Well, I haven't updated this story in a while….*scratches back of neck awkwardly* only because I wrote this a pretty long time ago and I would've done so many changes to it. I mean I took out Arnold's football shaped head….WHAT WAS I THINKING? *smacks head* I love the football shaped head! Not Helga status or anything but COME ON! Its football shaped! But when I was younger, I always thought he would grow out of it because of his father. I didn't even remember that his mother had the oblong shaped head….

So yeah….*rubs head* I would write this story SO MUCH differently but that would probably end badly, judging by my luck. So I am just going to go with it…But can we just say that Arnold had a football shaped head? I mean, I have to admit…I was rereading this story and my heart broke when I took out his football shaped head. So just for the heck of it…Let's just say Arnold had a football shaped head in this! =D

I don't own Hey Arnold….You're crazy if you would ever even think I did. I do own the character Vicky however! *smiles proudly before sighing* Yeah...that probably means nothing to most of you.

Chapter 6: They're getting ready!

"Hey Jersey!"A familiar voice yelled.

Vicky nearly jumped a foot in the air at the sudden yell. She had her backpack thrown over her shoulder and was walking home. She swung around and saw Helga and Phoebe waving at her. Vicky scratched the back of her neck awkwardly before walking over to them with a sheepish smile.

"Hey," she mumbled while shuffling her feet. Helga rolled her eyes at her expression.

"You act so different when you're not playing sports," she muttered to herself before shaking her head. She grabbed her wrist and pulled Vicky towards her house. "Come on."

"W-Where are we going?" Vicky blinked her bright green eyes at the blonde. Helga rolled her eyes before smirking at the girl.

"To my place, doi!" She continued to lead Vicky with Phoebe close behind. Phoebe offered her a reassuring smile. "You're new and look like you can use a couple of friends. That and the fact an extra pair of hands helping me get ready….won't be SO bad," Helga said more to herself than Vicky. Phoebe smiled at Vicky.

"I managed to convince her to give you a chance." Vicky nodded at the slightly shorter Asian girl. Vicky turned back to Helga with a smirk.

"If I didn't know any better….I'd say you need my help, Pinky." Helga narrowed her eyes slightly at the girl before realizing she was teasing.

"Pft," she blew out. "Like I need help from a newbie like you." Vicky just shook her head and decided not to argue with it. She wasn't sure how to react to Helga anyway. Vicky was just taking her time with this friendship.

"MI CASA ES…MI CASA! SO DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!" Helga threw open the door. Vicky blinked and chuckled at Helga's words. She took some time to look around the area before following Helga and Phoebe up the stairs. She walked in to see Helga sitting on the bed and Phoebe looking through her closet. Vicky stood awkwardly at the doorway, not wanting to do anything to offend Helga. It was easy to deal with Helga at school but in her own home? Vicky sighed to herself and just observed everything from where she was standing. Helga rolled her eyes before addressing the nervous girl.

"Just sit down in the chair, Kid." Vicky blushed and smiled sheepishly before sitting down in Helga's computer chair.

"Helga!" Phoebe called lightly while looking through her closet. "I might need you to try a few things on…."

Helga rolled her eyes before standing up and walking over to her.

"Pheebs, that's too girly. I don't even know WHY I own that. It's probably a hand down from Olga or something…." Vicky heard Helga say and more ruffling through her closet. Vicky sighed again. Why was she even here again? Something about Helga giving her a chance. Vicky shrugged at the thought. Why not?

Vicky made to get off the chair but instead felt the chair spin around. Vicky gasped at the slight movement before giggling.

"Helga….You might need to wear something a little bit more formal than that."

"Alright…Alright…" More clothes shuffling.

Vicky spun around again as a wide smile stretched across her lips. This is kind of fun.

"Whoa! Pheebs! Who do I look like? Rhonda?"

"Sorry Helga! But it was in your closet."


Suddenly Vicky rolled on the computer chair and spun around as she threw her arms in the air. Her smile wide and full.

"YIPPIE!" She squealed while rolling a little too fast. Helga and Phoebe shared a look before stepping back. The chair began spinning into the closet before Vicky and the chair fell sideways with a yelp. Vicky gasped as she realized what she had just done. She blushed in slight embarrassment before flashing Phoebe and Helga a sheepish smile.

"My bad…" She giggled before sitting up in the closet. She blinked at she looked up and noticed a light. "Hey what's that? Maybe you have more clothes in there."

She suddenly jumped up and into the top area of the closet. Helga jumped immediately realizing what she was talking about. Helga reached over to try and grab her before she saw anything.

"Didn't anyone teach you not to look through other people's stuff?" Helga yelled helplessly as she realized Vicky already saw it.

Vicky gaped at the sight before her. It was one of Helga's shrines. It was a cut watermelon that had a bitten mark on the corner. On either side were three bananas. In the middle was half an apple. The eyes were green grapes and the nose was the other half of the apple. The shrine was on top of a blue bucket. Vicky blinked before turning her head and her jaw dropped as she saw more.

There was one made into the shape of football and spiky hair that was out of gum. On both sides of the head were cotton swabs to make as his ears. She had a coin and a bottle cap as his eyes. She even had gum cover half of them to serve as eyelids and to hold them in place. His nose was a different shade of a gum. One his head was a blue baseball cap. His body looked like it was made of clay that was a similar color to the gum with blue colored clothes and flowers wrapped around his neck. Or maybe it was gum. Vicky couldn't tell. She wasn't too busy thinking about it. She crawled backwards away from it. However she bumped into another one.

This one was made out of colorful pieces of cloth that was sewn together and stuffed. The eyes were two buttons. The nose looked like the sewing pillow that you used to put your needles in. On top of the head was a cone. On each side of the cone were the head parts of brooms. The body was made of a stuffed t-shirt, boxers, mittens and socks. Vicky's eyes widened as she moved to crawl back again. Her hand landed on an opened green book. Vicky looked down and jerked her hand away before observing it more closely.

The pages were cut out. Inside was a little doll of her football headed person. It had a lemon for a head. Vicky wasn't sure what the hair was made of but it resembled hair that she have seen before yet couldn't remember at the moment. He had buttons as eyes, an olive as a nose, and his mouth was drawn in. His body was a piece of cut cheesed with toot picks as the arms and legs. Vicky blinked as she looked at it. Before can even utter a word, she felt someone grip her shirt and yank her down.

"I'm going to kill you!" Helga snarled as she slammed Vicky against the wall of her room. Vicky waved her hands around frantically.

"Wait! Helga!" She then smiled nervously with a giggle. "My buddy...my pal..." Helga snarled before lifting up her fist. "Wait! Wait!" Vicky said covering her face desperately. "I won't say anything! In fact…I am not entirely sure what I just saw…" Helga blinked and dropped her to the floor.

"What do you mean that you don't know what you just saw?" Vicky scratched the back of her neck with a pink blush.

"Um…Is it like a shrine to football shaped people or something?" Vicky seemed to blink as she asked this out loud. "Wait…football shaped people…They were football shaped heads…so that's means…OH MY UNICORNS! IT'S ARNOLD!" Vicky's eyes widened at this realization. Helga scooped the girl up by the collar of her jersey and held her against the wall again.

"That's it, Kid!" Helga reeled her hand back with narrowed eyes. Vicky closed her eyes as she waited for the hit.

"Wait a minute, Helga." A small voice rang into Vicky's ears. Vicky opened one eye cautiously. Phoebe rested her hand on Helga's shoulders. "If you were going to let Vicky be your friend…then I think you should give her a chance. Maybe she'll keep it a secret. I mean you trusted Lila to keep it a secret so…why not Vicky?"

Vicky breathed a sigh of relief before clasping her hands together. She mouthed a quick 'Thank you!' to Phoebe. Helga seemed to consider this. Phoebe was usually right about most things. Besides if she does tell, no one at school really listens to the new kids for rumors.

"Will you keep this a secret?" Vicky nodded with a shaky smile. Helga nodded slowly before glaring again. Helga walked out of the room leaving Phoebe and Vicky confused. She came back with some type of cloth behind her back. "But you're not going to get away with it that easily…" Vicky lost her smile.

"…Huh?" Was the last thing out of her mouth before she broke out into a sprint with Helga hot on her heels waving Big Bob's boxers in the air.

"This outta teach ya to look through other people's stuff!" Vicky was thankful for playing sports at that moment and being able to run so fast. Vicky quickly looked behind her to see Helga not too far behind.

"Dang it!" She looked forward. Vicky pounded her feet harder into the cement and sprinted faster. She heard Helga's footsteps close by. "Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!" She said after every time her foot hit the pavement. "Why does everyone here like to chase me?" Vicky yelled out the question before quickly turning the corner. She gasped when she saw Arnold and quickly jumped out of the way. Arnold blinked at her before facing ahead of him and feeling a force hit him.



Helga rubbed her throbbing head as well as Arnold. The blonde haired girl then looked in front of her and gasped.

"A-Arnold!" Arnold looked at her with a slight smile before standing up. He then reached a hand to help her up. Vicky snickered behind Arnold as she looked away. Probably no longer feeling scared or awkward as to how to act.

"Are you okay, Helga?" Helga grabbed his hand with a scowl.

"I'm fine, Arnoldo." Arnold just rolled his eyes with a small smile at the nickname. Helga then smirked up at him. Vicky giggled again before running off yet again. Helga glared at her before turning back to Arnold with a small smile. "I'll see you tonight, Football Head…I have to get Jersey and head back home." Helga was about to walk away before she looked up at him. Helga grabbed his collar and smashed her lips to his. Arnold's eyes widened at first before fluttering closed as he wrapped an arm around her. His other hand was holding her cheek and bringing her closer. As much as Helga wanted to prolong the kiss, she pulled away. "See ya later, Football Head." She then ran to try and find Vicky. Arnold shook his head with a love sick smile before stepping forward. He quickly stepped on a piece of cloth. The football headed teen looked at it in confusion before picking it up.

"Helga! I think you forgot your-" He was cut off as he unfolded the cloth to realize it was a giant pair of underwear. It was white with dollar signs around it and a picture of Big Bob with a crown where the butt is. "OH MY GOD!"

***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***

Vicky hummed and sang to herself as she skipped down the pavement.

"I'm a little teapot
Short and stout.
Here is my handle
Here is my spout.

When I get all steamed up
Here me shout.
Tip me over and
Pour me out."

She stopped skipping and singing for a minute as she realized that she had no idea where she was. Vicky shrugged before continuing her skipping without a care in the world. She even giggled to herself as she thought about her past events with Helga and the gang.

Suddenly she heard the sound of someone else skipping and humming as well. Vicky turned to face her. The girl had long red hair that was framed her round face. Her nose and cheeks were dotted with sweet freckles. The red headed girl was wearing a green sundress with white shoes. Vicky raised her eyes to meet the girl's. Green eyes met green eyes. Vicky's were more of a bright green and the girl's eyes were a lovely shade of green but slightly darker. Yet they seem to shine just as brightly. The girl gave her a gentle smile.

"I'm ever so sorry but I don't believe that I have ever seen you around here before." Vicky giggled when she said 'ever so' and at her slight country accent.

"I'm new. My name's Victoria but you can call me Vicky or Jersey." The girl nodded before putting her hand out. Vicky shook it lightly.

"My name's Lila. It's ever so nice to meet you." Vicky scratched the back of her neck as she looked at Lila. (In case you couldn't tell, it's a nervous habit of hers to scratch the back of her neck. XD)

"Um…I kind of don't know where I am…" Lila opened her mouth to answer but a call beat her to it.

"Hey Jersey," Helga said as she skidded to a stop in front of the girl. "We better go back to my place. I'll pound you later," she joked before noticing Lila. Lila smiled at Helga.

"Hello Helga!" She chirped. Vicky watched Helga wince before grabbing her wrist and pulling her in the direction of her home.

"Hey Lila," she muttered with a quick smile before dragging Vicky. "If you don't mind…we have to get going." Lila smiled widely with a nod.

"Oh! I am ever so sorry for keeping you girls waiting. I will see you some other time." She waved before walking off. Vicky blinked with a smile.

"She's like one of those sweet girls out of the movies, isn't she? She's nice." Helga rolled her eyes at Vicky's words.

"That's Little Miss Perfect for ya…Anyway," she said quickly changing the subject. "Let's get going! Pheebs is probably getting worried sick." Vicky crinkled her nose slightly as she blinked her green eyes.

"You make her sound like our mom or something."

***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***

"I must sound like your mom after this but please…try not to run off like that again."

Vicky giggled before poking Helga's arm.

"See! I told ya!" Helga rolled her blue orbs before swatting the girl's hand away.

"Yeah...Whatever." Vicky giggled again before plopping down on Helga's computer chair. No one heard the song of a beep coming from her phone as she did so.

Phoebe sighed to herself as she looked through Helga's closet.

"Do you know where you are going Helga? Maybe that can give us an idea." Helga shrugged at Phoebe.

"No idea."

"I need an idea on what you have to wear…" She said more to herself than Helga. Suddenly they heard the sound of a muffled voice talking. Vicky blinked before turning her body to the side so the voice was clearer.

"This looks like a job for Rhonda Wellington Llyod! I'll be there in 5 minutes!" The three teens blinked as they heard the beep that signaled that the call has ended.

"I think that I butt-dialed her!" Vicky pulled out her phone after she said this. Helga rolled her eyes with crossed arms.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious!" Vicky looked up at her and rolled her eyes as well.

"No problem, Sergeant Sarcasm."

"Wait a minute," Phoebe interrupted. "How does she even know where we are?" Helga and Vicky blinked at her. Helga slowly reached over and covered the window with her curtains.

"I'm scared." Was all Vicky said after Helga closed the curtains.

***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***They're getting ready***

"Man," Gerald said with a laugh. "I don't know what is funnier! You seeing Big Bob's underpants or just the thought alone that you just saw your date chasing someone with them." Arnold rolled his eyes with a slight smile.

"I'm scarred for life." Gerald laughed even harder at this. He wiped away tears coming out of his eyes at Arnold's story.

"Oh man…" He laughed some more before taking deep breaths. "Alright, so…on a better note," he said before whipping away a tear. "What are you going to wear?"

"Clothes," Arnold replied. Gerald narrowed his eyes at him.

"Helga is already rubbing off on you. I told you that girl was bad news!" Arnold rolled his eyes with a smile.

"She isn't that bad. Especially not anymore." Gerald shook his head with arms crossed.

"Alright man…If you say so," he said before plopping down on Arnold's chair. Arnold sighed before pulling out a few clothes.

"I honestly have no idea where I am going to take her…" Gerald stuttered before blurting out.

"You asked her on a date without even knowing where you were going to take her!" Arnold winced before sticking up for himself.

"I didn't think she would say yes!" Gerald slapped his forehead.

"Aw man," Gerald said before strolling over to the closet. "I think you should take her someplace casual but fun…" Arnold raised an eyebrow.

"Um…okay?" Gerald ignored him and continued.

"You need to wear something that says 'I'm mature yet fun!' or 'Formal yet casual' or-" Arnold sighed while rubbing his head.

"I didn't know clothes can say so much…" He muttered while rubbing his head. "You sound like Rhonda."

***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***

"Clothes say everything, Helga."

Rhonda has been at the Pataki household for twenty minutes. She has been giving them all fashion advice about things.

"Right…" Helga said slowly with an eye roll. Vicky was breathing deeply on Helga's bed with a bag of cookies by her side. She was asleep as Rhonda continued talking. Phoebe was paying attention to the information very closely. She is always paying attention to new information anyway. Vicky immediately rolled over in her sleep and snuggled deeper into the comfort of Helga's bed.

"My name is Vicky!" Everyone looked at her weirdly as she continued to sleep.


"I just thought that I would just introduce myself to the Queen of Candy Land…" she mumbled before breathing deeply and falling asleep again. Helga snickered before grabbing her phone and recording the sleeping girl. In case she decided to say more. Rhonda shook her head before turning back to Helga closet.

"I'll start searching for something for Helga," she said as she looked through the closet. "Phoebe, will you help me out? After all...you were the only one paying attention!" She said as she glared at the snickering blonde and the sleeping brunette. Phoebe walked out to her with a smile. She will do anything to help Helga's date be a good one.


Helga snickered as she began to talk to Vicky.

"Oh no, Jersey!" Helga whispered in a fake panic voice to Vicky. Vicky stirred slightly in her sleep as she furrowed her eyebrow.

"What is it, Queen Lolli?" Helga gaped at the girl before giggling.

"They took him! They took Sid!" Helga said as she continued to record Vicky through her phone. Vicky gasped lightly in her sleep.

"We have to get him back!"

"But how?" Helga asked in a fake hopeless voice. Vicky snuggled into Helga's comforter.

"We're going to a need a stick, a jar of pickles, four cats, two chickens, and a giant pie that is the size of Texas." Helga snorted before slapping a hand over her mouth so Vicky wouldn't wake up.

Suddenly Helga's phone began to ring as it was held over their heads.

"I'm so glad that I'll never fit in

That will never be me

Outcasts and girls with ambition

That's what I wanna see."

Vicky screamed at the loud music before shooting her hand out and slamming the phone out of her hand as a reflex. Helga jumped at her sudden movement.

"AH!" Vicky screamed when she saw Helga. Helga screamed right at her.


"What?" They yelled at each other. Vicky was obviously feeling a little jumpy after waking up from her slumber to such a loud noise. Helga was a little shocked that she almost got caught. Neither of them noticed that when Vicky's hand hit the phone that she by accident sent the video.

"What were you doing standing over me while I was sleeping?" She asked quickly and suspiciously. Helga seemed to rack her mind for something to say. She then smirked and crossed her arms.

"It's my house. I can do whatever I want." Vicky opened her mouth to respond but quickly closed it. She then glared at Helga before blowing her bangs out of her eyes and muttering to herself. Helga wore a victorious smirk as she faced her.

"Helga," Phoebe called with a wide smile. Helga and Vicky turned to face the small Asian girl. Rhonda smirked at the two girls.

"We found the perfect outfit for you." Rhonda then pulled out the outfit and held it in front of the two girls. Vicky gave her a wide smile with two thumbs up. Helga raised an eyebrow before smirking lightly.

"I guess that can work."

***Chapter 6***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***They're getting ready***

"So it's settled man," Gerald said as he pulled out Arnold's clothes. "You'll wear this."

"Sure thing, Gerald."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Arnold called. Grandpa opened the door and stepped in.

"Hey Shortman," Grandpa said before jerking a thumb behind him. "There is some young man here to see ya." Sid followed up the stairs behind grandpa.

"Thanks, Grandpa," Arnold said before holding the door opened wider for Sid. Grandpa nodded with a smile.

"No problem, Shortman." Sid smiled up at the grandfather before making both his hands into gun shapes.

"Yeah," he said before winking and making a clicking sound with his tongue. "Thanks, Grandpa." Grandpa narrowed his eyes at the boy before pointing a shaky finger to his face.

"I'm not your grandpa." Before he can say more, there was a rumbling sound coming from his stomach. "OH! NO TIME FOR THAT!" He turned around and began walking down the stairs. "Remember…Never eat raspberries!" The three boys watched him go before Arnold closed the door and turned to face Sid.

"So what's up, Sid?" Gerald was the first one to speak. Sid took off his hat and scratched his head nervously before putting it back on.

"I…um…" Sid cleared his throat before continuing. "Remember my study date with Jersey?" Gerald nodded while Arnold smiled.

"Yeah," he started before raising an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I kind of…forgot…" He took off his hat again and began to twirl it in his hands. "I forgot to give her my number. She didn't give me her number and I have no idea where she is or where she lives." He said quickly. Gerald smacked his forehead.

"Man! That's the first thing you're supposed to do!" Sid winced slightly and laughed nervously.

"I know that now…"

Beep Beep Beep

Arnold blinked before picking up his phone from the table. Gerald and Sid leaned over his shoulder to look at his phone.

"What is it?" Arnold's eyebrow furrowed at the phone questioningly before answering their question.

"Helga sent me a video." Gerald smirked and nudged him.

"Well don't just look at it! Play it!"

"But what if it is private?" Gerald rolled his eyes.

"You'll probably wind up talking to me about it anyway, Arnold." Arnold blushed lightly before playing the video. They immediately heard the sound of Helga's light laughter. Arnold smiled at hearing her amusement. They watched as she began recording the video of Vicky sleeping. Gerald and Arnold snickered before nudging Sid. Sid blushed and looked away slightly. They heard Rhonda and Phoebe talking in the background. Suddenly Helga snickered again before talking.

"Oh no, Jersey!" They heard Helga whisper. They watched as Vicky stirred slightly in her sleep as she furrowed her eyebrow.

"What is it, Queen Lolli?" They heard Helga giggle at Vicky and couldn't help but chuckle too.

"They took him! They took Sid!" Sid blushed furiously while Gerald and Arnold laughed. Vicky gasped lightly in her sleep.

"We have to get him back!" Sid blushed even deeper.

"But how?" They heard Helga question before watching Vicky snuggled into Helga's comforter.

"We're going to a need a trampoline, a jar of pickles, four cats, two chickens, and a giant pie that is the size of Texas." Helga snorted before slapping a hand over her mouth so Vicky wouldn't wake up. The boys also laughed.

They heard Helga's phone start to beep which meant she was getting a call. They heard her ring tone.

"I'm so glad that I'll never fit in

That will never be me

Outcasts and girls with ambition

That's what I wanna see."

They watched as Vicky's eyes flew open as she screamed at the loud music before watching her hand shoot out and slap at the screen. That was the end of the video. All three of the boys started laughing at the randomness of the video.

"Man," Gerald laughed. "Girls…"

***They're getting ready***Chapter 6***They're getting ready***

"Men…" Helga grumbled as she got ready for the date. "I don't know why we need to try and look our best for them." Vicky snorted at her.

"I hear that," she agreed. Rhonda rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to dress nicely for guys you know." Phoebe nodded while folding her hands over her lap.

"I agree with Rhonda. A lot of girls dress 'nicely' to express themselves or to gain more confidence in their appearances." Vicky raised an eyebrow in boredom.

"Phoebe…we're not in school. I know what you're saying but you don't have to say it so…properly," she said while wiggling her nose. Phoebe blushed lightly.

"Oh…um…They dress that way to 'fight the man' or feel good about themselves." Vicky giggled at Phoebe's explanation.

"FIGHT THE MAN! I like that Phoebe," she said while giggling. Helga laughed lightly too while Rhonda just smiled at them with a roll of her eyes.

"Well…My work here is done," Rhonda said while walking out of the house. "See you girls in school! Ciao!" Rhonda was out the door before they can respond.

"I believe I should go as well. I have a study date with Gerald," Phoebe said while standing up. Helga smirked.

"Yeah…Study date…" Vicky giggled at Helga's words and Phoebe's blush.

"I have a study date too…" Vicky sighed while stretching.

Ring Ring

"Helga…doorbell…" Vicky called lazily. Helga glared at her slightly.

"I hear it," Helga commented before getting up. Phoebe and Vicky followed close behind. Helga opened the door and was greeted by three faces.





Vicky blinked and suddenly felt left out. She threw her hands in the air with a smile.

"Vicky!" Sid looked at her before smiling.

"Jersey!" Vicky looked at him and smiled even wider.


All three of them asked the same question in unison.

"What are you doing here?"

End of Chapter 6

Eh…I was trying to give Vicky more of a personality here. *shrugs* I gave her a childish yet polite one. But when she's playing sports…LOOK OUT! *waves arms around dramatically*

Anyway, for Arnold's and Helga's outfits, I decided it'd be more fun and easier if I let you guys decide or give me ideas. I prefer decide…*sheepish smile*

I also don't own Helga's ring tone. Can anyone guess the song though? =D

Hoped you like it!
