I found myself that night. As Teddy and I kissed, not caring that all eyes were on us, everything started to make more sense than I'd ever though possible. The insanity of the past few hours, the misunderstandings and the bad advice... God, I didn't care! It was such a cool feeling, giving up on reason and rationality and simply being.

The sweet obliviousness was broken, in typical Weasley family fashion, with the screeching of someone whose voice I couldn't place. "In front of the CHILDREN?!?" the voice gasped, and I knew it was the horrible woman currently known as my Aunt Verity. "Are you two mad?"

"No," someone told her, "they're in love. It's basically the same thing, but love is more socially acceptable."


A/N: Finally finished! I changed my plans for this chapter 15 times - instead of a super-sweet epilogue, you get a short tie-off of the last chapter (big thanks to Taylor n' Taylor for suggesting that). Hopefully you liked reading it.