I have gotten through security and am now in the NCIS. I wait until I'm in the bullpen until I can spring into action. All this waiting is really dangerous for me. Thankful I had some water to sustain my thirst while I was there. You're damn right I'm impatient, you would be to wouldn't you? I'm here to kill somebody in NCIS.

At first I thought it would be Agent Timothy McGee but it was Agent Anthony DiNozzo who rubbed me up the wrong way. My fury was unleashed now everybody knew I was here. Who would I go and kill? My first thought is to kill their leader, the one that they call Gibbs. But like so many others, there'd be no way in attacking him. He was what we classed as immune and therefore wouldn't dare attack Gibbs.

Then there was the young Agent McGee. To kill him would be too easy and I don't think it'd make too much of an impact on the NCIS to kill him.

Special Agent Todd? She was one of two viable options. She was visibly weakened already, but no… Biggest impact…

Special Agent DiNozzo! He was now closest and I sprung into action. At first I thought about going for all of them, but no, that wasn't an option. Instead I went straight to DiNozzo. I wanted to kill him, to destroy him and there wasn't anything anybody could do about it… I was about to do what so many people had tried to do in the past and that was kill him.

I know I wasn't going to live to see the Agent die. All the more pity really… But what can one do when they have a suicide chain.

Don't blame me, I am what I am

I am the killer

I am The Plague