Alone I Break

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or Korn in any way.

Beep Beep

A soft groan punctured the silence in the waiting room as two pale hands clasped together in worry. Crimson eyes scanned the room, for perhaps the thousandth time. A foot tapped against the cold sterile floor until a nurse cleared her throat in an annoyed fashion. The man scowled at her, couldn't she see he was out of his mind with worry.

The nurse cleared her throat again, but this time for a different reason, 'Mr Atemu Namonaki, the Doctor will see you now.' She spoke quietly into the intercom, even though there were only five people there.

Atemu's heart banged against his rib cage as he stood up shakily. Breathing erratically, he made his way down the narrow corridor until he came to a simple wooden door with a steel plaque with "Doctor M Hudson" inscribed on it. Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door, dreading the news that would lie within.

'Come in.' a deep voice sounded. Atemu opened the door and walked in. 'Sit down.' Said the middle aged doctor, his grey eyebrows moving up and down as he talked.

Atemu sat in the green cracked leather chair that was being indicated.

'Now would you like me to get straight to the point or…?' the Doctor Hudson paused at the sight of the pale man in front of him nodding. 'Very well, now I sent off the x-rays to our special lab in New York and had them triple checked, but…' Atemu's breath hitched in his throat, 'I'm afraid there's no doubt about it, I'm afraid the tests were positive Mr Namonaki.' Time seemed to slow down then, it didn't stop, it simply pulled in at the reins, while Atemu breathed in and out. In and out. In and out.

Beep Beep

'Now I see you have no insurance,' Doctor Hudson regarded Atemu with pity. 'I don't suppose you would have the money to pay for the treatment would you?'

Atemu tried to find words, but found they wouldn't come, so instead he shook his head dumbly.

'Ah, I'm sorry Mr Namonaki, but there is now nothing I can do.' Doctor Hudson smiled sympathetically, as he handed him about five differently coloured leaflets 'there are however many support groups that can give you advice and the leaflets in your hand explain all of the symptoms and any complications that could happen, in the mean time I suggest you pull your family close around you and deal with it together.' Atemu shuddered. 'Right.' He said shakily. 'Thanks.' Atemu stood up and made his way to the door, leaving behind the Doctor. Atemu walked down the hallway again, his shoes tapping on the floor. Click clack. Click clack. Click clack.

As Atemu walked past the nurse in almost a trance, she looked up and her expression twisted into one of sympathy and pity, she knew that face.

Beep Beep

Atemu sighed as he saw one of his former clients looking at him and smirking. Pulling himself together he smirked back and winked, feeling ashamed of himself. He made his way through the dirty bar, to the back, where his boss waited. After counting to ten silently in his head, Atemu drew in his breath and his courage and knocked sharply on the door.

'Come in.' A voice said roughly. Atemu winced and opened the door a little and peered in.

'Well well, Shadow, what are you doing here? I thought you took the day off.' The middle aged man said gruffly.

Atemu sat on a chair timidly, 'I need to talk to you Sir.'

The man lit a cigar, 'Go on.'

'I…' Atemu hesitated, 'I'm moving on, I don't want to work here any more…' He flinched slightly, dreading what Syris would say. Syris Yoro was famous for the beatings he gave to his whores. Atemu had only endured two so far, but that was two too many.

'What did the doctor say?' Syris said, showing no emotion as he blew out a long stream of smoke.

Atemu's heart stopped 'What doctor…?' he feigned.

Syris leaned forward and grabbed Atemu by the collar, bringing him close as he breathed out the smoke, 'Don't play innocent with me, Shadow, I had someone follow you and he said that you looked distinctly unhappy when you left. So tell me, my dear employee, what's wrong?'

Now I see the times they change

Leaving doesn't seems so strange

I am hoping I can find

Where to leave my hurt behind

Atemu resisted the urge to cough and said quietly, 'I…I have an STD…' He lied through his teeth.

'Oh really…' Syris said, before drawing in another deep breath of nicotine, 'Which one?'

Atemu thought quickly, 'Hepatitis B.' He said decisively, he knew he would have to be careful, Syris was also famous for being able to separate lies from truth and weed out any information.

'Hmm… well I can't have you infecting our clients, but it should clear up in about two months, I'll expect you back then. No later, or you'll have to deal with the consequences.' Syris growled, 'You're one of our client's favourites, so get better soon.'

Atemu sighed, he'd dodged that bullet, but he knew he'd have a problem when the two month mark came and went with no sign of Atemu. As much as Atemu knew, Syris didn't know his address, no he'd always been careful going home, he didn't want to put Yuugi in danger, but Syris had a lot of connections. Atemu nodded his good bye to Syris and left swiftly.

All this shit I seem to take

All alone I seem to break

I have lived the best I can

Does this make me not a man?

Atemu looked at the first leaflet in his hand, in bold red letters across the front page it penned, "How To Deal With Astrocytomas" sighing, he opened the first page and began to read.

"When you first find out that you have a brain tumour, you may feel many different emotions, including anger, sadness, depression, numbness and others. It is ok to feel varying emotions, it is only natural. You should pull your family and friends close around you, they will help you through your illness.

Some symptoms you may experience are Seizures, Troubles with your vision, Headaches, Nausea, Vomiting, Personality Changes… "

Atemu shoved the leaflet aside, he felt sick just reading the damn thing! How the hell was he meant to deal with this. He was going to die and all the Doctor could offer him was a few lousy leaflets! Screaming in anger, he picked up the nearby TV remote and threw it at the opposite wall, where it shattered and fell to the floor in pieces.

'Atemu?!' Yuugi's shocked voice came from the doorway, bag still on his back and his outdoor shoes still on.

Atemu froze and turned around slowly, after a couple of stunned moments he forced a smile on his face and laughed slightly, 'Woops… sorry if I scared you Aibou, stupid remote wasn't working..' his voice died out, leaving an awkward silence before Yuugi sighed, 'Atemu, throwing the remote at the wall isn't gonna help, anyway, why don't you tell me what's really wrong?' Yuugi sat next to Atemu and leant his head against Atemu's shoulder. He felt his brothers black skinnies under his fingers as he laid his hand reassuringly on Atemu's knee.

Yuugi felt a hand ruffle his hair before Atemu suddenly stood up, letting Yuugi fall against the sofa, 'What are you talking about!' Atemu grinned, 'Go on, go do your homework!'

Yuugi pouted, 'Aw man…' He muttered before walking out of the living room, he sighed and let the conversation slip. He knew his big brother worked hard, even though he didn't even have the slightest idea what he did, so he wouldn't add to his stress. 'And take your shoes off!' Atemu called. A muffled groan came from the other room.

After Yuugi had left the room, Atemu sat down and held his head in his hands. 'Father… oh God, Father please help me… what am I going to do? What will Yuugi do when I'm gone, we have no relatives that can look after him… he'll have to go into a care home… I don't want that for him…' A single tear leaked past Atemu's closely shut eyelids and his resolve broke. He wept. Letting all of his anger and sorrow and frustration out.

'…And after all this time, I still can't believe our little Dukey is leaving!' Malik cried drunkenly into the microphone as he hugged Duke Devlin around the neck, effectively strangling him, although Duke didn't seem to mind as he was now trying to lick Malik's face. The only difference was, he wasn't drunk. Ketegra rolled her eyes, 'Get Malik off the stage, as much as I enjoy him making a fool of himself onstage, we're losing customers.' She said to the chocolate-haired man with piercing blue eyes next to her. He grunted, 'Can't we just leave him? It's slightly entertaining.'

Boo laughed as she came up behind them, 'How quaint Seto, "It's slightly entertaining" what a hoot!' She ruffled his hair, earning her a glare.

'Hnn.' Seto walked off.

'I love your way with words!' She called to him.

'Go back to England.' Was the reply that came back to her.

'How rude…' She pouted and then laughed. Seto walked onto the stage, before beckoning for Bakura to come and help him haul off Malik. Bakura grinned and danced his way through the crowd to get the stage. Boo came on as well, but for a different reason.

'Hi everyone!' She waved and the regulars who had been coming for a while laughed, they knew Boo's strange habits, she had once stopped all of the usual heavy rock music, put on some Vivaldi and had danced with Bakura on stage in full formal dress. He was another weird one. Bakura's usual habits included coming to work in only his underwear and a scarf and hat, refusing to serve someone until he had finished the chapter in one of his erotic novels that he brought to work and playing with one of his many knives when someone was trying to talk to him.

'Well, Dukey, we've had some times!' Boo said laughing while she hung her arm around his shoulders, 'You've been with us since we first opened KRASH! and I'd just like to say a massive thank you!' At this she waved with her free hand to get some cheering and she wasn't disappointed, as the cheering died down she took on a more somber tone and said, 'But we've all got to move on someday, and unfortunately for us that day is today for you, I'd just like to say that I wish you the best of luck in your new club and I just hope that you'll come by soon!'

'Only if the drinks are on the house!' Duke said laughing.

'You're kidding right, you'll be serving them!' Boo said, laughing as well. She nodded to Ketegra, who in turn told Seto to put the music back on, now that he was back at his post. He smiled slightly and everyone was suddenly blasted with Korn's cover of 'Word Up'.

Boo danced her way off stage and took Duke with her, 'Come on, I want one dance to remember you by!' As they started dancing, Bakura joined in as well, dancing on the other side of Duke, eventually all of the employees came out and danced with the trio.

Boo smiled and closed her eyes, letting herself go in the music, she danced wildly, jumps and turns present at all times. Her multi-coloured dreadlocked waist length hair jumping around with her, her black, red and purple tutu floating about a couple of seconds after her every step. She waved her hands in the air, her multi-coloured gloves sparkling every time the lights hit them in the right place. Bakura laughed as he watched Boo, as he had told her many times before, she danced like a social retard, but it seemed to suit her. Which really wasn't much of a compliment he realised, but it suited her in a good way. He cast his eyes upon Ketegdra who was dancing next to Boo, her dancing style was a lot more like his own, sleek, sexual and dangerous. Her dark red painted nails dug slightly into Duke's shoulder as she danced in time to the music with her dark red leather outfit leaving little to the imagination. Of course Boo and Ketegdra wasn't their real names, they were like stage names and no one knew their real names except for each other.

Ketegdra laughed as the song stopped and the lights all went off, leaving them dancing to nothing, the technicians were known for pulling pranks and it was fitting that they would do it on Duke's last night. Out of all the clubs in Seattle, it was agreed that KRASH! was the strangest that anyone had ever gone too. It was more like a massive family than a workplace.

'So Boo, have got someone to replace me yet?' Duke asked out of curiosity, feeling for her with his free hand.

Boo, not wanting to be talking to thin air, focused a little, since she was young she had been able to see people auras, and when it was dark, she found that increasingly helpful. 'Not yet,' she replied, locating Duke's aura, which was a beautiful primrose colour 'I must admit, I'm putting it off I mean you've been with us since the start, it's gonna be hard replacing you…' For the first time that night, Boo showed a little sense of loss.

Duke smiled softly, no matter what Boo acted like, he knew that she did care, and deeply too. 'Hey don't worry Snookums, I'll come visit, you know I will!' He laid a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

Boo took his hand and held it, 'Snookums?' She muttered.

'I took an opportunity… and I took it!' Duke said, 'I've always wanted to say "Snookums"!'

'You're so obviously gay!' Boo laughed. Duke pouted and then laughed. He then excused himself from Boo's company as he spied his boyfriend winking at him. Boo laughed. She was happy for Duke, she really was, but she knew that she'd hardly ever see him, he was moving out of Seattle to start his own club on the outskirts. Sighing she moved her way through the thriving crowd and poured herself a cranberry juice. Blinking, she tried to focus her eyes properly. It was a while since she had used her 'Second Sight' as she liked to call it. Of course everyone made fun of her when she said that, they all called it her 'Kink'.

She cast her eyes over her employees. Bakura was first. A beautiful mix of terracotta and a rustic red floated around him, the terracotta symbolised his unconventional individualism, the red showing his quick temper. Sometimes a flash of turquoise would show, showing that he'd fought his way out of hardship with success but he covered this up. Boo looked at Malik next, he was mainly a primrose, meaning that he cheerful and confident but also with a flash of a straw yellow, indicating his tendency to day dream. Seto was completely different to both of them, He was delft blue, showing he had strong principles but he also had a tad of an olive green, telling Boo that he was a bit of a miser. She snorted, that was true. Ketegdra, her best friend and business partner had an Amber aura, showing her strength and courage, sometimes a flicker of rustic red came in and out of view, but Ketegdra controlled her temper rather well unless someone really annoyed her. And also, you had to look carefully but there was the tiniest bit of salmon pink in there, she had found her true vocation and she loves it. Boo laughed, she knew Ketegdra would never admit to loving the work that she was in now, she kept telling Boo that she would run her own club one day, but plenty of opportunities had come up and still Ketegdra would stay! Boo chuckled to herself, she loved all of her employees and her partner too, they were all just one big family really! Boo just hoped that her new employee would fit in.

'Pick me up, been bleeding too long, right here, right now, I'll stop this somehow.' The black dreadlocked artist on the radio starting singing in his gravely voice, 'I will make it go away, can't be here no more, seems this is the only way, I will soon be gone…' Boo smiled as she walked in time to the music, making her way over to Seto. She set down a cup of coffee on his desk.

'Thanks.' He murmured, not taking his eyes off the screen.

'S'ok.' She said before exiting the small room at the back of KRASH. She made her way into the office she shared with Ketegdra. 'Hey.' She said while sitting down on the black revolving chair behind her desk. Ketegdra looked up and nodded. She then went back to the work she was doing on her desk. Boo looked at Ketegdra and noted with interest that she had somehow changed from last night and was now dressed in black combats and a black strappy top. Boo on the other hand had had no time to change and was stuck with her clubbing clothes.

'Working on the advert?' Boo said slowly. Ketegdra nodded her head. 'Boy are you talkative today.' Boo rolled her eyes and took a drink from the day old cranberry juice on her desk, before wrinkling her nose and chucking it in the bin.

'Well some of us are working.' Ketegdra said pointedly, 'Anyway, I'm done now, you wanna read?'

'Sure.' Boo took the handwritten notes and read through it quickly.

Bartender wanted at KRASH! Gothic Club and Dance Floor.

Must be experienced with the different mixes and drinks. Must be able to work late shifts. Must be open to different types of music.

Please contact Boo or Ketegdra at the address below.

'It's great!' Boo smiled, 'Ooh, one thing' Taking the pen from Ketegdra she wrote in her untidy scrawl.

Must be able to have fun.

With a sigh, Ketegdra laughed and took the paper as she collected her black rucksack and stuffed the papers in. 'I'll see you in a bit, no touching the alcohol!' She called behind her as she left.

'Don't worry!' Boo laughed.

Well, here it is guys, the first chapter of KRASH! Its taken me a long time to write this, although I have to admit that I spent about five months doing jack all. But, to my defense, I do have my GCSE'S this year. I spent a lot of my Christmas holidays finishing KRASH! So you can now expect a weekly update from me.

I would like to thank Sliferservant for her kind permission for the use of the character Ketegdra.

KRASH! will be seven chapters long, including the epilogue, I hope everyone enjoys the fruit of my labours and I would really appreciate some feedback.
