" Dib, Help me."

Part 2

After Dib looked around the room he saw Tak walk in from the hallway. He tries to standup but fines his legs are shackled to the floor. " Why did you kiss me?" Dib asked. Tack smiles, and reapplies," I abducted you, chain you down , and your confused about the kissed?"

Dib silently stares at her. Tak roles her eyes, " I kissed you because it was the only thing that I could think of that would distract you long enough to transport you here, my transporter will only take you if you're no more then five inches away, and for some reason I felt that you needed it."

Dib looked away embarrassed that someone saw him like that. Dib tells asked her.

" How did you compensate for you size? You seem as tall as me now."

Tak takes a deep breath Ignoring Dibs question, then said " I know you wish to protect the Earth from Zim, So fare you have been lucky because Zim is insane and well….. stupid, but Irken technology will eventually be your end. I can give you Tec and help you bring Zim to the world. All I ask is for….for…your..hel…help."

Taks face had a look on it as if she was swallowing broken glass.

" Why would I trust you? From what I understand Irkens are not that well know for trust."

She smiles, and responds. " I don't want this planet. I just need two thing Zims head on a pike, and your help. Dib! I infused my DNA with Human DNA so I can changed my form at will, one day I stayed in human form for more then ten hours, now I can't changed back to an Irken. Then there is the pain I feel at night where my sqweetaly spooch is. I would have my Sir unit do a study on your females species, but I could not reappear him, but I need to be an Irken again. I need you Dib."

Dib looked in her eyes his head lowered he thought about it for a minute. "I will help you, but tell me first. What would you do if I had said no? "

Tak smiles and pulls out a lock of purple hair. " This is you sister's hair. I got it when she was asleep. I could have done more, and I still can." Dib felt a mixed emotion of anger and fear, but played it safe.

Tak lowers her head, " Sorry, I'm desperate for help."

( Meantime at the home of Zim)

A small hole opens in the roof of Zims home, Zim's curser crashes right next to it missing it by fifteen feet. Zim jumps out of the ship and yells. " Computer! reaper that." Gir runs out of the ship yelling. " Monkey I'm home." Then out the door. Zim looks to see if Gir is gone. Zim falls to his knees, grips his chest and starts to cough up green blood. Zim wipes the blood away from his mouth.

" I.. am… Zim. I will beat this."

To Be Continued