FINALLY an Ubdate. Please. Dont Kill me. I'ts getting good!! (;
The next chapter will be up VERY SOON, and it will be quite long! I'm on it right now!
Disclaimer: I own. Nothing. NADA. Well except the idea.
Ouch," Kuki said rubbing her head, after the landing.
"I thought you said it could hold us!" She said. Wally grinned sheepishly. "Sorry," He said.
She smiled back at him, thinking about how cute he looked, with his blonde hair ruffled up.
He held out his hand. She took it, but as she got up, she remembered the familiar hurt. She let go of his hand and got up, ignoring his puzzled expression.
"C'mon we better find the others," She said, before he could say anything.
They looked around. They were in one of the many rooms, in the Delightful Mansion. This appeared to be a bedroom. Wally turned to the door and opened it, Kuki followed him out.
"Where are we?" He asked looking at the massive hallway. "No idea, this mansion is massive," She said as she walked down the hall.
They turned left, to find another hallway filled with doors. "Let's open all of them, maybe the others-" Kuki began, but was interrupted by loud footsteps. Wally grabbed her hand, and pulled her into another room.
As soon as she got her breath back, she looked at Wally. He still had his arms around her. He looked down, his eyes locked into hers.
Suddenly he noticed, his arms still around her. He blushed, and quickly pulled himself away.
The door opened,and they quickly behind a piller. "Father is this really nessery?" The DCFDTL asked, exprased. "Don't move," Wally mouthed. She nodded.
"Yes it is! Now tell me what's going on here!" Father said sharply.
The DCFDTL sighed. "We went over this, Father," They said. "All of those pesky TND are locked up in the dungeon which is impossible to get out off, in nearly a half hour's time, all of them will be turned into Delighful children- er teens, and then, together they will all attack the KND," They chorused, eyes gleaming.
Father didn't say anything. "I- I...this...this is actually going to work," He said. "Why of course it is Father, the kids turn into dumb teens, it was easy,". "I have never been more proud," Father said, his voice cracking. "Come here," He said, enveloping them in a hug. Laughing together, they opened the door, and strode out.
For a while, they sat in silence. "W-what are we going to do?" Kuki asked, her eyes wide in horror.
Wally looked at her. "We have no choice, we have to stop them," He said. "Wally, there's no way we can do that, this is the DCFDTL we're talking about, we should alert the KND and get them to invade the mansion- " Kuki began. "No," Wally cut in. "We have no time to do that," He shook his head.
"But how are we going to...?" She trailed off.
"We'll think of something, C'mon let's try to find the dungeon," He said getting up.
He held out his hand, and this time she took it. They crept out the door.
In the dungeon
"30 minutes PEOPLE!! 30 MINUTES UNTIL WE GET DELIGHTFUL CLONIZED!!!!!!" Rachel shouted. Everyone was scattered around, trying to look for a way out.
She sighed. She looked hopelessly up at the ceiling. A small tear slid down her face.
"Hey, are you crying?" Nigel asked, wide eyes. "No," Rachel sniffed, wiping her eyes.
"Its okay, its going to be okay," Nigel said softly.
"I'm such...a bad leader...i've gotten everybody...into this mess, and now its all my fault that we're going to be Delighful Clones," She said her voice breaking. "No its not, okay? And we're getting out of this! Have you forgotten who we are? We're the Kids Next Door," Nigel said.
Rachel smiled. "Your right," She said.
"It has to work!" Hoagie shouted. "WELL IT DOESNT!" An angry operative said, storming away.
Hoagie sighed. "Any luck?" Fanny asked. "No, its hopeless," He said sighing.
"I know," She agreed. "Do you think that there going to do it?" He asked. She didn't meet his eye. "Do what?" She asked. "Kuki and Wally, do you think there going to save us?" He asked. She looked at him. "I hope," She said softly.
Back to Kuki/Wally
"Where's the cruddy dungeon!?" Wally exploded. "Hush!" Kuki said quicky. "Oh right, sorry," Wally murmerred. "I don't know, this mansion is so huge," She said quietly. "Maybe it's somewhere down, like in a basement," Wally suggested. "Let's go," She said, and they rushed down the stairs.
Wally's P.O.V
Crud. Crud. CRUD!
She's mad at me. I know she is. And I can't apoligize right now. Or bring it up. We have to focus on saving the TND. But I can't. I need to explain to her. And I need to tell her. The truth. Finally.
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Just say'n (;