--No copyright infringement intended--
1. Memories
Bella POV
{Three months ago}
"Bella…" Edward's voice was a whisper, "I love you so much. I promise to never hurt you." His face showed sincerity.
{Fast-forward two weeks}
"I'm so proud of you, Bella." Edward kissed the top of my forehead and stroked my cheek with his thumb while I sobbed. "I love you."
"I love you too, so much. I would never have left Charlie if I didn't." I sniffled and dug my head into his chest. "And I'd never be getting married at eighteen if I didn't love you."
He laughed melodically.
{Rewind two hours}
"I hate you, dad!" I shouted with such anger and frustration.
"Bella, please, be reasonable," He pleaded. "You can't marry Edward, you're only eighteen years old."
"It doesn't matter. I love him and he loves me. We're getting married. That's final." I rushed to my room slamming the door behind me. A few seconds later there was a knocking on the door.
"Bella, please. Just…just talk to me." His voice was soft.
"No, dad, I'm leaving. I'm going to live with the Cullens."
{Fast-forward one month}
I ran into the bathroom downstairs in the Cullen house and slammed the door behind me. I curled up into a ball against the cabinet under the sink and let the tears pour down from my eyes.
{Rewind three minutes}
I pushed the door to my and Edward's bedroom open and stood frozen in place at the sight in front of me.
Edward…and Alice. Kissing intensely.
My fiancée and my best friend. Never could I have scrounged up a thought like that in my wildest imagination.
Both of their shocked and embarrassed faces flashed up at me. My tears rolled.
"Bella…" Edward whispered.
I shook my head. "Don't talk to me. You cheated! You cheated! You cheated, damn it!" I yelled at the loudest volume my lungs would allow.
I felt the rest of the Cullens rush up behind me. Jasper stood next to me in the doorway. He looked so painfully sad and betrayed.
"Alice…" He shook his head in disbelief. "What are you…why…how could you and Edward do this?"
"And on the eve of our wedding, Edward!" I added. I yanked my wedding ring off of my finger and threw it at the ground, upset that the diamond didn't break off of the ring when it crashed into the hardwood floor.
{Fast-forward four minutes}
"Bella," A voice came from outside the door. A voice that I used to love but now never wanted to hear again. "Bella, love, please open the door."
"No! Don't ever call me that again, Edward! I hate you!" I buried my face in my hands and just screamed.
I screamed to release the pain. I screamed to release my anger. I screamed to release the image of Edward and Alice together that was embedded in my mind. I screamed to release Edward.
{Fast-forward one week}
I lay down on my belly, shoving my face into the feathery pillows. My body greeted the new bed.
I'd of course, wanted to continue to live with the Cullens, they were the best people—save two—I've ever met. Jasper was gracious enough to split his room in half and allow me to share it with him, because he kicked Alice out. We were the two most miserable people in the house.
Alice and Edward fight all the time, blaming each other for what happened, and didn't stay together. Now there are four of us in the Cullen house that don't have mates.
There was a knock at the door and Jasper walked in. "Come on, mockingbird. Let's go."
"Mockingbird?" I rolled over to face him.
"Yea. You do no wrong; you only live to make people happy. So it's a sin to kill you. Like a mockingbird. Now let's go, we're going to be late."
"Go where?" I sat up from the bed.
"Out to lunch. My treat." He smiled, "Come on, I've made reservations."
{Fast-forward two and a half weeks}
I can't believe it. I'm actually falling in love with Jasper Whitlock Hale. I've spent the past few weeks with him and I'm already having the same affection towards him that I did with Edward, maybe even more intense.
{Rewind thirty seconds}
Jasper's face leaned into mine. His lips slowly pressed to mine. At first, I was hesitant, but my heart rate picked up and so did my anxiousness. I parted my lips between his and kissed him with as much ferocity that I could handle. And he didn't protest.
{Fast-forward one month}
A/N: Sorry if it was a little confusing! But I wanted to skip around to make it seem like she really was scanning her brain, remembering everything that happened.