Title: Turning Point

Summary: Her death changed him. A story about Sasuke, his present and futures, and the girl destined to die. Sasusaku

Pairings: SasukexSakura

Genre: Romance/Tragedy

Disclaimer: I own neither the characters and situations from Naruto nor the plot of Noein, but I do own everything else in this story.


Water cascaded smoothly around him, seemingly trapping him a in a cylindrical crystal. His eyes are closed as his hands rapidly shifted through several hand seals. Symbols appeared on the water, glowing gold. He opened his eyes, and images surrounded him.

"How many times can you watch the one you love die?"

He cannot accept it. That dobe shouldn't be strong. He was a loser. He was always a loser. The lightning cackled in his fingers. He will show him who is superior. The drying linen on the rooftop flew away. They were close.

"Stop it!"

They both froze.

She stood, neither looking at him or the blond. Then she turned, there were tears on her eyes and blood on her lips. She fell forward.

His eyes bled crimson.


She was so annoying! She should have stayed unconscious on that bench! She should not have snuck away running after him.

But there she was, her arms open wide, protecting the blond boy, unconscious behind her.

"Sasuke-kun, please."

She closed her eyes and collapsed on him. The curse mark receded as he held her. He held her tighter. Tears fell from his eyes. The rain stopped, arms still around her bloody body, and he opened he opened his eyes. They were bleeding red. The mangekyou sharingan.

That sick bastard was still after him. That fool! How many times would he have to tellthat freak pedophile that he is not interested in being his new body. He had a goal and there was no way that weak snake could help him. But Orochimaru had gone too far this time, and he will end the sannin's life once and for all.

"Ah, Sasuke-kun." Orochimaru gave his creepy smile.

"Where is she?!"

"Ah, impatient as usual, Sasuke-kun. You'll see your precious cherry blossom soon."

"Orochimaru-sama!" Kabuto suddenly rushed in and whispered something on Orochimaru's ear.

He gripped his Katana. He had no time for this! He had to save her!

Then, the wall behind him crumbled. Surrounded by debris, she stood there, heavily panting. A smile and blood were on her face.

He rushed and caught her before she fell.

"What did you do to her?!" He yelled.

"My, my. What a shame. If only she didn't try to escape."

"I'm sorry." She smiled at him sadly, coughing some blood. "I'm still weak after all."

"No! Sakura!" But she stopped breathing.

Standing up, he stared at Orochimaru, his eyes bleeding crimson.

It was a peaceful day; he strolled leisurely at the crowded streets of Konoha. Then there was a huge explosion. There were running everywhere. He joined them, running towards the direction of the explosion.

Konoha Hospital.

In the rubble, he could see a trace of pink covered with red.

He was training in silence. He didn't care what Orochimaru was doing at the moment. All he cared was that the snake teaches him a new technique soon. A group of Sound nin passed by, they bowed respectfully to him before moving on. As usual, he ignored them, but he could not stop from overhearing their gossip.

They spoke about a fight near the border of Fire Country. Several Stone nin ambushed a small group of leaf nin. There were some casualties; one of the sound nin added that the Hokage's apprentice was one of them.

They mentioned a name.

He froze.

He glared at the boy before him, the blank faced boy who eerily resembled him. The boy who apparently became his replacement for team 7. That stupid boy was talking about bonds. The boy had to disturb his sleep. He was annoyed, he had enough.

The hideout crashed, and he swiftly jumped to higher ground. He stood staring at the boy, before a flash of blond hair came stumbling towards him.


"Dobe." He muttered, and then scanned the area. "So Kakashi and Sakura are not with you?"

"Kakashi-sempai is unavailable at the moment." Another ninja joined them.

He raised an eyebrow. "So she gave up." He said, though he felt his chest grew heavy. "She's still smart; you should have followed her example."

Naruto clenched his fist. "Teme! Sakura never gave up on you!" Yelled the blond. "She was poisoned getting information to find you!"

His hand on the kusanagi slipped.

"I promised her that I will bring you back!" Naruto was crying. "I will not break that promise!"

He hated them all. They were faceless to him. One after another, he slashed through them. These were the people responsible for the downfall of his family. These people were responsible for the death of his brother.

An ANBU rushed to him. He grunted when the masked man's fist hit him. He was pushed back reeling and ribs broken, surprised at the strength this opponent had. He grinned at the challenge. Angrily, he swung around and pierced a chidori through his heart.

He felt the blood splatter on his face. Then also something else liquid and warm. He looked at the mask and saw emerald green eyes.

He pulled the mask revealing a pink haired kunoichi tearfully looking at him with empty eyes.

He looked at the sixth face on the mountain. His smile was bittersweet, knowing that his best friend achieved all his dreams. Naruto brought him back. Naruto is now the Hokage. Naruto is engaged to her.

In the end, he lost against the loser.

Then he felt a presence behind him.

"What is it?"

"The Hokage has been attacked!"

He immediately turned around. "Are they okay?"

"Hokage-sama is fine, but she took a hit for him. She was dead before the medical team arrived."

Naruto was out of control.

"How could you just stand there?!"


"If you are not doing anything-." She ran past him.

He tried to grab her hand, but at that moment, the earth shook, and it was enough to let her to speed out of his reach.

"Naruto!" She screamed.

"Stop!" he yelled as he saw the demon-possessed blond turn around. Four of his tails moved and slammed against her.

The tomoe in his eyes spun, and the kyuubi retreated.

"Sakura-chan." Naruto said weakly, tears in his eyes.

There was no more pulse. He carried her gently. He was foolish. If he did something, she could have lived.

"You're Akatsuki!"

"They killed my family, Sakura!" He had to make her understand.

"But, Naruto!" Her eyes grew wide and pushed him.

"Sakura!" he turned around and faced the leader of ROOT.

"She was aiding a traitor. She was as good as dead." The old man looked at him. "It's your turn."

His mangekyou spun in rage as he rushed towards the man responsible for his misery.

"I love you." He whispered.

She smiled her sad smile and placed a hand on his cheek. "You still don't know how to say goodbye."


"I've always loved you, Sasuke-kun." She closed her eyes.

She looked like she was sleeping. He wished she was.

"How many times can you say goodbye?"

The water mirror was no longer there. He lay down on the floor surrounded by countless scrolls. He saw her so many times. He saw her smiling. He saw her crying. He saw her looking at him defiantly. But in every image, he saw her cold and dead.

A figure entered the room.

"Everywhere." Sasuke's voice was soft and raspy. "In every freakin' world!" He grabbed some scrolls and threw them on the figure that didn't even flinch.

"You said she would be alive somewhere! You said I could take over the life I had and lived there, and stayed with her!"

"Perhaps, she is never meant to reach old age." The figure stated.

"No!" Sasuke began rummaging through the scrolls. "I cannot accept that! She needs to live! She is to live beside me!

"There is way to keep her alive and I will find it. I will keep her safe. And Sakura and I will be together forever."

And here comes my highly ambitious fanfiction. This all began when I couldn't decide what side of Sasuke do I like more, his dark side? His good side? The arrogant side? The crazy side? So I watched an episode of the anime Noein, and my problem is solved.

In case some people are confused, this story features multiple worlds. Many of you would probably recognize some the scenes above, slightly edited to show alternate events. And this is a time travel fic, featuring the present Sasuke and Sakura, and several future versions of Sasuke.

I hope you will like this.

Please read and review,

Chantrea Moonbeam