaving and spun her around, causing Jessa to stare deep into his green eyes questioningly. She got her answer when his lips descended on hers, his strong tattooed sleeved arms wrapping around her waist, pressing her close to his rock hard body. Jessa moaned instantly, melting against him, and curled her arms around his neck her fingers massaging the back of his neck since his hair was in a tight braid.
Mark growled against her lips, running his hands up and down her back, feeling the laces of her corset and slowly pulled away as his darkened green eyes stared down at her. Without a word, he walked over and opened the ropes for her, watching as she stepped through, and instantly followed. He swept her up in his strong arms and carried her up the ramp way, the crowd deafening behind them. Apparently they were all for Undertaker having Jenessa by his side, having missed her and, in truth, so did the Phenom.
As soon as they got backstage and Mark set her down, Jessa was clobbered with hugs from both Jeff and Ashley, causing her to laugh.
"Girl why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" Ashley demanded happily, finally releasing the hold she had on Jessa.
"Yeah, I feel so unloved!" Jeff whined and groaned when Mark popped him upside the head. "See what I had to deal with while you were gone."
Jessa couldn't wipe the smile off of her face even if she wanted to and felt Mark's arms encircle her waist from behind, immediately leaning back against him. "I'm sorry, but I wanted everything to be a surprise. We both know you two can't keep your mouths shut to save your lives." She smirked when they both glared and pinched each cheek. "I still love you both."
"Come on Jessa, we got a lot of talkin' to do." Mark stated, his mouth right by her ear, and smirked when she shivered against him followed by a nod. Taking her hand after releasing her waist, he guided her down the hallway as everyone smiled at them. It was about time these two got together was all they were thinking.
Jessa smiled when they arrived outside in the parking garage and stared at the motorcycle, remembering the last time she was on it, and watched as he straddled it. She allowed him to pull her so she was sitting in front of him again, like last time, her hands splayed on the handlebars with his over hers, back pressed against his chest. It felt so wonderful being back in his arms again, in his presence. She'd heard what he'd done while she was away and felt terrible about it, knowing partially it was her fault because she disappeared on him without a word. She could only hope and pray he forgave her.
"Hold on." His voice rumbled in her ear before starting the ignition, the sound of the bike thundering around the parking garage, and it was the best sound in the world to both.
Mark wrapped one arm around her waist while steering with the other, an expert on the motorcycle, and sped out of there, heading toward the hotel. He still couldn't believe Jessa was here and giving him a chance, a real chance. It was almost as if Mark was waiting to be pinched and wake up from this dream he never wanted to end.
Throughout the entire ride, Jessa thought about what she was doing, knowing she belonged with him. Somehow, someway she knew she belonged with Mark and always did, which is why she chose to agree to be Jenessa when she called Vince, wanting to come back. Vince was immediately for it, telling her she couldn't just go back to writing scripts because there'd been truck loads of letters and fan mail for her, asking where she was.
Where Jenessa was.
Jessa was skeptical at first, but after reading half of the fan mail, she finally decided writing scripts could go to someone else because she belonged out in the middle of the ring with Mark. Jenessa and Undertaker were one and that would never change. She snuggled further against him, the cool night wind blowing through her hair.
An hour later, Mark finally stopped the bike, causing Jessa to open her eyes as she looked around, drawing her eyebrows together. He didn't say a word and swung one leg over, getting off the motorcycle and held his hand out to her, causing Jessa to immediately take it. It was a beautiful, crisp April night, a little chilly, but Jessa had a feeling Mark would keep her warm.
They arrived at a nearby tree as she smiled, remembering where he'd taken her the last time, and looked around at the beautiful piece of land. Mark smiled and pulled her down to sit between his legs, leaning back against the tree, and wrapped those strong arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck and inhaling her scent again. She smelled wonderful, always had.
"What are we doing here?" She asked softly, breaking the silence between them, and felt her eyes drift closed when his lips attached to her neck. "Is this where no one can hear my screams?"
A dark chuckle sounded in her ear, causing a shiver to course down Jessa's spine, and she was suddenly turned around straddling his lap. "Maybe." He rumbled and brought her face down to his as he passionately kissed her, having wanted to do that ever since she teased him in the shower. That was the last time he got to taste her sweet lips, but now that they were together, he was going to explore them thoroughly.
"You are impossible and stubborn." She mumbled against his lips when they finally came up for air, his lips trailing down her jaw to her neck, causing her to grip his shoulders as her head tilted back, letting out the softest of moans. "And you're cocky."
Mark chuckled against her soft skin and nodded, not denying anything she said because he knew it was true. "And you're the most stubborn and bullheaded woman I've ever met and you can get annoyin'."
He wanted her though; god strike him dead here and now, but he wanted this woman for the rest of his life. He just knew it and he didn't know why. He was a cocky bastard and liked things his way, but Jessa always somehow managed to put him in his place and he loved that about her.
"Fair enough. Now show me how much you missed me." She stated, undoing his braid and ran her fingers through his hair.
Smiling when he lead Jessa down to where she was laying across his knees, her black hair splayed all over the grass below. She could hear the zipper of his jeans and shivered, her pussy quivering with anticipation. Her eyes drifted closed when she felt him unzip her jeans and pulled them off expertly while she was still lying on his legs and arched her hips up so he could remove her panties as well.
"Y-You really want to do this right here?"
Mark didn't answer as he gripped her hips with his strong hands and slowly filled her, causing a soft cry to escape her. He wasn't wasting anytime, he'd waited long enough to feel her and he wasn't going to waste the opportunity to do so. He groaned, feeling her walls tighten around him, suffocating him with the intensity, and had to stop to let her adjust to him, smirking at the way her body flushed. She looked even more beautiful, if that were possible.
"Mark!" She cried out, gripping his legs as her nails dug into the jean material, arching her body against him.
She didn't care if this was just a quick screw between them, she craved it. When he was fully sheathed inside of her, Jessa had to stop him to adjust, feeling her walls accommodate his size. She hadn't been with anyone in a few years and Mark wasn't exactly a small man, in fact, he was the biggest she'd been with since.
Jessa wasn't a slut, but she'd been around the block a few times, had a few short relationships, but nothing solid…until now. His eyes rolled in the back of his head at the sound of her voice crying out his name and slowly started pulling her to slam against him, going at a steady, rhythmic pace. His groans along with her moans filled the night air, which was beautiful music to his ears as he finally pulled her up to straddle him again, never sliding out of her.
"Ride me." He ordered gruffly, gripping her hips, his forest green eyes clouded over with desire staring up into near blackened orbs.
Jessa obliged as she slowly ground her hips against him, smirking when he sucked in a sharp breath, and did it even slower the second time. "Mmmm so hard…" She breathed in his ear, her long black hair flowing down her back to her waist and over her shoulders as she continued running her fingers through his hair, gripping it when he started hitting her sweet spot repeatedly.
"I'm not exactly a soft man." He stated heatedly and attacked her neck, suckling gently, not wanting to leave a hickey because she'd end up knocking his ass out. He just had a feeling so he was careful while she continued riding him, teasing and tormenting. "Harder darlin'…"
Her hips began moving a little faster and soon she was bouncing on and off of him, crying out as the pleasure overtook her, gripping his shoulders as her nails dug in a little. It increased when he started thrusting his hips up to meet her, intensifying the feeling as she whipped her head back and brought his head to kiss her chest right above her covered breasts. He hadn't taken her corset top off and honestly didn't care as she hissed out, going even faster.
"Oh yes…" She moaned out, the sounds of flesh smacking flesh echoing throughout the night, and knew she was close to releasing.
Mark wasn't far off either as he growled, starting to slam her down on top of him harder and faster, driving deeper with his own thrusts. He could feel her pulsating pussy wrapping around him and nodded, letting a low hiss between his teeth escape, starting to massage her breasts beneath the corset. "Cum for me, Jessa…I wanna feel you darlin'." He crooned in her ear, causing her to cry out harder, and knew he had her.
Within moments, seconds, Jessa shattered on top of him, letting out a scream that was deafening as her juices flowed, coating him completely, and allowing her orgasm to tear through her. "Mark!" Her breathing was ragged as she leaned her head down and buried it in his neck, feeling him thrusting harder inside of her, knowing he was about to explode.
"Jessa!" He growled out loudly, sinking his cock inside of her as far and deep as he could before releasing, his seed splashing against her back wall, filling her completely.
He smirked when she screamed out a second time, knowing he triggered a second release from her, and wrapped his strong arms around her waist, holding her close to him. He was breathing heavily along with her, their hearts thundering together as one. When Jessa finally caught her breath, she slowly looked up at him and smiled, caressing his cheek with her hand and kissed him softly.
"I'm not going to say the three words because I need to get to know you better first." She gently said, hoping he understood, pressing her forehead to his.
Mark chuckled and nodded, fully understanding as he held her close. "I can't say it yet either darlin' cause I need to get to know ya better too. I do care deeply for you though and I'm glad you're takin' this chance with me." He replied, kissing her softly, and ran his hands up and down her back, content with sitting there as he slowly went limp, enjoying this time.
"I care for you too, Mark, very much. Probably more than I should but fuck it. I'm taking this chance with you because I know you're worth it. I just hope you don't disappoint me." She said, staring deep into his green eyes, caressing his shoulders through the tank top and slid her fingernails down his chest with a smirk.
"I won't, you have my word."
That proceeded to start round two with Mark taking her to places only he could, making love under the stars and full it moon. Both knew they were taking chances with each other, but somehow they both knew that it would be worth it. Only time would tell, but in the meantime, they were going to learn to love each other the way they deserved and nobody would get in the way of it.
The End.