Hey, this is Jamie… I'm up to a new fanfic… I thought of this just now… Please read and review, and hope you enjoy as you did with my other fanfics…
Chapter 1
After 2 years of transferring to Gakuen Alice, Mikan is now 12, as well as the rest of the gang. She starts to realize her feeling for Natsume, yet she is still the same old Mikan who has millions of fans.
Everything goes the same on every morning. But this morning is the morning that changed Mikan's life.
"Good morning everyone!" Mikan said.
"Good morning Mikan!" Some students and fans replied.
Mikan saw Hotaru and tried to hug her.
"Hotaru!!!" Mikan said.
As usual the infamous Baka Gun was shot and there was Mikan, lying on the floor. But something unusual happened, Mikan did not talk, cry, yell or move. Nothing, just lying down there.
Yuu tried to help her, but he suddenly shouted,
"Oh My Gosh! Oh, No,no no. Mikan, wake up, Mikan!!! Guys, guys, Mikan's bleeding!!!" Yuu said.
Everyone started to look at Mikan, even Hotaru. To their surprise, Mikan was there, lying unconsciously, and blood coming out of her.
"Quick, bring her to the hospital!" Anna said.
So everyone brought her to the hospital and Imai Subaru, Hotaru's brother, checked on her. Subaru talked to Hotaru, Yuu, Koko and Narumi. (Why Koko? Well, he'll find out if he reads minds, so better tell him, and tell him to shut up.)
"Due to the countless impacts of the Baka Gun shots, Mikan's pregnancy is going critical." Subaru said.
"Pregnancy?!?!" They all yelled.
"Yes, pregnancy. Mikan is 1 and a half month pregnant." Subaru replied.
"But how could she be pregnant? She doesn't have a boy friend, affairs with a guy, or anything. Nothing! She's too young to be pregnant." They all said.
"That's the case. For the first time in history, and the world, there's a girl, who got pregnant without having an affair. It appears that Mikan is sick. There's no such sickness, so she's the first time to have it. We don't know what to call it yet, and we don't know the cure. But one thing we're certain is that Mikan is pregnant, without an affair. She could get pregnant anytime, so it means after this pregnancy, another one may occur. But when she has an affair, she could still get pregnant." Subaru said.
"So, when Hotaru shot the Baka Gun, Mikan fainted because of the impact of the shot to her baby, right?" Yuu asked.
"Yes, and for now, I think it would be better to keep this to the Academy and us only. When her womb gets bigger, that's the time when we could explain it to everyone. Just tell them she has fever." Narumi said.
"Okay." Everyone replied and went to see Mikan.
How was it? Please review. And I don't know if there's such sickness, so if there is, please inform me. If not, well, maybe I just thought of it…