Title: Bloodlust
Rating: T
Warning: major OCness, vampire!AU
Character/Pairing: D18, possibly 8059, X27 and others if I continue this (come on, it's vampires, everyone goes with everyone)
Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! And all other sources I've created my own image of a vampire from (plenty from Supernatural)
Summary: Vampire!fic – A hunter who swore to slay the vampire that destroyed his family gets captured and turned. But that's just the beginning.
A/N: No idea, kill me. I blame Supernatural. This is seriously inspired by the TV show (go watch it, its awesome!). I couldn't get this idea out of my head though I am seriously not feeling well (surgery didn't go so well…) but I will try to write more…after I finish my homework, hopefully once I've written this (actually wrote this all in one go) I'll be able to get some schoolwork. This creeps me out actually...I normally don't write this sorta stuff...

"Otou-chan! I want takoyaki!"

The addressed man was of medium built, short cropped black hair and normal friendly brown eyes. He squatted down to eye-level of his seemingly six-year old, patted the boy on the head before lifting himself back up. He turned to the woman grasping the hand of the young boy and said, "Our son is way too spoiled."

He rested both of his hands in his back pockets, "watch him for a minute okay? I'm going back to that stall." He put his nose to the air, "don't know about you, but I think it smells great. You have a good eye for the nice stuff son." He ruffled the hair of the young boy who smiled brightly. "Just like your old man."

As he walked off, he stepped to the side to avoid a young boy catapulting out of a fancy black car, whistling as he eyed the car's sweet engines. Turning back, he walked off to buy his family a small snack, not noticing as the young kid continued running and ran right into his wife.

His wife grabbed the boy's shoulders gently to steady both of them, smiling at him warmly as the kid with soft blonde hair and eyes shadowed by a green baseball cap, glanced into her blue-grey eyes and whispered out a sorry in Japanese.

The woman just patted him on the head, "its okay, no problem at all. Just go slow next time okay?" The woman turned toward her son as she felt a tug on her sleeve. "Kyouya?"

Her son stared at the older boy in curiosity, wonder and slight trepidation. He had never seen hair of such color before.

His mother squeezed his hand gently, "its okay son. He's just a young boy like you. A tourist visiting I believe."

She glanced over to the car that the boy had bounded out from to look at his guardian, a European gentleman dressed in a fitting suit and donning sunglasses. The man bowed his head towards her and she returned the greeting.

"Hey, what's up?"

The father returned holding a platter of the delicious smelling treat, glancing at the young foreigner in a friendly manner.

His wife grabbed a stick and stabbed an octopus ball before handing it to the young kid. "Try it. You'll love it," she said pleasantly before walking off with her husband, hand curled around her son's, turning around to wave good-bye to the cute European lad.

The boy waved lightly before he walked back to the car. The small smile on his face disappeared as he looked at the man standing by the car. He lifted the small gift the Japanese lady gave him, sniffed it and curled his lips. Dropping the food to the floor, he mashed it with his foot until it no longer maintained its original shape. The blonde boy looked back at the direction the family had walked off and whispered with longing, "Mother…"

The night was dark. Violent winds blew the tree branches around the house whipping back and forth. A knock on the door. Footsteps from within, and then the doorknob turns.

A scream tears through the Hibari residence. Footsteps ran down the stairs to the front entrance.

Blood. On the walls, on the floor.

Six-year old Hibari Kyouya stared in horror as he saw his father sprawled on the carpet. Not moving.

He opened his mouth to scream but no voice came out. He stumbled toward the fallen form on his father, eyes in shock, and his tiny hands trembled as he grabbed for his father's face. Blood stained his hands

"Kyouya! Get away from the door!"

His head swung around and tripped backwards into a pool of his father's blood. His eyes opened in horror, staring at the dark shadow in front of the door. The shadow moved closer to him, reaching for his neck until the shadow suddenly moved away.

Away, towards his mother.


The shadow and his mother both disappeared in an envelope of darkness, leaving behind a six-year old kid, crying over the body of his father. His fists clutching tightly onto the older man's blood-soaked shirt, specks of blood covering the boy's hands, neck, and face.

And the kid would never forget what he saw as the shadow reached for him. The face of a European man with black hair, a mustache, glasses and a gold crest pinned to the man's jacket.

"Are you ready to embrace your destiny, Tsuna?"

The brown haired boy, who was peeking out of his window, his hands shading his eyes from burning glare of the sun, pulled away and bared his fangs. "I don't have much of a choice do I, Reborn?"

He sat down on his bed heavily, putting his head in his hands. "What now? I can't go out during the day without sunglasses. I can't meet my friends, I can't go to school. My life is over."

"You're wrong Tsuna. It's just begun."

Tsuna shook his head, still hiding his eyes. "So what are you saying? Dad's known all along, but what about mom? Does she know? Will she know?"

"It's not that bad, lil bro."

Tsuna looked up at the Italian man leaning against the door. Head of the Cavallone family, raised right and proper, as opposed to him, his vampire heritage was hidden by a spell that allowed his true abilities to manifest on his fourteenth birthday. "What do you mean, Dino-san?"

His brother lifted up his finger to trace an invisible crack on the doorframe. He leaned his head back and then looked at his younger brother from the corner of his eyes. "Your family Tsuna. We are creatures of the night. We live forever. Those you wish to live with you forever, your family."

Tsuna's mouth dropped open a little, "y-you mean turn them?"

"Of course. You must choose wisely, but this is the reason why the Ninth sent Reborn to help you." Dino scrutinized Tsuna's face for a moment. "What is it Tsuna?"

"Why does the Ninth need me? Doesn't he live for eternity?"

Dino sighed and walked closer towards the Japanese teenager. "Things are complicated Tsuna. The Varia's coming and you need to get ready. I promise that I'll explain things to you soon. But there are things you must do first Tsuna." The Italian swiped a thumb across Tsuna's lips. "You haven't been feeding."

The blonde man sat down next to the boy, tipping the bed slightly. From his waist, he pulled out an ornate dagger crusted with symbols and jewels before dragging it down his own wrist, a steady trail of blood leaking down his arm.

As he held it in front of Tsuna, the brown hair boy's fangs slid out. "We are different from the others Tsuna. Our blood is different from the others. You must accept this gift, this honor." Tsuna pressed his lips onto the Dino's forearm, smothering his mouth over the stream of red and closer towards the wound. He drank greedily, his tongue lapping up the blood sensually, fangs trailing along the blonde's skin, sending small tremors of pleasure down the Italian's back. Tsuna's tongue flicked at Dino's wound once more and stared mesmerized as the skin healed up, leaving not even a scratch.

"Tsuna…" breathed out Dino as his hands edging closer to Tsuna's body.

From the window, Reborn pulled his fedora lower over his eyes and said one word, "Dino."

The addressed Italian shook his head. Reborn was right, not the right time, not the right place. "Let's go Tsuna, it's time to take your pick and choose."

Tsuna, still slightly breathless from the recent feeding and shook his mind to clear his head. "Choose what?"

Dino slung his arm over his younger brother's. "Your Vongola Guardians."

"Arduino is dead."

A hand that was gently sloshing a bright red liquid inside a wine glass paused mid-motion. "How?"

"His head was cut clean from his body. He was dead the moment his head was severed from his neck."

"Have you tracked down who did it?"

"No, whoever did it left no tracks. He's good, a professional if I have to say so myself."

"A professional? In Japan? Who are you kidding?"

"Should we continue bringing in our brothers? The young Vongola is going to set up his legion in Japan."

"Continue the operations, but in smaller numbers. First contact the Cavallone, he'll need to be informed. Arduino is not going to die in vain."

The wineglass was thrown into the wall, blood staining the wallpaper as it slowly trickled down.

It was silent on the school roof. A gentle breeze swept through, blowing abandoned papers into the chain link fence, forgotten pieces of homework from the past few days. The moon's beams extended the shadows from the metal water tank, hiding the figure of a lithe youth dressed in black.

Almost soundless footsteps approached closer to the hidden person, the wind blew harder as the footsteps drew nearer. Then an educated voice said in Japanese with a slight accent, "is it you?"

He approached closer, "You hunted down Arduino?" Sharp fangs slid down from his gums, "don't try to keep hiding, I can smell you."

The middle-aged vampire masked his surprise as the figure stepped out from the cover of the shadows. The moonlight highlighted his pale alabaster skin and wintry blue-grey eyes. His face was entirely blank and his body was seemingly relaxed.

The vampire's eyes swept over the boy's lithe muscular body in glee before murmuring his disappointment, "So beautiful…shame you'll have to die so young."

The boy raised an eyebrow, "you?"

"You've been marked boy. Orders from the Cavallone head himself. Any last words?" Was it just him, or did the boy smirk?

"Yes actually. Go back to hell."

The boy moved in an almost inhuman speed, snapping open a small bottle and splashing its contents in the eye of the vampire. The undead tried to step back but his surprise at the boy's speed caused him to hesitate and he hissed in pain, falling down on one knee. "Holy water. Nice trick, you'll pay for that." He squinted at the boy but he had disappeared already.

"You're quite slow for a vampire." The blood-sucker quickly jerked his head to the side and widened his eyes at the sight of the boy behind him swinging down a sharp silver machete.

As the blood of the undead dripped down the blade, the boy picked up his cell phone, "Kusakabe. Clean up the remains on the roof. I want this place spotless by sunrise."

"You shouldn't have done that."

Hibari's eyes flickered over to the road where a black Benz was parked as he walked down the street. The person who spoke was dressed in a crisp black suit, but the features Hibari noticed – and the ones that stopped him dead in his tracks – was face looking back at him. The same face that haunted him for ten years. His fists clenched together.

"Son of a bitch!"

The man frowned slightly. "My name is Romario and I serve Lord Dino of the Cavallone. I have come to apprehend you."

Hibari scoffed, "the question is, will you be able to? Come, I've been waiting for this my whole life."

Romario disappeared and reappeared behind Hibari, his hands reaching for neck of the young boy. Just as he closed in on his target, the boy spun around, his hands up at a block. Romario took advantage of the boy's weakness to kick him hard, sending the boy tumbling to the ground a few meters away. "I don't know your reason behind hunting us," he murmured as he stepped closer to the hunter. "But you are still young. I am different from the others you've fought before boy."

The body lie prone, motionless – was he defeated that easily? "Not that different," whispered the boy as he secretly popped off the cork of a vial, hiding his action with his body. Suddenly sitting up, he tossed the vial at the bloodsucker approaching him, dousing the vampire with the liquid.

Romario glanced at the sticky substance on his hands. "Blood? Boy, I will not let you go just because you decide to feed me." The boy's eyes remained narrowed and angered, yet a certain confidence shone for his eyes. Romario suddenly fell to his knees and gasped out, "blood of a dead man?"

"Yes…it hurts does it not? It's time for me to take my revenge," whispered the boy angrily. He pulled out his machete, still covered with the blood of the previous vampire he hunted and started to swing down until his arm was stopped by a whip that wrapped around his wrist.

"You forgot about me." The whip tightened until Hibari lost grip of his blade.

Hibari swung around to see a blonde man stepping out of the car. Rage filled his body, how could he have let down his guard the moment he saw his chance for revenge?

Twirling the whip a few more times around his wrist to gain leverage, Hibari grabbed yanked the whip closer to his body, causing the man to stumble forward and land in front of him. Hibari pulled out his final vial of Holy Water and splashed it on the man's face.

Hibari's eyes widened when the man had no reaction. Instead, the vampire pulled out a black handkerchief and wiped his face. "I am not like the others," he said before knocking out the young Japanese boy.

"This is him! The one who kill Arduino and Floriano? He's a freaking baby!"

Members of the room started coughing softly, and the original speaker turned red, "Ahh...excuse me for my exclamation Reborn. I was not thinking before I spoke."

Reborn ignored the man and addressed his former student. "What are you going to do with him Dino?"

He gestured towards the Japanese teen tied to the chair in the middle of the room. His head was bowed low, wrists tied behind him, and were currently eyed by the every vampire lounging out around the suite, nursing a glass of blood.

"Reborn! What do you mean what should be done with him. He's a hunter! Kill him! Then hang his death carcass outside your estate, showcasing it to the other hunters that dare to try to take us on!"

"I say we keep him alive. He does have a very nice look to him. Besides, it would kill him to be serving the very beings he hunted down his entire life."

"I still say we kill him. We have to, not after Arduino and Floriano sacrificed themselves-"

"Enough." Even though Dino was several centuries younger than the others in the room, his status demanded respect and attention. "Romario, he recognized you. Do you know who he is?"

"No, Boss. I do not think I have ever met him before. He might have just recognized me from the blacklist. I have served your family for several hundred decades."

"It might be," Dino raised a hand to his lips, "but somehow I doubt it. He knows you, in more than that sort of way. He mentioned seeking revenge and the moment he saw your face, he was completely caught of guard. If he managed to kill two of us already, there was no way he would have been distracted so easily."

"Have you decided what to do with him, Boss?"

"He might serve as a good replacement for Floriano."

"I'd die before I ever serve the likes of you." The vampire's swerved their attention back to their prisoner. His head lifted up, his frozen blue-grey eyes glared out, his arms obviously struggling against the ropes that bound his wrists together.

"Looks like sleeping beauty has awakened," barked out the man sitting by the door. He grabbed a poker from beside the unlit fireplace and stalked towards the Japanese boy.

"Don't cause any trouble Gianni," warned the vampire staring out the window. Despite his tone, his face was blank and nonchalant.

"Don't be a spoilsport, old man."

He went behind of Hibari, who was still struggling with the ropes. "You want to get out so badly? I'll help you," he said sadistically and swung down the poker, missing the ropes and slashing into the wrists of the young boy.

Hibari gritted his teeth in pain, stunned for a moment at the pain before he relaxed his body. He could tell his blood was dripping profusely from the slash, struggling would just agitate the wound more.

The vampire trailed the poker gently over the body of the boy who stiffened. "I wonder how many times I'll have to cut you before you scream."

"Gianni," warned Romario this time. Gianni raised his hands, chuckled and backed off. Romario scrutinized the face of the boy, "why did you say you seek revenge from me?"

"Do you not remember me…asshole?" "I do not recall you at all."

"Tell me…why did you take…my mother…?" The boy had begun to breathe heavily from the blood loss.

Romario wrinkled his eyebrows, trying to recall his memories until his eyes opened wide. "You! You were the boy ten years ago!"

Dino's eyebrows shot up when he remembered the incident, "Romario, you were supposed to leave no one alive except for the woman."

"Forgive me Boss, this boy was covered in his dead father's blood. I could not touch him. I was going to go back to finish the job but we were called back by your sire to return to Italy immediately."

"So for ten years he's been hunting you down…"

"Dino," addressed Reborn, his eyes trained on the boy. "What are you going to do? The boy will die of blood loss if you do not make a decision fast."

Dino was snapped from his thoughts as he turned to look at the boy again. Small, lithe but exactly Dino's type. He took three large steps, stepping noisily into the Japanese boy's own pool of blood.

The Cavollone head pull out a dagger and drew it against his wrist, filling his mouth with his own blood. The boy seemed to have given up the will to live, his head drooped low, and his lips deathly pale as Dino tilted the boy's head up towards him.

As Dino lowered his lips to the Japanese boy's, the hunter understood what he was doing and with great effort tried to pull his face away.

"I'd die before I ever serve the likes of you."

Too bad you will have to die before serving me, thought Dino. After all, vampires were not creatures of the living. Dino pressed his lips against the boy's once more, his hand forcefully holding the struggling head in place. As he transferred his own blood into the other's mouth, the child stopped struggling once the cursed blood entered his system.

After several moments of tense silence – there had been incidents in which the blood of the cursed was rejected, resulting in immediate death of the victim – before the boy began to stir.

Whispers erupted in the room but Dino ignored them to stare at his new subordinate. "What is your name?"

The head of the Japanese boy shot up, his blue-grey eyes blazing with anger while Dino was stunned. Never had anybody both defied the blood and survived. He stilled for several moments, watching as the hunter's eyes flickered between hate and obedience. Finally, the eyes settled on a chilled blue-grey state, lacking any sort of emotion.

"Kyouya, Hibari Kyouya….master."

Takoyaki: fried octopus balls

Note: Continuation will be considered depending on the feedback. If not, this will stay a one-shot.