A/N: Aaaaand the final chapter. YAY!!!

Well, all good things have to come to an end!

LOL- sorry, I read that on a Blockbuster sign... and then it never closed... ANYWAY!

on with it!

WOW- I opened my email inbox today and I had SEVENTY emails. SEVENTY! And I checked just yesterday!

Most of them were story-alerts and favourites, and reviews XD I was so happy!

I felt so bad when I realised that I guilt-tripped heaps of people into reviewing!


but still, there was a great sense of satisfaction, too...! =)

so THANKYOU heaps for the reviews, I got 11 (not counting a person who reviewed like FIVE times! *stares accusingly at Lydia*)

lol, no, it was cool

And if you're wanting to know about a sequel, there will DEFINITELY be one sometime in the near future XD

Also; I have started 2 new Tamora Pierce fics- The Storm of the Vine (A Tris/Briar, Circle of Magic) and Why, Hello (A modern Kel/Dom)

check them out if you like

Oh yeah- and if you wanted the sad ending to this, read Behind These Hazel Eyes AKA Wrath Of A Lady Knight


ammonite5: Thankyou SO MUCH! That's really encouraging =D=D

Anon- LOL! I guilt-tripped another person!!! sorry!

You're probably right about Piers, I guess I didn't really think it over... too much

Thankyou HEAPS for reviewing (and being nice! XD)

Lydia- lolololol, what was that, like 5 reviews!?!?!?!!!!

hey yeah, I guess there isn't any swearing in this story. but then again, I don't swear in real life, so it's unlikely that I would in my stories.

And thankyou heaps for reviewing like this WHOLE story. It's been awesome!

Epilogue: I Do

Kel waited outside the large double doors, fidgeting slightly. She finally decided to stare down at her sugar-white, kimino-style wedding dress, designed by Lalasa.

Her father, standing next to her, squeezed her hand lightly, a slightly concerned exprssion on his face. "Are you sure, darling?"

Although Kel was nervous, she still managed to roll her eyes. "Of course I'm sure, Father."

Baron Piers smiled proudly at his third daughter as soft music began playing from inside the hall.

The doors opened and Kel saw the large crowd, all craning their necks in her direction. Alanna sent a massive wink in her direction.

And of course, Dom, standing, handsome as ever, at the other end of the aisle. His parents stood on one side, Lady Ilane on the other side.

Neal, behind Dom, was whispering reassurances in his ear. "Don't worry, she's coming..."

"Meathead, you idiot!" Dom hissed. "I know she's coming! I'm not nervous!"

His words were partially a lie, but he had every confidence in Kel. She wouldn't let him down. She never had.

Neal subsided, his expression wounded.

Kel's two bridesmaids, Lalasa and Yuki, got to the end of the aisle and stood on either side of the couple's parents.

Piers of Mindelan and Kel began walking down the aisle.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on them, Kel worried that she would trip and fall and humiliate herself.

Dom, as if sensing Kel's fears, gave her a large grin.

They reached Dom, and Piers placed his daughter's hand in Dom's. Kissing Kel on the cheek, he went to stand next to Lady Ilane.

Dom flashed his white teeth in another smile at Kel and took her other hand.

Neal smoothly handed the ring box to the priest, his face oddly smug. Of course, he thought that it was all due to him that Kel and Dom were getting married.

The priest began. "Marriage is a union between a man and a woman..."

Neither Kel or Dom were really listening. Dom was staring into Kel's eyes, elated that he was finally marrying the woman he loved.

"Do you, Keladry of Mindelan, take Domitan of Masbolle to be your husband, in sickness and in health, through troubled times, until death do you part?"

Jerked back into reality, Kel smiled softly, her nerves still present. "I do?"

She spoke it like a question, waiting for Dom's confirmation.

The priest then asked Dom the same question.

Dom looked down, he barely had to, at Kel's face. Her dreamy hazel eyes stared anxiously back at him, her skin was pale with nerves so that her freckles stood out. He chuckled inwardly; she was the only person he knew that could pull off freckles so beautifully.

"Domitan of Masbolle, do you take Keladry of Mindelan to be your wife?" the priest repeated. Dom realised that he hadn't yet answered.

As if the priest even had to bother asking.

Dom smiled hugely.

"I do," he said, his voice certain.

The crowd erupted into cheers as the priest finished. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Dom's arms wrapped around Kel's back and, without hesitation, he leant down and kissed her, full on the lips.

Wolf whistles erupted from the Third Company and Dom broke away, quickly remembering that he was in public.

"I love you," he whispered to Kel. She smiled back at him, her face glowing with happiness.

"I love you, too," she replied softly.

Love is and was, and always will be, a powerful emotion.

Kel and Dom's love was strong, and both believed it would be enough for them to stay together.


A/N, short and sweet my friends, short and sweet :P




there you have it

"I Do?" is over, I really hope you enjoyed it

and I'm not going to write a sequel unless you want me to

and how am I going to KNOW whether you want me to or not if you don't review?!!!!!


thanks guys

your support while I've been writing this has been incredible

couldn't have finished it without you

CREDIT: epilogue idea goes to Lydia (my anonymous reviewer! :) ) thanks heaps!

POLL: (relax, I'm not planning on stalking you. I couldn't be bothered. It's just I was curious! You don't have to fill it out):

1. What age group are you?

a) 12 and under

b) 12-15

c) 15-18

d) 18 and above

2. Are you:

a) Female

b) Male

3. What are your favourite Tamora Pierce books?

a) Protector of the Small

b) Lioness Quartet

c) Immortals quartet

d) Beka Coopr

e) Other

4. Do you live in America? (yes/no question)

5. Did you enjoy I Do?

a) YES

b) Sorta

c) No

d) It sucked

6. If there was a sequel, would you read it? (yes/no question)

And that's all, folks

Thankyou for all your support! =D