AN: So… looks like I'm back at it… for the moment. I want you guys to realize that the majority of the time when I write a chapter, I write it in like an hour and it goes straight up onto because I don't want to look at it and think that it sucks, and not post it. I digress. Who saw Breaking Dawn part 1? … Wtf, my keyboard is not liking me tonight. I hope there aren't too many typos or anything for you…

Oh yeah… Stephanie Meyer OWNS.

Previously on DWoB

I decided not to push it, and turned around, redressing quickly.

Happy? I asked as I faced the mirror again.

Immensely. He thought back, his thoughts realigning into a more gentleman-like setting.

Good. We had better get back out there. I thought, as I spun towards the door, opening it fluidly and stepping out.


We faced each other for a few brief moments before clasping hands and walking back out to the front desk, startling the woman who was currently thinking about getting a new pair of shoes with the extra cash from our wedding. Edward suppressed a chuckle, while I smiled brightly up at him. Together we filled out a couple of pieces of paper regarding to our marriage, Edward surprising me by writing his maiden name of Masen on the forms.

We then followed her out to the gazebo, where a man in a black suit was standing with a small binder.

He motioned for us to step up to him. We did, hand in hand, smiling at each other the entire way. "Well, let's get this show on the road, what do you say?" He asked with a slight twang, like he usually would be impersonating Elvis, I could see it in his features. We both nodded in response to his informal question.

"We three are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Edward Anthony Masen, and Isabella Marie Swan." He said, looking back and forth between us. "Marriage is a bond between two people who are very much in love, and who vow to be for the rest of their lives. With that being said, do you, Edward Anthony Masen, promise to love and to cherish Isabella, in ill times and healthy, for richer or poorer, in good times and bad, as long as you both shall live?" He dove right in.

"I do." Edward spoke firmly, full of love and seriousness.

"And do you, Isabella Marie Swan, promise to love and to cherish Edward, in ill times and healthy, for richer or poorer, in good times and bad, as long as you both shall live?" He repeated for me.

"I do." I said, staring into Edward's eyes, and repeating myself over and over in my mind.

"The rings?" The man asked, as Edward reached into his suit pocket.

Edward and I exchanged rings, with me only then realizing that I had no part in picking his out. Edward must have seen my thoughts there, as his whispered through my mind, you can pick out a new one right after this, I just asked for a matching set at Tiffany's. I smiled a little brighter then.

"Well, by the power given to me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" The man said, seemingly in a rush, as he looked at his watch. Just under an hour. He thought.

Edward and I kissed softly, saving the rest for later.

We walked back into the lobby, Edward pulling out a wad of cash, counting out a quick three grand, and then escorting me back to the changing rooms, where we changed quickly, not interrupting each other this time. When we returned to the lobby, hand in hand, the woman handed us our marriage license, asking us both to sign it, now that we had made our vows. We did, and then we made our hasty escape. We were married. It was that simple. Wow.

"Wow indeed, Bella." Edward whispered to me from the driver's seat of the car. I looked up at him and smiled, not knowing what else to do in the moment. Now that we were married, it seemed like the next logical step would be to go on a honeymoon, but was that what Edward wanted still? I couldn't be sure unless I asked him, "Yes Bella, of course I still want to go on the honeymoon." I breathed a sigh of relief, only to gasp at his next words. "It's not like some switch flipped when we made our vows that made me want you any less." He proved his point by trailing his fingers up my thigh slowly, getting ever-closer to my core, until finally, he pressed a finger against the seam of my pants, giving me some much needed friction. I squirmed under his touch, causing him to smile sinisterly.

"Edward, please," I asked him, searching his eyes wildly. He leaned forward, capturing my lips with his own with a ferocious snarl that made me burn with hunger, and not for blood. I moaned softly into his mouth as he rubbed harder at my apex. I had never known a better or worse feeling in my life. This was pure torture in the best of ways.

When he broke his lips away from mine, moving his to suck on the side of my neck, I looked out the window of the car, noticing a man with a camera phone pointing it in our direction. "Edward, stop." He stopped immediately, though he must have been too preoccupied to read my mind, as he had a look of bewilderment on his face as he looked up at me from where he had been sucking on my neck. He pulled his hand away swiftly, and began apologizing. "Edward, seriously, don't apologize, I only told you to stop because there is a man with a camera recording us out there." I said motioning out the window, and looking as he did, of course by then, with the show over, the man had fled.

"Bella," he whispered, hanging his head. "You don't have to lie; you can tell me that I was going too far."

"Edward," I said sternly. "Edward, look at me." He refused, so I grabbed his face in my hands, yanking it up to my level, only to have him wince. "Oh, God, I'm so sorry." I said, dropping my hands immediately, and tucking them under my arms. "Edward, look into my mind. Do you think that I am lying about this? Look, see what I saw? A man with a camera phone, a sick voyeur!" He closed his eyes, presumably looking into my mind, as requested, a look of anger building on his face.

"I'm going to kill him." He said, his voice so low and deadly that I was afraid and aroused all in the same second. Before I could move to stop him, Edward was throwing the car into motion, and searching the surrounding area for him.

"Edward, stop." I said calmly, trying to get my calm tone to wear off on him. When that didn't work, I went for anger, for rage. "Edward. Stop. Right. Now." I said firmly, twin fires of anger and desire burning in me. He kept going, not noticing my mood at all. "Edward. If you don't stop right now, and find us some private place to park, I swear to God, I will not let you touch me for the entire honeymoon." He slammed on the breaks, causing some honking behind us.

"No." He said firmly.

"Yes, find us somewhere private to talk. Now." I said aloud, but in my head talk was replaced with fuck. He heard that loud and clear. He slammed his foot back down, and we were racing off into the desert. I liked this idea, no one around to see or hear us, or vice versa.

Edward whipped off the road onto a dirt path that I barely noticed, speeding down to the end of the path where a small house stood, pulling into a garage that seemed to lead directly into a large rock from the outside.

"How did you know this was here?" I asked, sort of suspicious of the random house in the middle of the desert.

"It's mine. I grew tired of being the only unmated vampire in the house after a while, and decided to live on my own. There are enough coyotes and cougars around here to supplement living here for a while, if that's what you want, of course." He said softly, looking down at his hands in his lap. "I-I'm S-"

"Stop," I said, effectively shutting him up. "Don't be sorry Edward, just don't do it again. I trust you, and you can never go too far with me, but you can go too far to protect me." I shook my head softly, my hair falling in front of my face. "Edward, I don't want to see you that frenzied and ready to take the life of a human being. You're a doctor you're supposed to save lives, not take them." I peeked out from behind my wall of hair to look at his face, his head still hung in misery. "Don't beat yourself up either Edward, there is time for that later, for now, please, take me to bed."

He snapped his head up, looking me in the eyes. "You still... you still want to…?" He couldn't finish the sentence, much less the thought.

"Yes, Edward, as you said, 'It's not like some flip switched that made me want you less', in fact, for a moment, that ferocity was quite the turn on." I reassured, brushing my hair back behind my ear, so I could better see his reaction. It was instantaneous. He was still for a moment, then he was out of the car, and at my door in barely a blink of an eye. He opened my door for me, and held out his hand, as any gentleman would. "Thank you," I murmured to him for his assistance, and for his behavior, this was going to be some night.

Not wanting to rush things too much, Edward escorted me around the small house, showing me various amenities. He led me to the living room, showing me his vast collection of movies and the flat screen that materialized out of the ceiling.

"I like to keep everything well protected," he hedged, looking back down, and running a hand through his hair. "If someone were to look in from the outside, they would see nothing of value. I usually keep it all buttoned down tight though, you know the steel panels at the house that cover the windows? Same system here," he said ruefully, pressing a button on his key fob. The metal covered the windows almost instantly, the light of the moon no longer shining through. "Is this private enough for our talk?" he asked after a few moments of comfortable silence. My eyes found his, and I felt the urge to swoon, though I didn't think it was possible for me to do anymore.

"I think this is perfect, Edward." I smiled up at him, pulling myself close, into his chest, as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. We just stood there for a few moments, feeling each other again, letting ourselves calm down in the other's presence.

"Let's go to bed." Edward murmured in my ear after a while. Though neither of us would sleep, I had the suspicion that we wouldn't be doing more than what we were now. I realized then that it didn't matter when it happened now; it would happen when we were ready, and, now that it could happen without any worry of marriage or interruption, we had no rush. Edward nodded his agreement to my thoughts. "I know that I still want you, and you me, but I feel I would much rather relax, get to know each other's minds even better. Now that I can read your mind, and you mine, I feel like it is only fair that we share our whole lives with each other, not just the last few days, or weeks, but everything." I smiled up at him and kissed his neck.

"You always know just what to say to make me feel better," I said, leaning further into him.

He lowered his hands, grabbing onto my bottom, to pick me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he carried me into the bedroom, asking me if I'd like to change into something more comfortable out of habit, I assumed. I nodded, and he led us over to a tall dresser, pulling a drawer open that held neatly folded stacks of his pajama pants. I smiled. Why did he need pajamas? Then again, why did I? I smiled and grabbed a red and black pair, while he opted for black and grey. Next he opened a drawer full of T-shirts, I grabbed a small white shirt, he closed the drawer without grabbing one himself. I let my legs down from his waist to go change in the bathroom, quickly disrobing, and putting on his clothes, trying not to keep him waiting. He was already leaning back on the pillows with his hands behind his head, wearing only his pajama pants when I opened the door. I inhaled lightly as I took in his naked torso again. I didn't think I would ever get past the beauty and sexiness I found there.

I walked slowly over to the bed, then hopped up next to him, nuzzling my face into his chest while he thought. One of his arms wound around me automatically, holding me to him. I smiled into his chest, completely content, and not at all tired as I almost hoped to be. After such a long day, it would be nice to have the reprieve of sleep, but alas, no rest for the wicked, eh? Edward chuckled at my thoughts, I hadn't thought he would be listening, he seemed to be off in his own little world up there, I certainly wasn't listening to him. I almost felt like I was invading his privacy when I was in his mind, but perhaps with time, I would be just as used to it as he was. I hoped so, because no matter how much I felt that way, I still loved hearing his thoughts, his mind was usually very relaxing for me. I nuzzled in closer still to his chest, and he drew the comforter over us, despite neither of us requiring its warmth, it was a nice gesture. Everything was so natural with him, as if we had been doing it for years, rather than days. I could tell he agreed with me, even with my eyes closed.

I seemed to be feeling him more and more as we stayed in our protective little cocoon, and he felt the same way. We had been all wrapped up in each other, just feeling each other as best we could, rather than speaking. We did communicate, often just with our minds, not wanting to disrupt the peaceful silence surrounding us. After a few hours, or days perhaps, we left the bedroom, opting to cozy up on the couch together, watching old movies. Our commentary was constant then, always sharing our opinions of the plot or the characters, or whatever came to mind. It was nice to be able to have such freedom with someone, never having them get mad for talking during the movie, or having to hear them munch on popcorn. This seemed the perfect pastime laying together sharing everything, then again, everything with Edward seemed perfect.

After the last movie's credits rolled, and the screen eventually went black, we were silent. Edward hugged me closer to his chest, running his nose up and down my neck. We each knew what the other wanted, and yet we were unsure about it. Odd that we had been so bold with each other before, but when it came down to it, neither of us really knew exactly what to do. Sure the concept seemed easy enough, but how did we get there? How did we let ourselves go? We mulled it over silently in our own minds now, hoping to find the trigger.

I immediately recalled the way he had touched me in the car, the way it had felt, I was there, I was ready. Edward must have been watching my replay of the events in the car, as he slowly pulled my lips to his, capturing them in a fiery kiss. We weren't as frenzied as in the car, opting for the old adage 'slow and steady', but this seemed to work just as well. I was just as worked up as before, and Edward must have been too, I could feel his arousal growing beneath me as I rolled on top of him on the couch. I pulled back slightly, closing my eyes, just feeling him beneath me. His hands traced slowly up my sides, pulling his T-shirt off of me easily. Now we matched, both wearing only pajama pants, I giggled at that thought, his chuckle followed. He pressed his palms against the small of my back, pulling me down so our chests were flush against each other. I sighed at the contact, feeling his breath rise and fall under me, it felt like we were two halves to one whole, which I was positive we were.

I kissed the side of his neck, my fingers pulling softly through his hair, as his danced slowly further down my back. Once under the fabric, he gripped my butt firmly in his hands, kneading the cheeks together softly, causing me to moan, and push myself further into him, his moan quickly following.

"Bella, love," he whispered, "may I?" Always the gentleman, I nodded against his neck as he slid the pants from first my body, then his. We were naked, completely exposed to each other, I didn't care, I looked up at his face, it looked strained with need. I kissed his neck again, giving him all the permission he needed in my mind, I love you, I thought. As I love you, was his only response before entering me gradually. If before I thought we were two halves to a whole, now it seemed even more prevalent. We fit together seamlessly, and I sighed at this knowledge. Of course I had known that we were meant for each other, but it helped to have tangible proof, the fact that there was nothing between us that could keep us separated. Not our bodies, not our minds, we were in that moment, complete.

AN: Yo. You know, I said I would update more often, but I really seem to be slacking. Sorry, I have had a lot of work to do, and less time than I need to do it. College sucks.

Anyway, let me know what you thought… Also, I have been vlogging a bit on youtube, on MsMorg2626 and TheMsMorg, check those out if you want to put a face to the name.

As always, the best way to get in contact with me is through twitter, so follow me there at Msmorg

Peace guys, I'll probably update again in a week or two, for sure by Dec 12… lol
