Final Tale: The Final Encounter
The ten legendary souls had converged after a long-winded sequence of epic and cartoonish encounters and chases from their starting locations. All parties eventually leave the Unnamed City and start racing up the mountainous regions of land, eventually reaching its summit.
All of the vehicles and aircraft screech to a halt when they arrive at a sacred-looking shine with a large temple-like building facing them. They exit their vehicles of transportation and gaze, in unison, as they had reached the end of their wacky journey.
"There it is! Soul Calibur and Soul Edge will be mine! Master is going to be so proud of me!" Mitsurugi proclaims.
"Oh no you don't!" Taki proclaims, tripping Mitsurugi and hopping over him in an attempt to dash toward the entrance…
..When Astaroth and Rock both clothesline Taki, taking upon themselves to advance forward themselves to see what was inside the temple.
Both of the macho men were now dancing due to Cervantes's bullets, as he shoots at their feet while he walks past them casually with Ivy close behind him. However, both father and daughter duo were stopped dead in their tracks when Zasalamel pulls out his own gun and points it at them from behind.
"Gimmie your gun, bitches! I'm gonna get those swords and become the biggest boss around the land!" Zasalamel says to them…
…before being decked by Sophitia and Casandra's shields, knocking him out cold.
"Looks like those swords are mine!" Cassandra proclaims.
"Yours? I'm taking them first, I'm older after all!" Sophitia retaliates.
"What?! You're too old to wield them!" Cassandra counters.
"Oh no the hell you didn't just call me old you ugly son of a-" Sophitia retorts angrily, ready to jump her sister.
As everyone continue to fight one another for access to the temple, Olcadan had already slipped inside, but came right back out with disturbing news.
"THERE'S NO SWORDS HERE!" Olcadan proclaims to everyone.
"WHAT?!" everyone says simultaneously, stopping when they heard the announcing.
Seconds later, Jeff Probst emerges from inside and walks outside to greet everyone. He was looking a bit beat up from encountering Cervantes and Ivy earlier that day.
"Hey everyone, you were all drawn here to obtain the ancient swords? I'm sorry to say but all of you have been lead here under false pretenses! This is actually a new Survivor show we've been filming, and all of you were contestants in this wild goose chase!" Jeff says to everyone.
All of our heroes look at one another in confusion, not knowing how to react to this revelation.
"So no one gets to obtain the swords?" Ivy demands.
"Oh, the swords do exist, but we already have a winner who has obtained them already!" Jeff responds to everyone. "Come, out, winner!"
Moments later, Link emerges from the temple, holding both Soul Edge and Soul Calibur.
"Hey, that's that perverted brat whom we ejected off of the bus earlier!" Sophitia responds in shock to her sister Cassandra.
"Yes, and it looks like he is still mad about that, because our winner plans on using it on all of you! So you better run for your lives, as the cameras are still rolling!" Jeff says to everyone as Link prepares starts wielding the blades wildly, ready to attack everyone with the god-like swords.
"AAAAHHHH!" everyone yells as they start scrambling away from the temple, not wanting to feel the wrath of the legendary swords on them.
And so ends this epic tale. In the end, only legendary heroes like Link are worth to wield such power over everyone else.
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