The prince stared worriedly at the beauty in front of him. As the bells continue to ring, she stayed silent, as though she had lost her voice. Her eyes that gleamed of hope suddenly became dark ebony like a black hole. As a few more seconds passed, the prince placed his hands on her face and stared deep in her eyes.


At that moment, she blinked, causing the prince to flinch slightly. She placed her hands over his, and smiled.

"Yes, I would love to stay with you."

Joy spread into the Prince as he heard her response. He immediately hugged her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. She hugged him back, placing her head against his chest.

"I'm so happy.... I feel like a whole new person! Cinderella, I...--" Before he could finish, he felt a sharp stab of pain shoot through him.

The prince's eyes widened as the pain started shooting through his body like thunder. He loosened his grip on the maiden, and saw her move away from him slowly. There, in her hands, was the object that caused him to be in this pain.

A knife.

"C-Cinderella....?" He stuttered, placing his hands over the wound on his chest. She smiled.

"My name is not Cinderella. It's Cendrillon." Before the prince could respond, he fell to his knees as the pain worsened. He coughed, blood dripping from his lips. As he looked down at his blood-stained hand, the sudden stranger kneeled down to his level. She lifted his head to look face-to-face with her.

"Prince, are you mad at me? I betrayed you, didn't I?"

He didn't respond. Instead of lashing out at her in anger, he stared at her silently and reached out with his free hand to her face.

"I could never be mad at you...I love you, Cinderella."

Her eyes widened as she heard his reply, and she immediately pushed his hand away. She trembled.

"W-What are you talking about? I'm not Cinderella--"

"--...No matter what mask you put on, it will never hide your true self! I know that under that spell, you are really my beloved Cinderella....--" The prince coughed hoarsely. She stared in horror as blood stained his glamorous clothes and dripped to the ground. Tears started to form, and in a heartbeat, she quickly reached out to him.

"Prince....Prince...!!! Don't die! Please don't go!"

The Prince felt wet tears drop on his shoulder. He smiled.

"I'm glad you've returned, Cinderella...." He rested his head on her shoulder. More tears fell down her cheeks.

"Don't go...don't go....please, I want to be with you! I want to stay by your side......please...! I love you, so don't go...!!"

Silence was the only reply she got back.

She wept until dusk arrived.