Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass. The copyright holders for Code Geass include Sunrise and some other companies and individuals, none of whom are affiliated with me in any way. Used without permission; however, I'm not making any profit.

Note: This is fluffy. Really fluffy. Ridiculously fluffy, even. Moreover, it's shameless fluff. And I never write fluff, shameless or otherwise. Blame the Black King and Black Queen forum; I wrote this because they've been wanting LelouchxKallen fluff. Also, this was inspired by a discussion on there in which someone said that if Kallen were food, she'd be a strawberry. (So it's not like this is symbolic or anything... XD)

Set sometime in early R2, so mild spoilers for the end of season one if you haven't seen it yet.

by misaoshiru


"Yes, Kallen. I like strawberries. Is that a problem?"

"No, but..." Kallen taps a finger against her bottom lip softly, cutely, trying to word her response. "It's a little odd, don't you think?"

"How so?"

"Zero, symbol of justice, conqueror of Britannia...eating strawberries."

Kallen smirks. Lelouch frowns. "As if that matters."

He looks up warily as Kallen approaches, smirk widening. "Hey, what are you--"

"Preserving your image." Then, grasping the last strawberry between her index and middle finger, she pops it into her mouth and grins triumphantly.

Lelouch scowls. "That's playing unfairly." Then, he stands up and smirks. "However..."

The kiss takes Kallen by surprised, before she could even get around to chewing. When it is over, she falls to her knees, strawberry-less.

Lelouch swallows, smirking even wider. "Two can play at that game, Q-1."

As he walks away, she finds her voice again. "You...you...you cheated!"