Even Celebrities Get Scared

Chapter 9

"So, so are you going to tell me what's going on?"

Gabriella groaned and took a bite of her hamburger. Troy gave her a look as he bit into his own hamburger.

"Sorry, err.. yeah. I guess. You have to promise me something though." Gabriella said and took a sip of her water; Troy just nodded and waited for her to continue, "You can't interrupt me. Also, you can't tell anyone."

Troy snorts, "Easier said than done."

Gabriella glares at him, "Why am I even hanging out with you right now?"

"Because you need someone to talk to and it looks like I'm the only person available right now who's willing to talk to you." Troy said bluntly.

"Don't sugar-coat it for me or anything." Gabriella said sarcastically with an eye-roll.

Troy just laughed and motioned for her to start talking.

"Well," Gabriella took a deep breath as she started, "I met him a few years ago, before all the movie deals happened and… I think it was when I released my first album when I met him. He was acting all smooth and—"

"Wait" Troy interrupted, causing Gabriella to glare at him, "Who's the mysterious 'he'?"

Gabriella sighed in annoyance, "He would be Caleb. My crazy ex-boyfriend who is out to get me."

Troy laughed at her choice of words, "out to get you?"

Gabriella slapped him on the arm with a slight grin, "I'm being serious, Troy."

Troy laughed, throwing his arms up, "Finally! She smiles!"

Gabriella frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Troy shrugs and says innocently, "Continue."

Gabriella, who still had her hand on Troy's arm, sighed, "Fine. So, anyway, like I was saying.. I met him at my release party, actually. He seemed nice but it turns out.. he wasn't so nice. There. Happy?"

Troy ignored her last question and asked, "What do you mean by he wasn't so nice?"

Gabriella finally took her hand off of Troy's arm, blushing as she did this, and ate a fry.

"Gabriella?" Troy sounded concerned enough to touch her hand. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, "What did he do?"

"What?" She croaked out, "What do you want from me?"

Troy said nothing, only looking at her. Finally, after a few moments of complete silence, Gabriella spoke.

"He abused me."

Troy's jaw dropped and said, "What? He—"

"Yes," Gabriella exclaimed, "My ex-boyfriend used to hit me."

Everyone started to stare at her. Gabriella glared back at them. Troy sighed and put money down on the table before helping Gabriella out of the restaurant. Troy said nothing as they got into his car. Gabriella turned her head so he couldn't see her tears.

"Gabriella..." Troy said softly, "I had no idea."

"No one did or does. Well, Sharpay does." Gabriella sniffed.

"Your best friend?" Troy questioned and handed her a tissue.

Gabriella nodded and took the tissue.

"So, not even your mom knows this?" Troy asked.

Gabriella looked at him, "Like I could actually tell my mom about that. She's usually out of town. When she's not she's with her precious boyfriend Trevor."

Troy noticed how Gabriella said her mother's boyfriend's name with disgust.

"Look, you may not believe me but I've been in this situation before." Troy said soothingly.

Gabriella looked at him strangely, "You've hit your girlfriend before?!"

Troy gasped, "What? No! No! I didn't mean it like that. I meant that I," Troy swallowed, "was a victim of abuse, too."

Gabriella's jaw dropped, "You?"

Troy looked away for a second, "Yeah. My parents died in a car crash a couple years ago and I was too young to be on my own so I went to stay with my aunt and uncle. My uncle abused me everyday until finally the state noticed what was happening and stepped in. They decided it would be best for me to finish out school somewhere far away. So here I am."

Gabriella smiles softly at him, "Here you are. Actually, here we both are. We both made it through something horrible and yet, here we are. Together."

Troy nodded, smiling at her, "Together."

Gabriella sighed, "I'm really sorry about being so awful to you and to Taylor. I'm so sorry. I just… I guess I built up this wall around my heart and I'm scared to let anyone in. I just figure that if I don't let anyone in, I won't have to get hurt."

Troy just stared at her. Gabriella bit her lip anxiously. Had she said something to offend him?

"You have to let someone in, Gab. Otherwise, you'll end up alone." Troy said thoughtfully.

Gabriella nodded, actually taking his words to heart.

"You're right, Troy." She whispered, letting a tear roll down her face.

Troy saw it and wiped it away. His hand caressed her cheek for a second before he finally leaned in. Gabriella gasped when she realized what was about to happen. She leaned in and let their lips touch. Suddenly, she wasn't worried about Caleb or anything else. For the first time in a long time, Gabriella Montez felt alive. And Troy made her feel that way.

Troy was the first one to pull away with a blush as red as a tomato.

"Sorry, I just—" He started but was interrupted when Gabriella pulled him back in for another kiss.

They both pulled away at the same time and just looked into each other's eyes.

"Don't be sorry, Troy." Gabriella whispered then added, "I'm not."

Troy grinned, "Good."

With that said, he started up his car and pulled out of the parking space.

Gabriella entered her room with a grin and closed the door behind her. She leaned against it and sighed dreamily. She hadn't felt like this in almost a year. She felt... happy. While her and Troy hadn't gotten off to the best start, she could tell by that kiss that things between them were about to change. She had known from the moment she laid eyes on him that he was different, so much different than Caleb.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Gabriella snapped out of her revere to see Taylor with her arms crossed.

"I was getting something to eat. I texted Chad and told him..." Gabriella said and dropped her purse on her bed.

"Well, Chad isn't me." Taylor snapped, "You were supposed to meet us, remember? Or has all that fame really gotten to your head like everyone here says?"

Gabriella sighed, "I'm sorry about the other day, Tay."

Taylor rolled her eyes, "I'm just trying to- wait, what?"

"I'm also sorry for giving you all such a hard time. I've been acting like a brat and that isn't really who I am. I just... I've been through hell and I thought that maybe I should become a different person, but now I'm realizing what a mistake that was." Gabriella said as she turned around.

"Uhh… huh?" Taylor asked, obviously confused at Gabriella's apology. Everyone had pretty much gotten used to Gabriella acting like a brat, although, now she could tell that Gabriella was changing, for the better.

Gabriella smiled softly at Taylor, "Can we please be friends again? I miss my roomie."

Taylor grinned, "Apology accepted, Gab."

She was thankful to have the real Gabriella back, even if she wasn't sure exactly how long it would last.

Gabriella grinned, "friends?"

Taylor nodded with a laugh, "Friends!"

The two shared a hug then started talking nonstop. They had missed talking to each other. It was exhausting to be fighting with a friend, especially a roommate.

"Yo, Troy!"

Troy smiled at his friends and said, "Hey guys, what's up?"

Chad shrugged, "Playin' a little WII. Wanna join?"

Troy nodded and Jason threw him a remote.

"So," Zeke grinned, "Someone told me they saw you leaving a restaurant with Gabriella."

Troy started playing the game, "So?"

Zeke laughed, "So," he said mockingly, "I think you like her."

Troy stopped playing the game to defend himself, "I do not!"

"Did you see him blush?" Chad laughed.

Troy blushed even harder then, "Shut up."

"Troy and Gabby sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-" Jason sang until Troy punched him in the shoulder, "Geez, Troy gets defensive when he's in love."

Troy rolled his eyes, "Can we stop gossiping like a bunch of middle school girls and just play the game?"

AN: SO, it's been two years since I've updated this, but I've recently gotten inspiration again. Hopefully, there will be more to come! : )