"You. Change. My. Clothes? YOU PERVERT!" She yelled and swiftly reached behind her, throwing a pillow at him, and successfully hitting the target in the face with the soft cushion.

"Here." Ikuto said as he placed a plate of warm scrambled eggs and bacon in front of the still steaming Amu. She didn't stop hitting Ikuto until he had- to Amu's satisfaction- a large red mark on the side of his face, which was now fading into a light pink.

Amu began calming down and picked at her food with a fork, sipping from her glass of milk. She frowned as she stuck a small piece of bacon in her mouth, chewing slowly and sipping more milk. She finally broke the tense silence after a moment or two.

"I'll leave after your done eating." She declared. Ikuto glanced up at her from across the table.

"You can't." He said simply as he finished off his large glass of milk. Amu frowned at this.

"Why not?" She demanded an explanation.

"You can't walk." He said in a bored tone. Amu blushed slightly when she remembered Ikuto having to help her limp to the kitchen seat. "So you can't go home."

"Who said I'm going home?" She asked, more to herself than anyone else, her tone bitter. But Ikuto heard her clearly.

"You're no going home?" He asked, raising a fine eyebrow, seemingly more intrested now in the conversation than before, but barley showing it.

"No." She replied simply, sticking another piece of bacon in her mouth, and sipping the rest of her milk, obviously trying to avoid the subject of her home. "Can I have some more milk?" She asked off handed, holding out her glass.

"What's wrong with your house?" Ikuto pressed. Amu's eyes glinted dangerously, and she frowned deeply, nothing showing she was angry but her fist clenching tighter on the milk glass.

"Nothing!" She snapped. She then realized that she had yelled, being rude to someone who she was staying in the house of and eating the food of, and quietly said, "Nothing is wrong with my house. Can I please have some milk?" She shook her glass in her hand lightly.

Without a word, Ikuto got up and left the room to go get water. His mind wondered to how she had yelled. What could be so wrong with her house? He then scolded himself mentally. She's the enemy. I don't care about her, so I shouldn't act like it.

Once coming back from the kitchen he noticed three Shugo Chara's talking animatedly to Amu. She was brushing aside their questions, annoying their worried expression and obvious concern. She focused on her plate and scooped a few eggs into her mouth. She muttered something under her breath darkly.

"Leave me alone!" Amu finally yelled at the Chara's losing her temper. She was wired today. She never lost her temper this much, as far as Ikuto knew, and she seemed on the edge since she woke up to find 'Ami was with him.'

"Amu..." Suu whispered, frowning at her owner. "I'm sorry about what your fa-" Amu glanced up, saw Ikuto standing in the door way, and quickly put a finger over the green Chara's mouth, not allowing her to continue her speech.

"Please, guys, go take care of Ami." She told them softly. They glanced behind them to see what Amu had saw, their eyes landing on Ikuto. They reluctuantly nodded, and within a second, were out of sight.

Ikuto didn't say a word, but handed Amu the milk, just pondering...


The day seemed to go by in a breeze. Night had come quickly. And now that Ikuto had made it clear Amu was not going to leave anytime before tomorrow or maybe even after that, Amu was faced with the dilemma. She sighed. Oh well. Might as well ask the question, she thought, turning from her dinner plate that had, only minutes ago, been cleared of fried rice and tender, delectable chicken.

"So..." She hesitated and sighed. "Where am I going to sleep?" She asked reluctuantly, hoping he wouldn't say something that would make her blush like crazy. But of course god hate Amu.

"With me of course. I know you want to sleep beside me." Ikuto said casually, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. This, of course, caused Amu to blush scarlet.

"Perverted Cat!" She accused, attempting to hit him in the side of his head, but couldn't, due to the fact that he moved and she couldn't exactly get up and stroll over to him without really having the ability to walk.

"Aww." He pretended to be hurt by her statement. "Well, I don't know who would want to sleep in the same bed with somebody like you anyway..." He teased. He loved messing with his Amu so much. Hold on. His? Where did that come from. IMPURE THOUGHTS! Anyways...

"Well sorry." Amu huffed. "So, seriously, where do I sleep?" She demanded.

"I already said, with me." He slyly said, leaning toward Amu so his face was very close and right in front of her blushing one. Her blush deepened by thee shades.

"S-stop kidding." She stuttered. Ikuto smirked. Aww so cute, He felt like teasing, but that would sound too weird coming from him, so he just settled for smirking at the now glaring girl.

"Tell me!" She huffed again, and at the still smirking and nonspeaking Ikuto, she turned away. "Fine then, I'll sleep on the floor, if that's how you are!" She huffed and stubbornly crossed her arms, attempting to stand on her over wobbly legs. But with her clumsiness, she tripped over the chair, that or air, only to be caught by the ever so crafty cat.

Amu's face became beat red as she realized her position- Ikuto had saved her from the fall by wrapping his arms around her waist, and pulling her forward, so now it seemed she was in his chest in an embrace. She jumped away, embarrassed, and fell onto the cold tile floor, of course, because as luck would have it, god hated her, and took every chance to bring her pain. Or at least that was the idea she was fixated on. Or the excuse.

"..." It was pretty quite. This annoyed Amu to no end. Finally, Ikuto reached out a hand to help her up, which she took, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I will sleep on the couch, you can have the bed." He finally spoke.

"No, I'll take the couch- the bed is yours." Amu stubbornly protested. It was his house, she was intruding, and he was telling her to sleep on his soft, comfortable bed while he slept on the hard, lumpy sofa. Well, at least he acted like a gentleman. Sometimes.

"Or...we can both have the couch." Ikuto suddenly teased, winking at Amu playfully, who rolled her eyes but blushed.

"We will figure it out later. Do you have a TV or something?" Amu asked, trying to seem bored. She hoped it was working, and that he couldn't see her blush.

"Ahh!" Amu said, and suddenly she was bridal style in Ikuto's arms. "What the heck!?" She demanded.

"You can't walk. You want to watch TV. I'm taking you." Ikuto said boredly. A good fake reason. But... The real reason was, well...he could see down her shirt while he was holding her. And, to add to that, she was only wearing his long t-shirt. He could ask for it back right now.

After a moment, Amu practically had steam coming from her ears, as she saw exactly where he was looking. "You pervert!" She accused, pulling at his soft, silky hair and hitting him on the head several times.

"Fine. I was going to let you keep the shirt. But... being ungrateful doesn't be-suit anyone, so to teach you a lesson, I'll have that back." His voice was teasing and he sighed, shaking his head from left to right. Amu's face turned tomato red at this, and she didn't respond, not really knowing how to.

Upon reaching the couch, Ikuto sat down, setting Amu in his lap. After a second of being held in the pretty boys arms she sighed, and looked at him, arching an eyebrow, and saying obvious words: "I'm waiting, you know."

"Your waiting? For me to let go of you. Right." He said sarcastically. Amu really got the feeling that Ikuto's ego was way to big. She rolled her eye at him, and tried to get out of his lap, but her grabbed her waist, stopping her. He put his lips to her ear, and whispered, "You don't want me to let go, do you?" In a seducive voice that did its job of turning Amu's entire face scarlet.

"Yes." She huffed. He sighed, acting dramatic, and set her down before picking up the remote from the wooden table an flipping on the television to a channel neither of them would probably enjoy, one with an old fortune telling lady who was preaching about 'Guardian Angels' and how they were always watching over you. Your 'Kinder Spirit', if you will.

After about five or ten minutes of watching television, Amu was asleep. Her head fell on Ikuto's shoulder. Ikuto looked down at the sleeping girl. Well... it was okay... wasn't it? I mean, what could it hurt.

Ikuto's looked down at Amu, deciding whether it was best to move her, or if it really didn't matter. He decided on the second line of thought- it didn't matter- and soon, his eye fluttered shut, and slowly he drifted off into a sweetest, peacefullest sleep he had had for a long while. His last thought before unconsciousness overwhelmed him was that... maybe, just maybe, Amu over wasn't such a bad idea...


Thanks for reading! R&R