The black Mage

Summary: What if after being abandoned by the potters to the orphanage harry was adopted by Lulu.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter, or Final Fantasy 10.


(Writer talking)

"person talking"

'person thinking'


(St Mungo Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries)

"What are you saying James? Are you saying just because Harry lost almost all of his magic we should get rid of him a broken toy? Is that what you are Saying James Potter??"

"Calm down Lily I am just saying that it would be better for Harry if he didn't live with us."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that since it will take at least 6 years to get all of his magic back, he would see his sister doing accidental magic and maybe start getting jealous of her."

"But abandoning him?"

"Were are not abandoning him Lily we are just putting in an orphanage, and when he gets all of his magic back well bring him back and then we will be one big happy family."(Yea right, and Voldemort likes to wear pink tutus)

"But…Fine James, but I want him back when he's 8 years old."

(Orphanage in Preston)

In Preston stood a two-story building, it was made from wood, with many windows, a nice view to the sea, and a friendly feeling of welcome.

At the doorsteps of the orphanage stood a man with a baby in his arms, the baby appeared to be one and a half years old, and he had two very interesting features.

The first was his eyes which were of and emerald green that seemed to look at your very soul.

The second was a thunderbolt scar in his head.

"Well it seems this is it, good bye Harry" And leaving a note saying 'His name is Harry' James left without a look to his firstborn."