Hi everyone I have here for you Chapter 58!
I know it's been a really long time since I've updated this story and many of my others. I'm very sorry for that. The last couple of years I've been going through many things that have made it difficult for me to write. I definitely don't want to give up. I will do my best to finish this story. I love it so much and all the support over the years from you wonderful people has certainly kept me going. I hope you enjoy the new chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto I wish I did though.
There will be Yaoi and Shounen-ai between ItachiXDeidara. If you don't like don't read.
Please Review! I would love to hear from you XD
I continued to stand there staring at Itachi with no inclination as to what to do. Did I follow my brain, or my heart or a combination of both? Itachi was so incredibly important to me it wasn't even funny how much I wanted to get back together with him.
It hit me like a slap to the back of the head like Sasori would give me. I took Itachi's hands in my reveling in the warmth that thawed my body. It felt like coming home to hold Itachi's hand. I wasn't sure how long it would last so I made sure to memorize the weight of his hands in mine and the feelings they stirred in me with such a simple gesture.
I stared into Itahci's fathomless dark eyes. "I know you might not like what I'm about to propose hell even I'm not too sure about, but give me a chance, okay?" Itachi narrowed his eyes, nodding reluctantly. I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding. "Instead of just jumping right back in I think we should try dating for a while. Last time we got together right away. Let's try dating and then we can decide if this is something we want to continue to pursue. I can already tell you the answer I'll have." My cheeks burned a little along with my ears. Itachi would probably think it was a dumb idea. It was the only thing that came to mind when he suggested we get back together. But leaping without looking again wasn't something I could right now. We needed to work on our communication and maybe without the label of boyfriend we could find a way to make it work.
Itachi pursed his lips, closing his eyes for a moment. I waited patiently all the while continuing to hold his hands unwilling to let them go. No matter what happened touching Itachi would always feel like perfection personified. My body started to warm the longer I was close to him, inhaling his intoxicating scent that drove me to the edge of wanting to rip off his clothes.
As I was about to head in to wonder land with fantasies of a naked Itachi I was thrown from that thought process when Itachi gently pulled his hands away from mine. My heart dropped below the floor only to start pounding when Itachi swept a piece of my bangs behind my left ear.
"Deidara, we'll give this a real shot. Even if we're only dating," Itachi put air quotes around dating. "You're not allowed to see anyone else." Itachi hit me with a hard stare.
I started laughing. "Who on this earth would I want to date besides you?" I sobered when I realized Itachi agreed to my idea. "You really want to do this?"
"Yes, I do. Although I'll say I'm all for getting back together right now. I'm just glad you want to try."
I wanted to slap my forehead for what I was about to propose. My cock was screaming at me that it was the worst idea in the whole, but it seemed to fit the theme of what we were doing. "Before you get too excited I have another stipulation. I don't think we should have sex unless we're officially back together."
Itachi's faced closed off for a moment hiding everything behind his cool ice mask that he was so good at giving. He exhaled loudly. "Fine. I'm not happy about that though. I can live without sex for as long as you want to do this."
Happiness bloomed in my chest expanding like a balloon. "So we're really doing this?" I asked, not sure if this was really happening. If I said someone pinch I had no doubt Sasori would do just that. Sasori and Kisame might have another shot at something if Itahci and I weren't at each others' throats.
Now that I thought about it we already had the condition not to do anything sexual until I did well in English. As far as I was concerned our new agreement canceled out the old one. Honestly I wanted to jump for joy at the prospect that Itachi and I were maybe finally on the same page, but then again I had to remember that actions speak louder than words at least in this case.
I knew I had a lot to work on to. Not just giving into Itachi, but letting him know what I was thinking and no more freaking out or at least trying not to.
"You're thinking too much. Let's just have fun and think about where we want to go for our first date." Itachi stroked his fingers through my bangs, gliding his fingers over the curve of my cheek then along my jaw making my body shudder from the feather like touch. It's not going to be easy to keep things friendly with us especially if one small touch already had me at half mast. I closed my eyes tightly.
I slowly pulled away from Itachi, wincing at the hint of pain in his dark eyes easily covered up with his mask firmly in place. That was another thing we were going to have to work on, not retreating behind walls. "Hey, now no need to get upset." I touched Itachi's to reestablish contact. "I only pulled away because one touch from you already has me hard." I pointed to my now snug jeans. Itachi's eyes lit up with mischievous glint.
He raised his hand reaching out to my crotch, I turned quickly to make sure he didn't come in to contact with anything that he shouldn't have. It's been so long that any touch was likely to set me off.
He held his hand up surrender. "Okay, I won't touch your cock. It's baffling that I can have such an effect on your body."
I titled my head to the side. "Don't I have the same effect on you?" I was genuinely curious. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it might be a nice ego boost to know I was able to get Itachi hard with a touch or a look.
Itachi glanced down at his own hard-on when I heard moaning from down the hall and crept away from Itachi to peek around the corner when I saw something made my stomach clench with happiness and maybe a little bit of envy.
Sasori and Kisame were clawing at each other, kissing like it was their last one and would never get another chance. Kisame had Sasori pressed against the wall, with Sasori hanging onto to him for dear.
A warm presence pressed against my back letting me know Itachi had seen the whole thing too. We slowly moved away from view and went back to lunch to talk about what our first date would be that night. All the smiling knowing what was happening between our two best friends.