Sorry its been so long since the last update but school takes up a lot of my time, anyway...recap!
Kagome journey to ninja-hood moves on with hardships galore, how will she cope? Traumatic events occur in the village shortly after the survival test, while Kagome is left stay alive at her own devices. In desperation leaving the village is the only way to survive the threat placed on Kagome's life, but leaving also leaves her as a rouge ninja, hunted and scared. What is poor Kagome to do?
Part One-
The crisp air caught in her throat. It was quite strange how the seasons changed so quickly, from the light feeling of spring, hot humid summer, and now the light crisp of Autumn. A season not unlike spring, with its beauty giving a new color rather than the light of new life. Though the passing of spring's flowers brings longing for next springs' bloom, the replacement is one most spectacular.
Maples trees, once green seemed to flame in to a roaring fire. Deep reds, oranges, and golden hues covered the village in a warm glow which seemed not to match the cold air. Nearly just a week ago the summer heat in the village was near impossible. Now the cool breeze of fall was a welcomed relief, to the hot inhabitants of the Leaf. It was quite strange how seasons changed with little warning but seasons came and went, washing away the old with another new season. Another year come and gone. Kagome rubbed her headband again making it shiny and bright. It was still amazing to her that she had even gotten it, though Kagome certainly wasn't complaining.
An air of excitement was thick above the village especially with all the genin. The annual survival test was very soon. With the genin from the Leaf and all the others shinobi villages attending, the village would be crowded with ninja and civilians. Much like for a festival, street vendors, inns, resturants, and other public facilities were busy setting up. Though Kagome should have practicing with her team mates or training, she new they'd understand that when dango vendors came out theres was no way she could pass them up.
Sweet, fried, rice powder globs on a stick, which was had to be compared to heaven.
Kagome found the nearest one. looking at menu she found they had mixed dangos.
"I'd like one An-dango, One Mitarashi-dango, and one An-Mita dango please." Kagome ordered.
"Little miss, you'll eat all of this? Just don't eat to much, here." handing her the three dango skewers, "300 ryo please."
After paying the vendor Kagome plopped her a An-Mita dango in to her mouth while exploring the other shops. The An-mita dango were almost to sweet; Sweet melty bean jam and sweetened soy syrup with sugar just dissolving in her mouth, next time she'd get a goma-an which weren't nearly as sweet. After finishing the an-mita dango, Kagome went to training zone B, were her team trained. As expected they were at the team's spot.
"Hey Kagome!" Yelled a older boy from across the training field
"Hi Hiro!" Kagome happily shouted back, "I brang dango, so were's that Takuma-teme?"
"Kagome please don't start so early with him, I beg you." Hiro pleaded, god knows when Takuma got started...
"I don't start anything, its that baka of teammate who starts it." Kagome pouted
Hiro sighed and shook his head. As Kagome knew quite well, Hiro probably would have rather been assigned another squad. Hiro was the oldest of the group but was actually quite timid boy, with a heart of gold. Though being timid and not very strong, Hiro always managed to assist the team. Bright blue eyes and the sweetest smile, Hiro was her dream teammate.
Suddenly a whoosh of air flew past Kagome
the dango in her hand was gone, with a pleased looking Takumi shoveling each one into his mouth.
"Thanks for the dango." Takuma said with a cat like smirk on his face
"Teme! Takuma that was for Sensei and Hiro!" Kagome shouted angrily
"Keh! That's what you get." Kagome looked aghast and yelled, "For what! I did nothing!" And the bickering began again, to Hiro's frustration.
Kagome glared at the white haired youth venomously, his deep green eyes glaring back with arrogant mirth. If words could describe Takuma he'd be arrogant, fickle, rude, lazy, vulgar, stubborn, bone headed, and just plain stupid. Unfortanely his looks and highclass pedigree made up for his lack of intelligence. Takuma was a Nekozumi clan member, a clan known for powerful genjutsu and their unique beauty.
Squads were made through a "random selection" as the teachers so eloquently put it. In reality though, each student was placed in a team of their peers who had complementary skills to each individual team mate. As rookies Kagome's team had been donned with the name Squad 13.
Squads were made up of two offensive team mates with either genjustu, ninjutsu, or taijutsu as there basic fighting techniques and one medical ninja with an array of medical jutsu. In a case of stereotyping, women would often be the medic on the team but in their team's case, Hiro was the medical specialist.
Kagome mentally shook her head, did they as team mates really belong together? Certainly not her and Takuma at least. Complementary skills to each individual team mate? It just wasn't happening.
"When do think sensei will get here?" Kagome asked with a sigh
"Who knows, why should we care?" Answered Takumi with a sneer, "Your such a teacher's pet!"
"Shut up you stupid cat! I wasn't talking to you!" Kagome shouted
Takuma Nekozumi, her most loathed person. Though Kagome never ever hated anyone but this boy really pushed her values. When they had gone on missions he could never take a single thing seriously and was always teasing her, honestly when on missions while he took his "cat" naps Kagome thought about covering his face and smothering him with her travel pack.
Unfortunately for Kagome those brightly lit green eyes always made her think twice. If Kagome happened to look too intently at those emerald eyes she could feel her heart make her chest throb with a heated ache. She hated the feeling since Takuma a seemed to notice her weakness, as he tested it often. To Takuma's chagrin, her face turned to cherry red if thier eyes met for to long.
"Shit your such a brat, you stupid little girl!"Said Takuma in a sarcastic way, though Kagome found no humor in it. Kagome felt her eyes water to the brim but she sucked it up, he only said that stuff because he was older, her mother had always said. Hiro patted her back comfortingly and sent a glare to Takuma then saying,"Takuma she's only a child! You can't kid like that. For a fact you four years older too."
"Shut up bright eyes, it only proves she's more of a baby." he replied, at which Kagome retorted,"And it only proves your more of a jerk." Kagome said her voice wobbly.
"Hey! how am I a jerk? You can't take even a fuc-" Takuma stopped mid-sentence, an "Opps, I've done it now" look shown on his suprised face.
Sorry its not very long but Part 2 coming soon XD I've been working so it might take time
(so sorry for such a long wait) but I'm also working on they character's designs :D hopefully I'll get them done soon