Waking Up In Vegas
Ghost of Menelwen
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and its coolness. I do own the love I have for Dramione.
A.N: First one, don't hurt me!
Chapter 1:Waking Up in Vegas
I woke up with my eyes hurting from the blinding afternoon sun in a strange burlesque outfit with a major headache. I couldn't remember anything. Only entering the wizarding world of Las Vegas against my mother's wishes and trying to outwit Malfoy when I saw him at a club. I might've taken a little too much to drink, which I don't normally do, but I was on vacation and really just wanted some fun. Now I'm here feeling like crap.
I felt a lurch in my stomach and knew I had to head for the bathroom. I practically crashed head first into the toilet bowl and vomited like I never vomited before. I broke sweat and felt lighter. I flushed the toilet and went to wash my mouth in the strange sink.
That's when I went into panic. What did I do last night? I looked at the trashy lingerie I was wearing and all the glitter on my face. I looked pale and sick with my eyes bloodshot.
That was when I caught sight of the figure beneath the blankets. I screamed reaching the highest C in the bloody chromatic scale. The figure jumped and to my horror, it was Draco Malfoy that got out of the bed in an Elvis costume. I screamed again, and he screamed (thankfully not as high as me). After we were done, we gasped for breath and I looked at my ring finger, seeing that a big emerald was on it. I saw Malfoy's ring finger and found my hand woven friendship ring Ginny gave me last spring. My God! We got married last night. Everything got dizzy and it all went black.
I woke up and saw the same ceiling before I fainted I got up and saw Malfoy looking serious, handing me a folded piece of paper.
"What's this?" I asked. I took it and saw that the first words were 'Dear Mr. and Mrs Malfoy'
"Our worst nightmare," Malfoy grumbled. "There's a new law that if you marry in Vegas, you must wait an entire year before filing for divorce."
"What!?" I looked down at the letter and read about how the people vote, that we can't file even if we are resident overseas, and that the stupid law is to reduce the marriage and divorce rate and this stupid city that never sleeps.
"Well, at least we got a decent picture." Malfoy holds up a picture of him taking a shot of spit fire vodka in that ridiculous blue Elvis costume and me in a tacky wedding dress kissing the wrong Elvis (who I guess married us) on the cheek. Underneath the photo says in hot pink cursive 'A night to remember' . Yeah, maybe to the people at the pink chapel, maybe to the Elvis I probably made out with, but not to us. The one night I decided to step out of my comfort zone, I decided to get married. It's typical for sweet little Hermione Granger to get a perfect O on some big test or date ideal soul mate, Ron Weasley, but not to go out to Las Vegas and get married to her mortal enemy and not remember her wedding night. Not that I want to. I hate acting like a fool.
"So what do we do?" he said putting the photo in the trash, not that I blame him. "I can't be married to a mudblood…"
"Hey! You listen here honey! I don't like the situation any more than you do."
"Oh please," he said getting up from the bed I now realized is heart shaped, " Like you never dreamed of ending up with me."
"You may be handsome," I stopped myself a little be even calling my new husband handsome , "but you have the ugliest heart I have ever seen, and I wouldn't even think of sleeping with you for a second."
"Oh yeah, I forgot you would prefer to sleep with some broke muggle lover like Weasley and then dump him just because you caught him jerking off to some comic book porn"
I gasped because I thought the only people that knew were Ron, Harry, Ginny, and I. I guess it would make sense if Lavender was listening in on me and Ginny's conversation and it just traveled around, but I was still shocked. I was shocked and offended. I slapped Malfoy so hard that I left a red handprint on his pale skin.
"For being a jerk." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. I looked through the closet and thankfully found my sun dress I also saw a brown jacket I was sure was Malfoy's, but even if he put it on, it would be too obvious his wardrobe was not of this time; his problem. "Now, we will speak nothing of this. Not to anyone."
"Like I would," he snorted.
"We will simply go on with the year like nothing happened and get divorced exactly a year later." I said. Going into the restroom real quick, I took off the strange glitzy corset and ruffled bottoms. Stopping for a second to realize I forgot underwear. Sighing, I figured they would have to do till I got to my hotel room. I slipped on my dress, got my bag and headed for the door. I heard him say to wait and I looked at him hoping he'll get that I want to leave this place. Well, he looked at me with those cold grey eyes with a sexy smirk on his face and had his hands hung to the white belt like a cowboy.
"Don't you want some marital sex?" he said huskily. I rolled my eyes knowing he's joking, and as I exited the door, I heard him laughing loud.
The rest of the summer, I went back to the U.K. and kept going back me waking up in that bizarre honeymoon suite. I realized when I got home that I still had the big emerald hidden in my bag. I didn't tell anyone like I said, but I still felt the need to do so. Off it was to get a notebook and write the horrible first morning as Mrs. Malfoy. Little did I know that the notebook would lead to the most shocking gossip in the history of Hogwarts.
A.N:I know it's not much, but I promise a longer chapter next time.
A.N.N: I am revising bits of this so you don't have to go through the torture or grammar and spelling errors. Soooo, please work with me.