
A/n sup people?! Yeah it's chapter 2, and Kazaana finds out who her bro is! Oh, and fluffy-sessho-sesshy-ice-pack, thanks for the comment-five

Disclaimer: do I look like a fifty year old Japanese lady? Oh right you can't see me. Well I don't

Sango Pov

I was really getting used to Kazaana's presence. She and Kirara hit it off right away, probably because Kazaana was half cat demon. And who wouldn't like the girl who finally kicked Miroku in the nuts.

One day, we were walking and we were attacked by a snake demon. "Jewel shards!" of course. "Hiraikotsu!" I yelled, throwing my weapon. At the same time, two voices yelled "wind tunnel!" wait, two? I looked down from where I was in the sky and saw the demon being sucked in two directions, one towards Miroku and one towards Kazaana. My Hiraikotsu sliced through the demon and the two halves disappeared into Miroku and Kazaana's hands.

"You have a wind tunnel too?! Duh, that's why I have to kill Naraku! He cursed my family! You don't thinkā€¦" both of them said.

"You said you were looking for your brother" Inuyasha put in. the two of them looked at each other and Kazaana kicked Miroku in the nuts again.

"Incestuous pig!" Kazaana said and stomped off. We all just gaped.

"Could our lives be anymore confusing?" Kagome said. We all just shook our heads.

So Miroku is Kazzy's brother. Um, yeah, sure, whatever. But he got kicked again! Later chapters will be longer. Review if you want to find out why a half-demon is Miroku's little sister.