All of a sudden my grip had tightened, my throat had swelled and my heart was beating faster than I had ever felt it beat.
Why just as it was going well did I always seem to have such bad luck. Am I such a bad person? Do I deserve this?
I saw Edward's face light up as if his guardian angel had just walked in. Did he not remember how much she had hated me since we were children? Was this a plan? Had the Cullen's purposely invited her to hurt me again?
I quickly found my way out of Edwards arms and hurried for my towel. I wrapped it as tight around me as possible.
"I erm.. I'm not feeling so great I think I'm going to lay down."
As I hurried off to the bedroom I heard Tanya in the background.
"Oh Eddie I've missed you so much! When I heard you were down here by Carlisle I just had to pop in and say hello! Although I didn't realize she would be here."
That's as much as I heard as the voices drowned out. I suppose when she said "she" it was me she was talking about.
Not long after I had changed and got back into the warmth of Mine and Edwards bed, there was a knock at the door.
I ignored it. Go away, just go away.
"Bella? Are you okay? We didn't know she was coming, we were ambushed. I spoke to Carlisle he said he hasn't spoke to Tanya in months. I don't know how she found out we were here."
Do I trust her? I mean out of anyone of them surely Alice wouldn't lie to me?
I don't know, I feel scared, anxious, she wants my Edward again, if she takes him away I don't know how ill survive.
"I know you love him Bella, it's written all over your face, its obvious to anybody but Edward."
I looked at her with a slightly tear stained face.
"What!?... No-noo I don't Alice that's crazy talk.."
I couldn't trust her with this could i?
" Bella come on, I'm not going to hurt you we've been through this, I'm not out to get you the past is in the past and you have no idea how guilty I feel about how everything happened and how I treated you. Trust me, you can I promise."
"How Alice? I'm scared… I don't want things to go back to how they were, what if this is a trick? You could be lying to me, trying to make me a laughing stock. Yes I love him, I Have since the first time I laid eyes on him. I know crazy right? Who would want me!? Who would want somebody so used and pathetic? I wouldn't Alice; I wouldn't want me if I were anyone. I have no self-confidence, no self worth, I'm tainted and depressed and every time I think things are getting a little bit better I remember.… I remember what HE did to me.. ohh Alice I can't do that again, I cant take anymore pain. I hurt so much I almost feel angry at myself for still feeling. Anything would be better than this right? Help me, Please."
She Just looked at me for a second, there were tears rolling down her face, she looked almost hearbroken.
"oh Bella!" She enveloped me into a hug.
"It's going to get better baby, I promise it will. No one in our family is against you. We love you Bella. And these feelings you're feeling are expected and you wont feel better straight away, you cant expect to heal within a few days, it's a long horrible process and you'll never forget, you'll just do your best to move past it and move on. You Isabella Marie swan, are stronger than any woman or man I know and if there's anybody who can get passed it, its you!"
I woke to the sound of music, Had I really slept all day? The dark had swept over the windows outside and all that was left was a tiny bit of brightness left from the moon.
When I made it down stairs I found Tanya slumped across a grinning Edwards Lap, he looked up at me and winked.
"Feeling better Love?"
I looked up at him, he seemed genuine.
"Yeah I erm I think i had too much sugar from the pancakes or something.." Lame excuse.
"So Bella, Tanya's going to stay a couple of days since she travelled all the way down here." Edward said with ease.
A shiver descended my spine.