Yay! I found some time so I decided to write an edited version of this chapter/story, and here it is. Hopefully I won't have to change it...AGAIN. ^^"

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or eHarmony.

Title: eHarmony

Genre(s): Romance/Humor

Summary: AU. SasuSaku. When you have two idiots who simply can not get a date, and two bestfriends who keep poking their noses into things, there's only one solution. eHarmony.

Chapter One:

eHarmony Profile:

Name: Sakura Haruno

Birth Date: March 28

Sex: Female

Height: 5'4

Weight: 113

Age: 20

Natural Hair Color: Pink

Natural Eye Color: Bright Green

Job: Doctor's Apprentice...for now

Personality: Bubby and friendly, short tempered (very scary when she's mad), and when she wants to do something, she tries her all and never gives up. She is one of the most stubborn people I have ever met, and I should know. She is a very down to Earth kind of girl. She's the kind of girl you only meet once in a life time...and when I say that, I mean it.

Pet Peeves: People who make fun of her hair and forehead, cold people, stalkers, rapers, sluts and bastards. Oh and liars, too.

Hobbies: Reading, shopping and hanging w/ friends.

Favorite Movie Genres: Comedy, Romance, and Drama.

Favorite Book Genres: Romance, Humor, Adventure, and Drama.

Favorite Type of Music: Rock, Pop, and Classical...eh, don't ask me. Ask her. She likes that old man music...no offense!

Must-Have you have to have at all times: Her iPod

What do you look in a guy?

Someone whose sweet, funny, caring, supportive...and cute wouldn't hurt either. Someone who would like/love her for her, and wouldn't lie or cheat on. Someone who would be willing to give up their life her...okay maybe not their life, but just really love her. And change her point of view of guys.

"You did what?!"

They were currently at Sakura's apartment when Ino had told her the news. And for Sakura, this was bigger than big. Bigger than CHOCOLATE.

...okay! Maybe not that big, but it was still big.

Ino shrinked back in fear. "Well you're already 20 and never been on a date! Before you know it, you'll be 50-year-old virgin, living with a bunch of cats."

Sakura raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

"Yes, really," Ino replied, rolling her eyes. "C'mon. It's not like you'll be dating a stranger—"

"Oh, on the contrary, Piggy, I will be!"

"No!" she argued. "You'll be going on a date with you soul mate, love match—"

Sakura scoffed. "Whatever. Besides. Online dating is so superficial. I thought love was about, well, love, not computer matching!"


"No, Ino-pig."


"I said no."



"Why not?"


"O.M.G. Don't tell me you turned into a-a...a lesbian!"

"What?! Of course n—"

"I can not believe this—oh my God! I so have to tell TenTen!"

"What?! No—"

"And Hinata!"

"Ino! Sh—"

"Oh my God! So who's the lucky girl? Ami? Ayame? Lucy? Michelle—"

"Ino! I'm straight, alright? I. Like. Boys."



"...So, you would go on a date with a boy than a girl?"


"Yes!" And with that, Ino ran out of the room, a wide grin on her face.

"What?! No, Ino—" Too late. Ino was already in her room, furiously typing back a response.

She let out a sigh. This is what she got for letting Ino live with her...but then again...she did pay for half of those credit card bills...


Damn her, and her stupid salon.






Yes. It was their daily "greeting", you could say. No "hello's" or smiles were given nor recieved by the two.


And on the side lines were none other than—

The lovely and beautiful, Ino Yamanaka!

The sweet and shy, Hinata Hyuga!

And of course, the laziest but smartest person in the big damn world, Shikamaru Nara!

"Neji-niisan. Sakura-san," Hinata said, sweatdropping. Her voice, quieter than the average person's. "Perhaps we should go, now?"

"Sure, Hinata," her faced beamed, "right after Hyuga here shows some respect to their elders," her face dropped. Dang it. So close. Sakura and Neji were almost as worse as Sakura and Ino. Almost, but that alone, said enough.

Neji scoffed. "I'm older than you, idiot."

"...that proves nothing!"

"If you're going to argue with me, please at least give me a good argument, Haruno."

"...you're just jealous my hair's pink and awesome, and your hair looks like dog shit."




(Sakura's POV)

"So," Neji said, taking a sip of his BLACK coffee. Seriously. Isn't that like...illegal? To drink you coffee...WITHOUT sugar OR cream? That's just disgusting.

I wrinkled my nose at the...poison. Sure. I like coffee, but I like MY coffee with sugar and cream. It's like an excuse to get more sugar in your day. Too bad HE doesn't know it.

"Yamanaka tells me your dateless," he continues. I glared at Ino, whom just gave me a sheepish grin that said: "Don't kill me!"

In reply, I gave her a look that said: "Oh, you're dead meat..."

"So being the nice, honest, gentleman I am," I snickered. Nice? Honest? Gentleman? Four words: Laugh my effin' ass off! ...okay, that was five, but who actually counts! "I decided to ask one of my high school friends to come in today and—"

Just then, the door opened and a loud voice exclaimed, "My dearest Cherry Blossom! Your shining knight is here!" Our heads turned and...Oh man.

There stood in the door way, in all his spandex glory was none other than...Rock Lee.

He walked over to our table and grabbed my left hand inbetween his and then proclaimed in a LOUD voice, making sure EVERYONE heard him. "My dearest Cherry Blossom. So beautiful, so kind, so soft," he rubbed his hands against my hand, which seriously freaked me out, "I am your prince. Your savior. And your lover," he grinned a wide grin, and his bushy eye brows looked like they just moved! "And please," he went his knee, and said, "Would you do the honor of marrying me?"

Okay, so this is completely unlike the last version of it, I know, but I'm sorta proud of it. This story will go a bit slower than before, but I think its for the best. :) Well I hope you guys like it and please drop by a review or two? :D