Merry belated Christmas!!! This hit me as I was making a new chapter for "All in the Family". It's a plot bunny that wouldn't go away. Hope you enjoy it!!!

Oh, and for those of you who don't understand what is going on, I suggest you read my story, "All in the family".

I do not own Transformers!!! If I did, they'd stay babies forever!!! I also do not own any well-known Christmas songs such as "Over the River and through the woods".

Prologue: To Grandmother's house we go

Sam smiled as he eyed the neighborhood. It's been a year since he last saw it. He had rarely dropped by with his duties at the army base and his studies in school. Not to mention his growing powers. But this year, he was going to his parents' house to celebrate Christmas with his family and friends.

He had only brought them once last year for Christmas, but Sam was sure the neighbors would forgive them for the chaos that his kids had brought forth.

After all, this was the season of forgiveness, love and hope.


The Neighborhood was at peace. Children were making snowman, the houses were being decorated with lights and parents were off to get some last minute shopping. It wasn't until they heard something sounding like a caroling that they stopped to listen. That was strange; the carolers weren't due to come until tonight. They turned to where the sound was coming from and the warm feelings of Christmas were replaced with exasperation and, for some, dread ……..

No Way!!!

They were back?!! Hadn't they already nearly destroyed Christmas with their antics like last year?!

Yet here they were, being lead by a handsome young man in jeans and a red coat while pushing a large baby carriage. Behind him were an army of six-foot tall robots, who were expressing their feelings through song.

"Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmothers house we go, the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh, through the white and drifted sno---oow!" Optimus sang as he danced a little in the snow.

"Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmothers house we go, it stings the toes and bites the nose as over the ground we go!" Thundercracker and Skywarp sang as hey pranced behind Optimus.

"Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!" Bluestreak and Hound sang.

"Hark! The bells are ringing, hear the children singing!" Swindle and Brawl joined in as they spin in each other's arms.

"Merry Christmas!" Starscream and Jazz joined in.

"Merry Christmas!" Sunstreaker and Sideswipe sang as they swung each other.

"Gather all your friends around and wish them well!" Sam finished as he pushed the baby carriage, which held the sleeping sparkling, Bumblebee.

"Come on, Megs! Join in!" Optimus called his brother, whom was with the majority of the Decepticons.

Megatron was all the way across the street walking briskly ahead. He refused to acknowledge his brother's call. There was no way that he would ever go near them while they were making fools of themselves like that; people might think he was somehow associated with them.

And someone should really tell his Autobot brother not to sing the high notes. His vocal processor tends to squeak when he does that!

"Why are all Autobots such disgraces to the Cybertronian name?" Astrotrain asked as he tried to ignore the fact that his hero, Sam, was joining in on the singing. He was pushing a stroller that held a well-covered Barricade.

"Hey!" Ironhide shouted.

Behind the majority of the Decepticons were Ironhide, Ratchet, Red Alert, Wheeljack, and Prowl. They, too, felt that being in that side of the street was embarrassing and a major blow to their dignity.

"There are Deceptions singing along too, you know." Red Alert pointed out as he crossed his arms indignantly. He had been reluctant to be anywhere near the Decepticons until Inferno had decided to join in on singing "Jingle Bell Rock" with Jazz. He loved his brother and all, but the poor mech could not carry a tune.

Megatron side glanced across the street as Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker now singing "The Christmas Song". (1) Megatron felt a large part of himself die as he witnessed the destruction of the Decepticon pride.

"It must be something in the Earth air; that is the only logical reason for such madness." Shockwave muttered as he watched the Seekers attempt to imitate the Chipmunks. "What do you think, Soundwave? Soundwave? Soundwave?!!" Shockwave nearly suffered a CPU crash when he saw Soundwave on the other side of street playing on a portable electric piano to add music for the Christmas songs.

"It's contagious." Shockwave stated as he witnessed the scene. Megatron looked at his fusion cannon like he was contemplating either shooting the carolers or shooting himself.


Judy Witwicky was at the moment checking on the Christmas cookies that she was currently baking in the oven. She must have made about four dozen since this morning, but it was clear that she would have to use them in order to feed the army of grandchildren heading her way.

"Ron, how's it going down there?" She called as she opened the basement door.

"Take it easy, Judy! Do you know how difficult it was to get a machine that could actually refine what I'm trying to make? Not to mention how easy it is to blow the house to kingdom come if I get one compound wrong." She heard her husband shout as he was mixing several chemicals and petroleum in a large brewer. Ron was currently wearing rubber gloves and had protective eyewear as he watched the reactions to get a glowing pink color, which meant the energon was done correctly.

Judy smirked when she joined in her husband. "Aren't you now glad that you took advance chemistry with me in High school?"

"Well, who would have thought I was going to use these skills to feed my grandchildren, someday."

"Speaking of grandchildren, I think I hear them now." She grinned as she ran to greet them. How she loved the little darlings, despite the fact that one faction had attempted to kill her little boy and the other had irresponsibly gotten him involve in their war. She didn't pay attention to little details like that.

"Kids!" she shouted as she opened the door.


She suddenly found herself being hugged affectionately by the first group with Sam. Not too hard, of course. They were all well aware that Judy was not like her son and they could break her in half if they used a fraction of their strength.

"Kids, kids, kids; careful, I only have one mom!" Sam cautioned as he pushed the carriage closer. Astrotrain walked up to greet Judy while unstrapping Barricade from his stroller. When Barricade woke up to see Mrs. Witwicky, he let out a loud shout and had his hands reaching for her.

"Ohhhh, Cade." She smiled softly as she reached forward and picked up the metal baby.


Judy, Sam, and Barricade all looked to see a large hole in a blanket of snow. Bee stuck his head out and looked around for everyone to see he had fallen in the snow when he tried to climb out of the carriage.

"Bee' you naughty baby; you're lucky that snow broke your fall!" Judy exclaimed as she picked the youngest child up. Bee cooed some vowels and started to pull at Judy's hair. Prowl moved forward and took Bee from her hands while disentangling Bee's fingers from the mother's hair.

"It's a habit he's been picking up. He seems fascinated by human hair." Prowl explained.

"At least he hasn't gotten the habit of eating it, like this little copper," Sam grinned as he tickled Cade under the chin.

"Kids, get inside before you freeze your circuits." Judy called to the others across the streets. They didn't seem to hear her, though. Or maybe they were ignoring her.

"I'll go get my brother!" Optimus smiled, sweetly. As his father-figure, grandmother and younger sparklings entered the house; Optimus turned around and calmly made a well packed-snowball. Giggling mischievously, he seeked his brother out until he noticed him talking to Blackout about something as entered the front yard.

"HEY MEGS!!!" Optimus shouted.

Megatron turned to look at his brother only to be hit by a snowball. Wiping it off his face, Megatron incredulously eyed his 'obviously-tired-of-living' brother before he shouted his trademark "DECEPTICONS ATTACK!!!" A snowball fight of epic proportion soon occurred in the Witwicky yard.

And it was supposed to be such a peaceful day.


Prowl shook his head as he helped his foster grandmother to cook the food. He was not about to get involve in throwing snow and getting wet with the others, no matter what the Autobot prince of Cybertron ordered. He then proceeded to help in putting the appetizers out for the upcoming guests. In the dining room, Ron was setting up the table along with Sam while Bee and Cade did Primus knew what under the Christmas tree.

That was when he first noticed it.

On the table was a large plate of two dozen moist chocolate muffin with vanilla icing and red and green sprinkles. Prowl was ashamed to admit that he was a sweet addict. He couldn't help it, no matter how much he would admit that there was no logic in eating food that was unhealthy for him. The food did not fuel him, had no effect on his body whatsoever and was considered to be an unhealthy snack among the human population.

But he loved them! Primus, He loved them!! He must have those muffins.

Making sure that Judy's attention was on the salad she was preparing, Prowl placed his stealth mode on active and subtly reached for the cupcake. Grinning in victory, he was just about to take the first bite when Judy spoke up.

"Prowl, I see you. Put that back." Judy stated as she continued to chop up the salad.

Prowl blinked. How on earth did she know? He had taken them while outside of her range of vision and had stolen them in a speed faster than the human eye.

"Do you have secondary sensors in the back of your head, Judy?"

"What? No, sweetie no, I gained this ability by being a mother of two sneaky little children." She grinned through her work.

Prowl seemed fascinated at the idea that Judy gained such an upgrade just by being a creator. "Are there any other skills you have gained through these times of nurturing your sparklings?" he asked.


"Well, if you count my ability to strike the fear of god to my family when they do something ridiculous." Judy cheerfully stated as she walked out of the kitchen, knife still in her hand.

Prowl watched her leave with an ominous aura. "So that's where Samuel gets it from." He mused. Then he realized that he was alone with the Christmas cookies again. Smirking, he leaned forward and……


He nearly fell in shock! His guardian's creator was scary sometimes.


The children found themselves suffering from the famed Witwicky glare from both Sam and Ron. The snowball had not only broken the window, but hit Sam on the back of his head while he was carrying the Christmas decoration, making him fall head first in the box.

Ron found it funny until he got hit by a snowball too.

"It seems a man is no longer safe in his own house. He has to worry about getting pelted by snowballs in his own living room." Ron lectured as he looked at the rather sheepish warriors.

"Anything you'd like to say?" Sam asked as he looked at the ones that started the fights.

"Optimus started it." Megatron muttered sullenly as he still sat on his brother's back. Optimus would have argued that, but his face was currently buried in the snow due to his brother's hand pressing down on it.

The Yard was in disarray from the fighting they caused. The birdbath was obliterated and the front of the house was decorated by snowballs. The nice clean walk that had been shoveled now looked trampled.

"This is why we stopped having kids after you." Ron smirked as he looked at his annoyed son.

"In our defense, we simply have too much energy. We need an outlet to calm us down." Sideswipe stated as he sat on Thundercracker's back.

Suddenly, a red Saturn drove towards the house. Mikeala and Carly both climbed out.

"Sammykins, like, what are the odds of bumping into you here?" Carly asked with a knowing grin.

Mikeala raised an elegant eyebrow. "He lives here."

"OOh right. Well, any who, we need your help." Carly stated as she broke the distance between her and her boyfriend. "Keala and I are doing some last minute Christmas shopping and you know how hectic it gets. We need some strong arms to carry our shopping bags."

"And' If necessary, to fight for our lives. It's going to be murder, especially on those bargain stores." Mikeala added.

Ron went back in the house, wanting to avoid being drafted in this nightmare. Christmas shopping on the day before Christmas? That's like making friends with a man-eating tiger: It's just plain stupid.

Sam, on the other hand had a smile that the children recognized as a promise of horrible things to come. At least, horrible to them.

"Well kids, if you want an outlet, you get one! Let's hit the town and go shopping." Sam smirked.




"WHY PRIMUS?! WHY?" that one came from Jazz.

'Aaahhhh, music to my airs,' Sam thought as he eyed the looks of despair in their faces. Judy managed to over hear that shopping part and raised an eyebrow. Christmas shopping now? Was he insane? If the traffic doesn't kill him, those rabid buyers will.

"Hey Prowl, you wanna come?" Sam called as Astrotrain turned into a train to carry the others.

Prowl zoomed past Judy and stood attention to Sam.

"Yes sir!!" He saluted. Sam blinked; Prowl wasn't normally that enthusiastic. Shrugging, he climbed into Astrotrain along with the children. Carly eagerly ran inside the house to collect Bee and Cade, whom had been dangerously close to toppling the Christmas tree. She placed them in the baby seats she bought especially for them and started her car when Mikeala entered.

Sam didn't know it, but he was going to rue and lament the day he takes them Christmas shopping.

"Hope you have fun shopping." Judy waved as she went back in the house.

Judy walked back to the kitchen so she could cook the turkey when she noticed Ron eating one of her cupcakes.

"Ron, those are for the guests! What are you thinking?" She shouted incredulously. Honestly, if it wasn't Prowl she had to watch, it was her husband.

"Sorry, hon! Can't help it" he chewed the cake.

"Honestly, I swear that if it wasn't for the obvious differences, one would think Prowl takes after you."

"Speaking of which, I gave him some."

Judy blinked. "What?"

"He saw me eat one and asked if he could have one and I said sure and gave him two. If I'd known that we weren't supposed to eat one, I would have said no."

Judy narrowed her eyes. "But you didn't know. He did, though."


Inside Astrotrain, Jazz sat next to Prowl, he took note of the chocolate cupcake that Prowl was eating. "Hey, where'd you get the cupcake, Prowler?"

"Shhhhhh!!!!" Prowl hushed as he looked at the Witwicky house in paranoia.



End of this chapter. This will be a surprising short story. It was probably be five or six chapters. I'll see if I could finish this, but first, let me finish my other stories.

(1) The Christmas song is an original from Alvin and the Chipmunks. I love listening to it on Christmas. It was my all time favorite holiday song.