Prologue: (Important information for this story)
Hi readers! Thanks for reading this fan fiction. Just to let you know, I don't use the Link you'd expect from the video game. He is the Nintendo-owned character, but I make changes to his back-story and personality. In fact, none of the Links from the games exist in my stories. There are times when Link will refer to his past lives, but those aren't the past lives from the video games.
The Link I designed is sort of an accumulation of several Links from many different games. He's mostly a combination of the Link from Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past/Oracle games, but he has spells and items from other games, such as Adventure of Link.
My version of Link was born into a family of powerful knights. He was born with the Triforce of Courage marked on his left hand. Link's father was a commander who worked for the king, and his mother was an archer. When Link was only an infant, a man named Aghanim and his minions appeared. They were able to manipulate the King to believe they were loyal servants, promising to save Hyrule from an oncoming threat. In the meantime, they were secretly searching for the Triforce fragments.
One day, the King and Aghanim left for a political meeting with the other races of Hyrule. Agahnim used the outing to manipulate some of the troops and secretly cause a rebellion. Knowing the rebellion was a way for Agahnim to collect the Triforce fragment, Link's parents took action. Link's father and Impa set out to protect the five-year-old Princess Zelda. Link's mother knew Link was no longer safe in Hyrule since she and her husband planned to fight Agahnim. She brought Link to Kokiri Forest and died at the footsteps of Link's uncle due to wounds she accrued trying to transport him safely.
Link's uncle treated Link like the son he never had, and loved him dearly. However, living the life he did was difficult for a child. They had to live off the land, Link had no friends, and his uncle left him often to get supplies. While they did know of the Kokiri children that lived in the woods, Link was an outsider, so most of them treated him as a stranger. One day, a girl named Saria found Link one day and comforted him, and the two became best friends.
Link's uncle trained him how to be a swordsman and how to use basic fire spells. Saria visited Link everyday, or Link would visit Saria. At the age of ten, Link's uncle could sense that darkness was spreading over the land. He knew the boy was one of the holders of the Triforce pieces. He also knew Agahnim knew this.
Link's uncle sent Link to the woods alone to see Saria, telling him to stay with her for a few days. When Link found Saria, she was being attacked by a Ghoma Queen.
Link fought the Ghoma, but was outmatched against a monster of such size and strength. However, he refused to back down, ready to die to protect his best friend. When the monster attacked Saria again, Link managed to unlock a portion of his true potential and killed the monster.
When Link and Saria returned to Link's home, they found his home destroyed and his uncle dead. Upon discovering the death of his last family member, Link was summoned by the Great Deku Tree, who explained that several monsters had managed to breach the forest, and that Link's uncle had died to protect Link's whereabouts. The Great Deku Tree explained the great darkness that was about to fall on the land, and that it was up to him to save the world. He then gave Link the Forest Emerald, a symbol of his courage for protecting a loved one against all odds.
Link arrived safely in Castle Town. There, he met a simple peasant girl (Zelda in disguise), who he played with. When the castle guards began to look for her, he tried to hide her. Later during the day, the two were attacked by a pair of Gerudo, who Link managed to fend off. The two thieves fled upon Impa's arrival.
Impa became the boy's mentor. When Link went on a mission to find the last two crystals, Impa kept an eye on him, and trained him between missions to improve his fighting capabilities. Eventually he would collect the last of the three gems, meeting new allies along the way. Then Aghanim struck.
One day, the King of Hyrule received a request to attend a political meeting, but never returned. Agahnim soon took control of the castle. He ordered Zelda to be betrothed to him. Impa knew he would take Zelda's Triforce fragment, even if it meant death to the princess, and went to protect Zelda. Link and Impa fought through the castle and made it to a secret passage that only Zelda and Impa knew existed. The two went into hiding and asked Link to seek out Rauru, the last of the six Archsages, who would guide him to the location of the new five archsages so that their power could be awakened. Zelda also gave him the Ocarina of Time.
Link completed this task for Zelda, traveling across both the land and through time. It wasn't easy, because Agahnim marked him as an outlaw, and townspeople called the guards when they saw him. Luckily, not everyone believed Agahnim. Link traveled throughout the lands, helping all the races of Hyrule and proving to them that he was an honorable warrior, not a kidnapper. These races included the Gorons, Zora, Gerudo, Minish, Rito, and Sheikah. Link also trained with these races, where he learned their secrets and was initiated as an honorary member of their people.
Shortly after that, Link was able to vanquish Agahnim's minions and even Agahnim himself with the use of the Master Sword and the Triforce of Courage, which seemed to suddenly activate during his fight against the evil king. Towards the end of the fight, Link discovered that it really wasn't Agahnim he was fighting. The dark wizard had merely been a host for a far greater evil, known as Ganondorf, King of Evil. Ganondorf spoke to Link through Agahnim's body, revealing his ploy so that he could return to the mortal realm and rule the world.
With Agahnim's defeat, the King returned. Agahnim had held him prisoner, but Link had freed him during his quest. Due to his bravery, the King knighted Link at a very young age and the boy was known as a hero throughout the land. Although Link was now a full-fledged knight of Hyrule, he chose to live in Kokiri Forest, where he'd be nearest to Saria. Living there would occasionally prove difficult for him, as while he grew older, Saria and the Kokiri never aged beyond their early adolescence
Link's adventures didn't stop though. Ganondorf still had plenty of minions working towards his revival. Because of this, Link traveled across the world and time itself to stop them. These adventures included his travels to Holodrum to stop the Dark Dragon, Onyx, from wrecking havoc on the land and disrupting the passing of the seasons. He followed the Dark Priestess, Veran, through time as she traveled to the past to change history.