Last chapter. this one is when Sasuke and Naruto 1st meet.

5,000 Years Earlier

Naruto sighed as he walked the streets of heaven. It seemed like everyone was busy except for him. Each angel seemed to have an important task to do and Naruto was starting to feel left out. He wasn't a messenger angel, he wasn't a guardian angel, and he wasn't a warrior angel or anything special, he was just Naruto the angel. Naruto found a place on a cloud where no angels were and sat down. He watched his feet dangling over the abyss of space and time. It's not that he disliked being an angel, but everyone wants to feel useful sometime.

"Why are you sitting here all alone, Naruto?" God asked. Naruto jumped slightly and turned to face God.

"I didn't want to get into anyone's way." Naruto said. God sat down next to him.

"Why would you be in anyone's way?" God asked.

"I don't know. I just feel like everyone has some great purpose with an important job and I do nothing of any importance." Naruto sighed while picking at the cloud.

"Why would you think you're unimportant? Every one of my creations is very important." God told him.

"Why did you create me then? I'm so useless." Naruto said.

"Useless? Who's the angel who always plays with the cherubs? Who always gives everyone that extra boost of encouragement?" God asked while putting a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Who always sings my praises the most devotedly even though everyone tells him that he can't sing?" God added with a laugh. Naruto laughed as well.

"I guess I do." Naruto said while smiling at God.

"Everyone has a purpose, Naruto. But you'll have to figure out what yours is for yourself, that's what gives it meaning. It would be pointless for me to tell everyone what to do, then there would be no free will." God pat Naruto's head. "You just cheer up, okay?" Naruto nodded.

"Yes. Thank you." Naruto smiled. God smiled and walked off. Naruto was about to get up when he saw something below him. Naruto looked down to see a beautiful prince on earth. Naruto couldn't take his eyes away from the prince. Surely in all of God's creations, this boy had come close to perfection. Naruto saw Neji and flew down to him. "Neji, who is that boy?"

"Him? That's Uchiha Sasuke. I'm his guardian." Neji answered. Naruto looked at the boy.

"Sasuke? He's very beautiful." Naruto said.

"What? Did you say something?" Neji asked not really paying attention to Naruto.

"Oh, no nothing." Naruto smiled and shook his head. "Anyway, I'll see you around, okay?" Naruto said and flew off. Naruto found himself watching Sasuke every day for years and years. One day Sasuke's country went to war. Sasuke was in the forest and there was an enemy behind him. The enemy drew his bow and Naruto's heart stopped. The next thing Naruto knew was he had fallen from the sky, landed on Sasuke and got shot himself. Sasuke looked up at the blonde and blinked. Naruto gasped and quickly scrambled off of the prince. Sasuke looked and saw the enemy.

"Wait here." Sasuke said before running off towards the enemy.

"What the hell are you doing?" one of the angels of death growled. Naruto immediately realized what he had done. He had saved Sasuke's life even thought it was time for him to die. The other angel grabbed him and they were suddenly in the court of God. Naruto couldn't even stand, he couldn't breathe. The other angels were talking excitedly. What Naruto had done was a sin, he had gone against God's will. But also it was something no angel had ever done before, Naruto had fallen in love with a human and they all knew it. God raised his hand and everyone was silent.

"Raise your head, Naruto." God spoke gently. Naruto looked up at God with teary eyes.

"I-I don't know wh-what happened." Naruto said clearly terrified of the consequences.

"Tell me what you do know." God said.

"I couldn't stand the thought of losing him." Naruto said looking back at the ground.

"He's just a human." One of the angels said.

"He's a creation of our Lord. Everything God creates is precious." Naruto snapped back. The angels started murmuring again but God raised his hand and they stopped.

"Why couldn't you stand that thought?" God asked. Naruto bit his lips to keep from crying.

"I love him. I want to be with him." Naruto said and started crying. The angels gasped and started yelling out hateful things. "Please let me be with him." Naruto begged softly.

"Banish him to hell!" the angels started calling. Naruto bit his lip.

"This is my purpose!" Naruto shouted and looked up at God. The crowd immediately went silent. "You told me that we all had to find our purpose. This is mine. I know you created me for this."

"You know this?" God asked. Naruto nodded.

"I can feel it in my heart. I'm supposed to be with him." Naruto said. "Please, let me be with him forever." Naruto asked looking at God.

"Are you willing to give up your place here for that human?" An angel asked.

"Yes." Naruto smiled.

"Very well. If you can make him love you the same as you love him, you can be with him forever. If not then you will cease to exist." God said.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"If you give up your place here then unfortunately you can never return." God answered. "Are you still willing to give this all up for Sasuke?" God asked looking at Naruto closely. Naruto smiled.

"You of all people should know that you can't change my mind once it's made up." Naruto said. God smiled and laughed.

"That's right." God said as the smile turned sad. God walked down to Naruto. "You will be missed." God said.

"Thank you." Naruto said hugging God. Neji, Kushina and Minato appeared in the court.

"Neji, Sasuke is still under your care. Kushina and Minato, I will leave you in charge of Naruto when he becomes human." God said. The three angels nodded. God looked back at Naruto and sighed. "Unfortunately, this is the part when we cut your wings." Naruto winced.

"Do it quickly please." Naruto said. God nodded and an angel carrying a sword came over. The angel raised the sword and Naruto was blinded by pain. When he opened his eyes, the pain was gone and he was on earth in a soft bed.

"You're awake." Sasuke said. Naruto looked over at him.

"Sasuke." Naruto breathed out. Sasuke smirked.

"You know my name?" Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded. "Then you're at the advantage." Sasuke said. Naruto smiled.

"My name is Naruto." Naruto said.

"Well, Naruto, I must say I was quite surprised to find you in my garden this morning." Sasuke said. "I was worried when you disappeared after saving me." He added.

"I'm sorry." Naruto said softly.

"Tell me, Naruto, what happened to your wings?" Sasuke asked looking at Naruto carefully. Naruto winced. "I know you had them when you saved me. Are you an angel?"

"I was." Naruto admitted.

"What did you do? Did you get cast out from heaven or something?" Sasuke asked. Naruto smiled softly and shook his head.

"I was given a fond farewell." Naruto said.

"Then why are your wings gone?" Sasuke asked.

"I gave them up." Naruto said looking up at Sasuke.

"For what?" Sasuke blinked not really understanding why an angel would give up their wings.

"For you." Naruto said softly.

"Me? What have I got to do with it?" Sasuke asked.

"I love you and I want to be with you." Naruto said and then blushed. "I'm sorry that was very forward of me." He said.

"You want to be with me?" Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded.

"I watched you from heaven and fell in love with you. That's why I saved you." Naruto said. Sasuke blinked and looked away.

"Was I supposed to die that day?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes." Naruto answered.

"So you gave up your place as an angel because you saved me when I was supposed to die because you wanted to be with me?" Sasuke asked.

"I couldn't stand the thought of you not being around." Naruto said. "It may sound selfish, but I want you, Sasuke. I love you so much."

"It's not selfish at all." Sasuke said gently. Naruto looked at him. "When you saved me I fell in love with you and I wanted to find some way to get you so that I could have you for myself. I'm really the selfish one."

"If you truly love me, we can be together forever." Naruto said. Sasuke kissed Naruto gently.

"Then I want to be with you forever." Sasuke smiled. THE END.

WAH! i just realized i didn't explain very well about a few things, but there wasn't really a good place for them to fit once i finished the story so here's some explinations...
1. Neji is Sasuke's guardian angel and his only duty is to just watch over Sasuke. So I don't really know if he remembers all the details of the previous lives or not. The whole deal about him being with Shika once and then with Sakura another time is just because. He loves the people he is with, but his purpouse isn't to be with those people, only to watch over Sasuke.
2. Neji also wasn't there when the whole 'You can't return so you'll just fade into nothing' thing went down, so he didn't know the consequences.
3. Everyone is always in the same life but like Sasuke it's every other lifetime that they show up. And these are real lifetimes, not a few years but like 60-80 years long.

I think that's it, any other questions you can ask and i will answer them to the best of my abilities.

Hope you enjoyed the story! REVIEW PLEASE!!