A/N: Hello all! I've finally decided to branch off from my usual fandom, and here I am. This will be my first 00 fic, so be a little gentle.

Childhood…it was something people only received one of, and if lost it couldn't be recovered. It was the time where everything was innocent, where everything could help shape the person you were going to be. It might not have necessarily been a pleasant experience for everyone, but one thing was for sure it shared both its good and bad moment that buried themselves deep into the physic where they waited. For what you ask? To be remembered through the senses many years later, causing tears, laughter, or overwhelming joy. To just define something such a childhood as a 'period in ones life where someone were young' did it no justice; it was the single most important moment in anyone's life and it needed to be experienced for some to full understand it.

But first memories needed to be made, and that was exactly what he was doing. It wasn't hard for the small child who stood behind the woman with the pretty hair to figure out that he was making one right now; however, it was much harder for him to figure out if he was going to remember this moment for its absolute absurdity or its massive devastation of the image of the person standing right in front of him. To understand the situation one needed to go back to how all of this started, and it was a journey that started out so normal but somewhere along the way became very…interesting.

Change was not his friend nor was it something he desired on a regular basis, but that was what he received on a Friday afternoon…which just happened to be the Friday that signaled the start of summer vacation. It was hot that day, like most days in the summer were, and the only thing he wanted to do was go home and take a nap. July was just one of those months that made people lazy; the heat forced everyone to just want to crash, but of course if people just decided to just stop working money would be lost (his father was a businessman so he understood the value of it). Everyone was busy this time of year; if you weren't planning on just lying around the house all day one needed to prepare for what kind of vacation was going to be taken, be it for a few days or the entire month. For him he didn't really need to worry about such things, seeing that his mother had never wanted go anywhere since his family had moved there.

Japan was nice…he didn't mind moving to such a far place; it wasn't like he had any friends that would miss him if he left or people that would cry for him, but maybe that just him being naïve or selfish. His parents could've very well had people they missed and missed them in return, but he wasn't the type to get involved with their personal lives so he didn't really know. The only thing he hated about the move was the plane ride…thirteen hours on a plane was not good for a child his age, and he didn't need to be an adult to know that. He was nine at the time and didn't know what the word 'patient' meant after the first four hours, and he had held out for a reasonable amount of time before he decided that enough was enough. Sleeping was out of the question because he had just done so for the past three hours. He was young which meant his attention was going to wander from on thing to another…and it did.

Humming, pressing that little 'call flight attendant' button, asking that inevitable question 'are we there yet?' was just about all he could think of doing. He wasn't doing it to be annoying, nor was he doing it to get a good kick out of it. Time needed to be passed and by any means necessary, annoying or otherwise. His mother tried to calm him down, telling him that once they arrived they get to see their father and that they'd get to live somewhere very 'lovely'. That worked to a certain degree, mainly because he had not seen his father for an entire month. He had gone ahead to make sure everything was taken care of, which was a rather smart move on his part because the last thing anyone wanted was to end up in a foreign land with nothing. He looked up to that man, even if his work hours were hellish and he didn't get to see him often. It was a small price to pay for providing a good life for his family.

He didn't need to worry about learning the language since his mother was fluent in it, having studied it since birth and lived in the country for six years. She did well at teaching him everything that was needed to know, and that contributed to the fact that she was, well, a teacher. She taught grades six through eight, but by no means did it mean that she was not graced with the knowledge of a woman who'd educated masses for years. His father told him that if she wanted she could've so easily quite her job to pursue a career with a little more challenge, i.e. high school level or college. But she loved children, and unfortunately she was not graced with the body to bare them; he just happened to be born by chance and the doctors had told her that the odds of her having another one were slim to nothing. They also told her if she ever tried again it would kill her; he was old enough to understand the concept of death, and he knew if that woman was no longer around he wouldn't know how to function.

Putting that aside, she was rather happy to move since she said there was someone she'd been meaning to visit for years. The person she spoke of was apparently very close to her since his mother spoke very fondly of them. When asked who they were he was told that it was a 'secret' and it would reveal itself overtime. Cryptic was something his mother was not, which meant that his person was someone very important; however, she did tell him that she had know said person since birth.

Upon landing he really didn't allow himself to look around all that much, wanting to do so once he was firmly settled in. He didn't want to grow accustomed to something that was not guaranteed, having found such beauty in something but having it quickly snatched away. Change was not his friend…and with a big change like this, no matter how much he really like or disliked it was still something he needed to reel him in. He was not all that hard to please, but when it came to something this big it not only needed to please him it needed to perform feats thought not possible by any. In short…he wanted this place to make him love it. To be pleased was one thing but to love was another; someone could be 'pleased' with a crappy paint job on a house but to be 'love'…that was to be engrossed in it, to want it unconditionally and without question. That was someone only his parents had done…

His father had met them there on their arrival, and of course he just had to perform the 'run and jump' on him just because he hadn't seen the man in a whole month. When asked how his flight was by him he answered the man truthfully…boring and long. After a small conversation between the three of them, they left for the baggage claim to retrieve what little luggage they had brought with them. Everything they owned was already on its way to their home, and by the time they left the airport and arrived at their new humble-abode the moving men would have already arrived. Of course curiosity got the better of him and he tried his best to hold back his eagerness, even if the harder he tried the more it showed.

Once they had collected everything, all three of them headed for the main entrance. His father had also purchased a new car just so they could fit in, and it wasn't really like he minded if the man did such a thing. A car was a car, as long as it moved and got them to their destination it didn't matter what it looked like. He just hopped the ride wouldn't be too long, since the plane had taken its toll on him and if another three to four hours was necessary to reach wherever they were going he was going to snap. Luckily for him (or rather everyone) it only took two hours to reach their new home, and once it had come into view he could see the movers pulling out the many pieces of furniture and bringing them inside. The house itself looked nice, other then the fact that it looked like the neighboring homes. After lying eyes on it the first thing that, the first thing that popped into his head was just how different this place was going to be. Granted his mother had filled him in about what life was like there, but that kind of information could only go so far.

He received the answer to that question once he started attending school; he deducted rather quickly that the new kid was not always the most popular one. Being picked on wasn't something he was new to, having gone through the same thing back in the States. The name calling, the pranks, the just plain harassment…he was use to it and like before he told no one about it. Stressing out his mother or his father was not on his agenda, so it was better for him to just keep it all to himself for the sake of his parent's heath. Why should such small things bother him? Or for that matter why have them bother his parents? So nothing had changed…

Saying he was alright with living like that was a horrible thing to do, even if it meant explaining just why he came home looking so disheveled. But what he wasn't alright was what took place a year later; after coming home from school he was surprised to see both of his parents home. His father always worked late and was never back until late, around the time he was in bed so seeing while the sun was still up meant that something was going on. After taking a seat he was told that his father had been transferred (once again) to a different office. This wasn't a bad thing; it only meant that he was much more qualified to work in a different environment, but that also meant that change was about to come barreling his way. A different office meant a moving again, and moving again meant trying to readjust himself once more…not to say he had come to love this place. But where he was told they'd be moving made him turn his head ever so slight in '…huh?' It was a village…now he didn't mind moving to such a place, and he didn't mind at all the nearest town was a few miles away. What he did mind was the fact that he would have to move again.

But he couldn't very well reject the decision his parents had made; he never once questioned them and knew they were always right. This was something that would affect their lives, and with that he knew there was no amount of whining or protest that would change anything. So once again he was forced to pack up everything he owned and relocate. This move was slightly better then the last, since there was no plane involved. Even if the car ride was long at lest he wasn't three-thousand feet in the air, and as long as he could look out the window and see just how much his surrounds were going to change also helped. The fast moving world outside his window was nothing new to him, having traveled long distances in a car prier to that moment. But what he hadn't seen before the sharp contrast of the city to a small village. He knew what a city was, he knew that it was filled with noise and people clumped together trying to get where they needed to go. The smell of people and car fumes were the only thing one could inhale in such a tight place, and it didn't help that you were bumping into someone every five seconds.

Once all of that was taken away, what would he be left with? He found out once the tall buildings were gone, left with nothing but open space and greenery. The smell of people no longer lingered in air, and the only thing he could smell was a strange freshness in the air. That wasn't to say that they're were not any people around; he saw a few of them mainly around a building that was probably a community center of some kind since there were so many adults around it. In the distance he could see a forest which was something he didn't at all in the city, it was rather large and he wondered if it was possible to explore such a place. Going to the left side of the car he could see that a small stream that looked as if it ran right into the forest, perking his interest ever so slightly.

He'd only seen places like this in books; he knew they existed but he never thought he'd lived in such a…beautiful place. Yes, he would freely admit that such a place was quite a stunning feel to it, but that did not mean he was going to like it. Upon stopping at what would be their new home, he found that that he actually wanted to look around much more then he had during his pervious stay at their old home. The other homes looked the same, but not all that much and that was a plus. The outside resembled the old style Japanese homes, but the inside had not been explored so he couldn't say the same for it. All of them were place a good distance away from the others, but they weren't far enough to the point where you couldn't peek out the window and say 'ohayou gozaimasu!' to your neighbor (but it wasn't like it was something he'd do at all). A little further down the road he could see a much larder house, one that looked as if it held some kind of importance.

His mother caught him looking at said building and told him they'd have to visit there soon; it was the elder's house and it was only right to pay them a visit out of respect. He understood what she meant, but after looking around a little more he ask where his father would be working since there's were not any office buildings around. The nearest town was the only place where such things existed and that was were he would be working, though it was somewhat far his work hours would be changed. He was informed that the man would be home before dinner, which at their house meant around 7:30. That pleased him to know.

Once the movers had once again started placing furniture in their new home, he wondered once again how different this place was compared to his other home. He was still in Japan so there couldn't have been that much of a difference, right? School was still going to be school, there were still going to be people that teased him, and he would still keep it all to himself. But there was more good news; since summer vacation had started he did not need to worry about such a thing until August, and he didn't mind that in the slightest. Something like this needed a major adjustment, and he knew jumping into some like this wasn't going to be easy. At lest when he was in the city nothing was different, but this…this needed some getting use to.

After a few days of unpacking and getting the house just right, he was told by his mother that the person who she was apparently very fond of resided in said village. He questioned if that was also one of the reasons they had moved to such a place. She answered with a yes, and that did not irritate him in the slightest. If she wanted to see this friend of hers then she could very well do so, he had once again no say in what she did. But when she told him that he would be meeting this person because they had something to do with his life made him feel uneasy, like something was happening and he wasn't aware of it. This he did mind slightly…the uneasy feeling he was getting made him think that this person was someone horrible, wanting nothing more then to tear their family apart. But he knew deep down that his mother would never allow someone to do such a thing, since he knew she loved her family more then anything. The woman never complained about her life, unlike the other people he heard on the streets back in the States. They would always point out the bad never the good, and always seemed to want a divorce over something trivial.

But his mother never complained about anything, only wanting to make her family happy and wanting the same in return. He was content with his life, wanting nothing to change it and nothing to come in-between him and the people he loved. However, he could feel that once again change was going to come barreling through his door, but this time with something even more outrageous. And he was right…

He was taken to the home that was three houses away from his, and all the while he clung nervously to his mother's skirt. He'd never really been to another's house before, only ever gracing the steps of the front porch as he waited for his mother. So to actually go inside of someone's home was going to be an experience for him, and he wasn't sure if it was going to be a good or bad thing. If this person was important to his mother then he would do anything she asked, even if it meant him feeling completely uncomfortable. Upon arriving he held onto his mother tighter; he didn't know just what he was there for, and the only thing he could think of doing was hiding behind his mother. She told him that everything was going to be okay, but even that couldn't completely kill the feeling that something was going to change. He watched as his mother knocked on the wooden door and wait; she looked rather eager to see this person and he completely understood what she was feeling. He'd gone through the same thing five minutes before meeting his father at the airport that day; the feeling of something knotting up in your stomach and not coming undone until that person was in sight…he'd felt it.

He snapped away from his thoughts when the sound of someone giving off a small scream took him by surprise. His mother was being hugged by a rather nice looking woman, and his only guess was that this was the person his mother held dear. They seemed like a nice person, but he was only basing this on how she looked which probably didn't tell him a thing about her personality. He heard his name called and his attention was now fully on the woman who was previously hugging his mother; she had a nice smile, much like his mother, but he wondered just why he was asked to come if her house was in no way far from his. When asked if he 'would like to meet someone special' he couldn't help but come out from behind his mother ever so slightly.

Someone special? Who could that have been? He nodded a little and received a very bright smile from the woman, and he wasn't sure if his little action was a good thing. The precious person disappeared into the house for a few minutes and came back with someone who looked older them he did. Not old like a 'huge gap huge', but at lest by two or three years. Which that they were taller then he was, and that further added to the fact that they were older. The person resembled their mother quite a bit, having the same exact hair texture and eye color. He didn't really like looking people in the eye all that much, but from the quick glance he could tell that their color was a blue color. Since it was so quick he couldn't tell just what shade it was, and he really had not intention of looking back any time soon. Other then that the most obvious difference was that the person was male, but of course there was personality to account for. Why was this person special? Was this the reason he'd come to this place? They seemed like a nice person as well, but then again…he was just basing it on looks.

Upon hearing his mother saying that he needed to introduce himself he winced slightly; he hated saying hello to new people more then he hated attending school. He knew that he need to do such thing if he wanted to make a good impression on people…this wasn't one of those times. This was, however, one of those times where his shyness had not only completely taken him over but had left him in a complete lack of words. When he was pushed in front of this 'important person' and knew there was no way he could talk or whine is way out of anything (not that he was the whining type). He slowly opened his mouth and said his name in a very small voice, knowing that he'd have to probably repeat it so everyone could hear him. But that wasn't the case, and he was thankful for such a thing…however…what happened next took him completely by surprise.

Surprised was not a state he could easily find himself in, but on that day he found himself literally frozen by it. This 'special person' had just stolen something away from him, something he didn't think would've been taken away in less then five seconds. He saw the motion but did not know just what the person in front of him was planning…until it was too late that is. This…'special person' had just stolen his first kiss. Needless to say he didn't need any explanation as to why this had happened, but he did know that the appropriate action would be to push this person away…which is what he did. After the person was a not as close to him he quickly returned to his spot behind his mother, no longer wishing to be there.

So here he currently was…wandering just what this 'special person' had to do with him, and just why his mother had brought him over to his madhouse.

"Neil! I told you not to do that once he arrived!" Said the mother of the 'special person', who was not particularly pleased with his action.

"Heh, sorry mom." The one now named as 'Neil' said, a big smile gracing his features as he spoke. This was madness…he might've only been ten but he knew madness when he saw it.

"Then introduce yourself properly." His mother's friend told the 'Neil' person. Brushing himself off, the 'Neil' person held out his hand towards him and proceeded to speak his name.

"Neil Dylandy!" He practically shouted. He looked at this 'Neil Dylandy' person's hand and then looked back at his mother, hoping that this was all a joke and that she would take him home now. But she only motioned towards the crazy person, meaning she actually expected him to shake his hand. After what seemed like hours he finally managed to muster up enough courage to touch the one known as 'Neil Dylandy', even if deep down he knew something horrible was going to happen. So he slowly came out from behind his mother once again, one hand still clinging to her skip and shook the hand of the boy he thought was absolutely nuts.

"…Setsuna F Seiei…" He said once again in a small voice, but this time adding just a little more volume to it. Oh course he was right about the whole 'something horrible was going to happen' since he was pulled into a tight embrace, and for the second time that day he was thrown completely off-guard.

"M-Mom!" He yelled, wanting his mother to pry this nutcase off of him.

"Calm down and let me explain, Sweetie." She said in a calm voice. It was with that tone that he took that this was something major, and that it would probably explain why he was being molested by some kid named 'Neil Dylandy'.

As he listened he tried his best keep himself together…because he really didn't like being touched by people he didn't know. His mother's story apparently took place years before he was even born, and that's when he knew he was in for something serious…or serious enough that it needed to be explained. Mrs. Dylandy and his mother used to be the best of friends when they were younger, always being seen with the other and hardly ever separated. That was a bond that couldn't be broken by anything, which was apparent since the two of them were currently standing in front of one another. But it was indeed tested once the two of them were married (and surprisingly their weddings were only a day apart, and both served as bridesmaids to the other).

Since the two of them weren't sure just were their lives had in store for them so they proposed a deal; it was simple enough to understand, but still in its simplify were so many factors. The two of them would offer up their first born child to the other, and gender aside they would allow the two of them to marry. So the two of them actually filled out a marriage certificate, but did not submit it until the two of them were physically born. It would've been just odd if they'd filed for a marriage of people who didn't exist just yet, wouldn't it? So everything was set, the only thing left was to let the two meet when the time was right. It might've sounded a little selfish what they did, but to have a bond such of that was something rare and they had no intentions of breaking it.

Setsuna could only stare at his mother in disbelief; did she really mean everything she said? He knew she was the kind of woman to tell him the truth, having done so for the past ten years of his life. But could he really believe her words this time? Was he really legally married to the person who had robbed him of his first kiss? There was no way…but the way this 'Neil Dylandy' was holding him meant he probably knew something. As much as it pained to even look at the person holding him he needed to for this…

"…is it true…?" He asked in a small voice, wishing nothing more then to have that person let him go and say 'sorry, it's all a joke!' But at always his luck had run out and he was held even tighter.

"Yup! Setsuna-chan is my wife!" Neil said, holding him as if he were a doll. It was a joke, it was a joke, it was a sick joke he would laugh off later because there was no way it could've been true. He was only ten for starters! He had a lot of other things to think of, and being married was just going hinder whatever he had planned…whatever it was. How could he even accept this? Or it was better put that the only thing he could do was grin and bare it, no matter how much he dislike it…that's just how he dealt with things…but could he really do such a thing for this situation? It was still a horrible way to live, but that's how he'd lived his life before and that was how he would live it now…or at lest try.

After he'd gotten over the initial shock of everything, his mother told him that it was rather important for him to get to know Neil a little more. When asked just how he was going to do that he was quickly pulled away, and for what was the third time today surprised by the actions of the person he was supposed to call his 'husband'. Setsuna clearly did not enjoy being totted around like some kind of accessory, so he quickly pushed him away and told him that he would walk on his own. The taller boy looked at him for a moment then laughed a little. He might've been young but he did know when he was being made fun of, and for some reason when this person was picking with him it irritated him slightly.

"You know, you're pretty cute when you're huffy, Setsuna-chan." He said, patting him on the head. Of course his hand was swatted away.

"Don't call me that…" Setsuna muttered, still not at all pleased with anything that was going on. Before he could even get another word in he felt himself be jerked forward, pulled in a direction in which he knew nothing about. Once again before he could get any kind of word out his question was already answered; Neil told him that, since he was new, he needed to be shown around town. As much of a nice gesture it was, Setsuna was in no mood to be pulled around by someone he had just found out was his…husband. That word did not sit well with him, and no matter how he twisted the meaning of it ('the male figure in a marriage') it was very…obvious that he was going to be considered the 'female' in the…he wouldn't dare considered it a relationship. It was more like a binding contract between to unsuspecting people…well, Neil seemed to be more informed then he did. For that matter was he even alright with this whole situation? Being forced to marry someone he didn't even know?

But right now he could care less about someone he'd just met only minutes ago. He didn't wish to be given a tour, but since he had nothing better to do on such a fine summer morning he went along with it. It was much hotter there then in the city, and he had no intention of putting up that much of a fight in such weather. Maybe if it was slightly less muggy then it already was he would've loved nothing more then to pull away from this psycho, spare him the humiliation of getting told off by someone younger then him, and walk back home without a second thought. But doing something like that required too much energy, and he didn't feel like wasting any unnecessary amount of it on this person.

Upon feeling himself no longer in motion, he could see that he was standing in front of a home he'd been to before. It was the elder's house, and he really had no intention of coming back to such a place any time soon. Eyeing the person next to him, he was asked if he'd met all five residents of the house. Tilting his head to the side he only remembered there being four members; there were two elderly people who sat next to one another, and by their sides were who he could've guess were their children. The two looked to be in their early forties, but other then that there were no other people around. So where had this fifth person come from? He didn't have to question anything because he was pulled away in the direction of what was the back of the house, and it was at that moment that he really just wanted to make a break for it. If they were going to break into the such a nice looking place he would blame everything on this nut-job, having wanted nothing to do with this person in the beginning so there was no way he would go down with him.

But if seemed that they were not going to perform such an illegal task, having stopped in what looked like a garden. Of course in a beautiful village there had to be places of equal beauty; it was large, and if not told that it was indeed a garden he would've easily confused it as the starting point for the forest he had previously seen. Looking around he could see such lush greenery around him; trees that varied in size with colors so vibrant it made him think that they were fake. There was a rather large manmade pond smack-dab in what he thought was the middle (since it was so large he wasn't sure if there was such a place), and from what he could see there was some sort of structure floating on it. He knew it was still probably a horrible idea, and he knew that it would be in his best interest if he just pulled away right there. But it was still too hot

"Pretty nice, right?" Neil asked, not really intending his question to be answered.

"…Why are we here…?" He asked, completely ignoring whatever was being told to him.

"Looking for people." His…husband told him. Setsuna once again didn't need to question anything any further, all he needed to do was let this nutcase drag him wherever and hope he didn't get put in the slammer for it. As much has he hated even the though of calling that madman his…husband, it was probably best if he just said the word over and over again. The way he saw it if he said it enough it wouldn't hurt as much, because seriously, he was really feeling the pain. He might've said that his parents were never wrong, but this time he'd have to think twice about that statement. This was probably one of the only times he felt like they had made a mistake, and it was a rather large one at that. The shorter boy was not the whining type, but he really did feel like trying to persuade his mother to think otherwise.

But he would wait…something like this took time to process, and if he just jumped right into make a rash decision he'd regret it. Pulling himself out of his thoughts once again, he found himself crossing a small bridge to…well he wasn't sure. It looked like they were heading in the direction of the structure he saw earlier, and Setsuna was sure that this was one of those 'now or never' times to back out. But he couldn't and he didn't; this person, no matter how much he hated to admit to it, was someone he needed to become close to for the sake of his mother…That's it! Now this wasn't something he would've usually thought of, but for the situation he was currently in it fit perfectly.

Instead of him constantly complaining about how unfair everything was, he would do it all for his mother. Not for the satisfaction he would be giving the person that had currently stopped walking, nor would he do it because he wanted to pretend there was some kind of attraction that would never exist…he would be doing this to keep his mother happy. Upon feeling his wrist being released, he saw that had indeed found life in this massive jungle of a garden they were in. There two of them, both looked slightly older then he did and he began to wonder if anyone in this town was actually his age. The two life-forms were asleep, and he could fully understand why someone would want to flat out collapse in such heat. The one whose head was in the lap of the others looked like they were the oldest out of the two, his dark colored hair covered the right side of his face, completely covering his eye. The younger looking one was sitting up against the side of the opening to the structure, but the most striking feature this person had was their obvious feminine quality…or rather they looked like a girl when he knew they were a boy. He knew these kinds of things, he didn't know why or how but he just knew.

Setsuna watched as the older boy reached out and quickly snatched away the pretty boy's glass, and to his surprise (by this time he was no longer startled by said feeling) witness the boy give out a very violent reaction. Neil was pulled forward, and though he thought he deserved it, he winced ever so slightly as the older boy was punched in the face. So pretty boy had a mean left hook…

"Oi, oi, I was gonna give them back!" Neil said, allowing himself to laugh just enough so as to not aggravate the stinging sensation in his cheek.

"I don't care, you stupid Lecher Lockon!" Pretty boy said, snatching his glasses back and placing them on his face, "What do you want?"

"It's almost 2:30, so I was wondering when you and your boyfriend were coming over." He said in a slightly amused tone, earning him a perplexed look from the person it was direction at. The pretty boy then pushed the sleeping person off of his lap, making them wake up and groan. Setsuna at this point really wondered why they were there…and why'd he call Neil 'Lecher Lockon'?

"He's not my boyfriend! I've told you that already!" Pretty boy shouted, earning him a look from Neil.

"Yeah, sure…oh!" The older by suddenly said, pulling Setsuna in front of him as he did so. "This is my wife!"

"Your what?"