Not sure what this story is about, or the plot, for that matter. I have wanted to do a story like this for a little bit but couldn't really figure out how. Here is the rundown: Kate and Ari were sleeping together and the first chapter is going to be Bête Noire, the second Reveille, and the last one will be Twilight. In case you haven't figured it out, it's Kari! I don't own these people, or the show. Review!
Ari Haswari was waiting outside Caitlin Todd's apartment early that morning. When Kate came out, Ari grabbed her arm and stared into her eyes, "Caitlin, I have a mission I must complete today. I am hoping it does not affect you, and I am sorry in advance for whatever harm it may cause, but I must complete it. You know how it is, Caitlin."
Kate nodded confusedly at him before kissing him. Then she left for work.
Kate leaned back against the walls of the elevator on her way down to autopsy with the evidence Ducky wanted.
Why would Ari be sorry? I knew he did some harsh things on his missions, but none of them have affected me before. As soon as I get back upstairs, I am hacking into his laptop from here…but I don't think you can do that without the actual computer, can you?
As Kate stepped out of the elevator and saw the flashing red lights, she thought of Abby. No wonder she can't handle coming down here. It is a little creepy with the lights off. Wait, why would the lights be off?
Ari almost groaned when he heard Kate's voice coming from outside autopsy, he really didn't want to bring her into this, but what would Dr. Mallard think if he let a potential hostage just walk away? He looked at her bare back that was revealed as she bent over, he also saw her SIG Sauer. Perfect.
When Did Lab Rats Start Carrying SIG Sauer's?
Ari had his back turned from Dr. Mallard and Gerald, so he openly smirked as Kate rolled her eyes when he told her to get on the autopsy table. He patted her down, his hands skimming over familiar territory. When she didn't flinch at him touching her inner thighs, he hoped Ducky and Gerald weren't watching closely.
Ari knew he was going easy on them. He hoped Kate knew that too, because he was relying on her to let him sleep at her place tonight. As Kate repeatedly called him a bastard, he hoped she was just saying it for show. At her logic for calling him a bastard, You ARE a bastard! He had almost laughed, typical Caitlin. After he placed them all in the freezer, he called Kate back out, so he wouldn't look suspicious.
"Caitlin…" Ari whispered as he traced a finger down her cheek. She flinched, but proceeded to lean into his touch anyway.
"I told you I was sorry." Ari added.
"I know. And I forgive you for holding me hostage and shooting Gerald, but really, Ari, you made me lay on an autopsy table? Dead people are cut open on that!" Kate quietly whined.
"I did that on purpose you know." Ari smiled at her.
"I figured as much." Kate whispered as she stole a quick kiss from him. After lightly kissing, Ari shoved her into the freezer.
As they heard the gunshots, Kate winced. If Gibbs kills Ari, I may shoot him.
That thought made Kate think about her first time meeting Gibbs, and threatening to shoot him, oh, and hitting him repeatedly. Not such a good first impression on your boss.
Kate was relieved to hear that Ari had not been shot. But Tony bringing up the falling in love with your captor thing really made her think, how can she fall in love with a terrorist?
When she went home, she knew Ari would be waiting for her. After all, he was staying with her.
"I am sleeping here tonight." Ari stated as soon as Kate stepped in her apartment.
"And men complain about women being clingy and dependent." Kate smiled at him.
"Well, Caitlin, men can do anything they'd like, simply because we are the greater sex." Ari smirked as he kissed her.
"Whatever you say…you know, because I am a woman and simply do not know what I am talking about." Kate smiled as he led her into the bedroom.
I have changed my mind, next chapter is going to be a little surprise twist, then it is going from there, I may add Reveille in it…but we'll see how it goes! Review!