Disclaimer: I do not own Artemis Fowl. If I did, I would be the happiest girl in the world.

Holly sped through the skies, enjoying the scent of above-ground air. The pollutants were especially strong tonight, but the air still smelled nice. At least it wasn't the under-ground recycled variety. Holly looked at the sky above her head. Oh, how she missed the sight of the sky at night. Then she frowned. The moon was glowing, full and splendid, in the dark sky, but there were no stars. After a bit of intense searching, she spotted one to the south. Very small, and glimmering only faintly. Holly scowled. Only one star was able to fight through the mud men's pollution and blinding city lights? Holly sighed, then smiled at the star.

"Good luck little one. You'll need it."

Yay! Moi first drabble! Whaddya think? Review, please? More to come!