Summary: It all started with a ridiculous dare. A dare that some how managed to force me to move in with him. Yes him; the man who even today, after all the pain we've both suffered, still holds the key to my heart.
Authors Note: Okay so I've been dying to write a fan fiction for SasuSaku. I am I diehard shipper of this couple! They are too cute for words and I don't care what anyone else thinks, I simply love them. But anyways enough about that, umm this story is taking place in December, I know it's late for a holiday story but the idea just came to me and I know I can't possibly put it off so yea. Also it takes place after Sasuke kills Itachi and before he speaks with Madara (basically he makes no contact with him at all). Also the characters are 18. The manga, albeit good, has seriously been depressing me. (Spoilers) I mean first with Sasuke wanting to destroy the village because of the elders and now with Pein freaking decimating the village and leaving practically nothing for Sasuke to destroy. Ugh! My mind is on overload over here. AND I don't know what the hell has become of Kakashi. I had some hope but now with the new chapter out I don't know what to think anymore. Hell at least Sakura is still alive. But then again I mean they can't kill everyone off. I mean come on besides Pein and the rest of Akatsuki, Kabuto…err slash Orochimaru is still at large, creeping in the shadows like the freak he is . Lord knows what he'll do…everyone seems to have forgotten about him but meh.
I digress, I digress. Anyways back to the show. This is my first Naruto Fanfic…although I've read a billion of them. But still please be easy on me and if you like it well comments are a huge booster ^ ^ so umm yea . Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto unfortunately V.V
Chapter 1: The Dare part1
The soft tapping of shoes echoed down the barren hallway. Beyond the thick stone walls of the building, the soft thumping of music and the chatter of people could be heard. Slowly the small figure pushed passed the wooden door only to be swept up by the boisterous noise in the bar. Vivid green eyes glanced over at a table towards the restaurant half of the bar filled with people who were all too familiar. The young medic casually made her way over towards the table, unconsciously walking to the beat of the music. Out of the corner of her eye she could see a man dressed in green on the stage. His unmistakable voice danced in her ears from the moment she stepped into the crowded room. He was sing- off key of course- to some odd song she wasn't too familiar with. However he took a second out of his performance to shout out to her.
"Fair maiden Sakura has arrived!" And of course it took no time for the heat to spread to her abashed cheeks. She shifted uncomfortably as eyes began to narrow on her being. Picking up her pace, she made her way towards the table only to be greeted by another loud mouth idiot. A black, bright orange and yellow blur flashed in front of her before she was consumed in a literally breath-taking hug.
"N-naruto-kun…I –can't breathe!" She wheezed as the blond slowly pulled away from her. His hand flew up towards the back of his head as he scratched it awkwardly.
"Hehe, I'm sorry Sakura-chan. It just feels like so long since I've seen you and I wasn't sure you were going to even come, it's late." She rolled her eyes and yet couldn't help but smile at the man she considered a brother. He was looking quiet handsome, clad in a black Japanese style suit with a signature bright orange tie. His lean 6'1 frame towered over her smaller stature. She still could not believe how much he had grown over the years.
"It's alright Naruto, just be a little easier next time."
"Well jeez, with your inhuman strength and all I figured you could have handled it Sakura-chan." He joked only to receive a smack upside his head. "Ouch, damn that hurt. Why did you have to hit me Sakura-chan?" Sakura's eyebrow twitched with irritation as the loving smile was slowly replaced with a frown.
"Its not inhuman strength, you idiot," She hissed between clenched teeth.
"Always so quick with that temper huh forehead. I swear you are just begging for frown lines." Sakura flushed a cherry red only this time from anger rather than embarrassment. Her eyes narrowed into slits as the pink haired girl swung around to glare ferociously at her friend and childhood rival. The other blue eyed blonde wore a purple number. It was a strapless, mid thigh length dress that accentuated her bold curves. She looked as beautiful as ever.
"Shut up pig. Can I just sit down without being harassed the moment I walk in?" Sakura harrumphed before folding her arms over her chest.
"Hey forehead-girl, if you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen."
"Everyone knows you have no business in a kitchen pig." Laughter erupted from some of the occupants at the table. It was true that the future owner of Konoha's best flower shop was an utter failure as a cook. Ino huffed and looked away with a pout. The sight warmed Sakura's heart slightly and she smiled.
"Come on Sakura-chan you can sit next to me!" Naruto exclaimed in an almost childlike manner. It still amazed her how many qualities he still possessed from their genin days. Despite how mature he had become physically and mentally he still showed traits of his twelve year old self. But that's what made him so likeable even to the coldest of people. That's what made him…Naruto.
She smiled but before she could even take another step in the direction of the table, two strong arms wrapped around her shoulders in a hug. She glanced back over one shoulder to see large black eyes and a bowl cut hairdo. It was none other than Lee. He slowly pulled back and turned her around, giving her a polite once over.
"It is good to see you Sakura. We were worried you would not be able to attend this youthful and joyous affair. My you look like a gift only the heavens could bestow upon us." She blushed and smiled almost shyly towards him.
He was right though; no one could deny that Haruno Sakura did indeed look absolutely beautiful tonight. Of course everyone was dressed up for the evening for it was a special occasion. Sakura wore a blood red, just above the knee-length, spaghetti strapped dress. It dipped into a dangerously sensual V, showing off a fair amount of cleavage but nothing inappropriate. The dress, which exposed her back, hugged her curves marvelously down to the swell of her backside where it fluttered out around her creamy legs. On her feet she honed black just below the knee length heeled boots. To finish the image off her soft pink locks curved around her heart shaped face gently, giving her an indescribable innocence that didn't seem possible with her daring dress.
"Thanks Lee and sorry, my shift at the hospital went over time."
"Good lord girl, look at that dress." Sakura turned around to see Tenten and Hinata whom had apparently returned from the restrooms not to far away. Sakura smiled as she wrapped the girls up in a tight embrace.
"Hey there Tenten," She glanced at the other girl in her arms, "Hey Hinata."
"Hello Sakura-chan." Hinata replied gingerly with a warm smile.
"Pfft, don't 'hey' me missy, turn around." Sakura didn't have a chance to argue before Tenten had effectively turned her around so that her exposed back was facing her. The backless dress dipped on her lower back just above her butt. It was definitely as sight to see. Suddenly Tenten turned Sakura back around and smiled. "Looking for a date tonight huh Sakura?" She winked mischievously only to be swatted at by the flushed girl in front of her. Hinata giggled gently beside them only to mirror Sakura's blush when a strong arm wrapped around her waist. The arm pulled her closer until the side of her body was flush with a harder one. Soft lips gently brushed across her cheek before disappearing behind her midnight locks to her hair.
Naruto gently whispered something to Hinata causing the girl reddened even more than before. It was true; Naruto had finally realized Hinata's feelings for him as well as his own feelings for her about a year and a half ago. In fact, Sakura believed that it was because of Hinata that Naruto had matured even faster over the years. He seemed more gentle and tame around her and when he looked at her it was easy to tell how deeply in love he was with her. They looked so cute together too.
Hinata looked gorgeous as always in her dark blue off the shoulders dress. Her long blue hair danced around her like a curtain of silk, making her eloquence and grace seem even more apparent and effortless. Who could blame Naruto for being so close? Reluctantly he pulled is mouth back from her ear and glanced over towards Sakura and Tenten.
"You're only drawing more attention towards her by making her turn around like that. Jeez leading the perverts straight to her." The girls couldn't help but laugh. "But you do look beautiful tonight Sakura-chan." The smile on her face widened.
"Thanks Naruto-kun."
"Come on, let's go sit." Tenten finally added.
Sakura ended up sitting next to Naruto like he suggested earlier. The only teeny tiny problem was that she ended right across from the person who still haunted her dreams. Emerald clashed with stoic onyx momentarily. Her heart fluttered as she took in the sight in front of her. He wore-of course- a black Japanese style suit with a crimson tie. Yes, Uchiha Sasuke had grown to be even more handsome than when he was a genin. His boyish features were gone and replaced with a sharp, hard and chiseled structure. His shoulders had broadened and he now stood at a height of 6'2. It was bad enough Naruto made her feel like an elf but Sasuke made her feel like a pebble next to a massive tree.
Unknown to Sakura, Sasuke's gaze subtly trailed down her form, taking in the sight of the dress he had only seen glimpses of. It was hard to ignore because of its bold red color, but it suited her well. After being back in the village for almost two years now the Uchiha prodigy was accustomed to Sakura's new upfront personality. She had changed a lot since their genin days, from a weak and annoying fangirl to a strong and worthy, yet still slightly annoying kunoichi. Her "inhuman" strength and medical abilities were what gave her more of Sasuke's respect. But that's was all she had, his respect. Nothing more and nothing less.
"Hey Sasuke-kun" Her sweet voice chimed in his ears gently.
"Hn," He nodded towards her before pointedly looking over towards Naruto who was blabbing off to Suigetsu about something insignificant. Sakura mindlessly shook her head. Although Sasuke had changed physically, his vocabulary had not. But it didn't seem to bother her anymore. In fact she oddly found her self understanding him more and more as time went on.
Beside him sat Suigetsu and Juugo to his left and on his right sat Karin. She clung to his arm like a parasite or a helpless child hanging onto their balloon in fear that it would fly away. Karin was probably Sasuke's biggest fangirl and had declared herself an enemy to Sakura. Of course she never said this out loud but she didn't try to mask her obvious hatred for the girl either.
"Karin…" Sakura nodded curtly.
"…Pinky," Sakura's eye twitched. Karin smirked maliciously. She was wearing a black dress that left practically nothing to the imagination. The dress screamed 'skank at your service'. Sakura parted her lips to speak but another voice soared over her own.
"It's good to see you again Sakura-san." She turned and flashed a kind smile towards Juugo.
"Hey Juugo, how are you?"
"I am good thank you."
"Hey sexy mama, how are you doing?"
"What did you just call her?!" A suddenly pissed off Naruto shouted.
"Oh don't get your panties in a twist blondie I'm just messing around. Besides she does look sexy in that dress." Sakura's eyes widened and her cheeks turned a nice pink shade, just a tad lighter than her hair. Suigetsu merely smirked and winked at her. Sakura blinked.
"Will you stop hitting on her damn it?" Naruto growled.
"Honestly Shark face stop trying to get laid." Suigetsu arched a brow.
"You're one to talk." His gaze shot from Karin, down to the arm locked in a steel grip around Sasuke's arm, to Sasuke and then back to Karin. He grinned smugly as if he had won an argument.
"Ah damn woman, we are in a public place. There is no need to screech so fucking loudly."
"Oh get over yourself Karin and lower your voice." Ino jumped into the conversation, her tone laced with annoyance.
"Yo Sasuke, do you mind controlling your little girlfriend over there. I think my ears are going to start bleeding soon." Sasuke shot a dangerous glare over towards Tenten who smiled innocently as if she hadn't just referred to Karin as his girlfriend.
"Hn…she's not my-"Before he could finish his sentence Sakura stood up. All eyes were now on her or rather, the back of her dress.
"Hot damn…" Suigetsu grinned as his eyes trailed from the base of Sakura's next, down to the swell of her backside where it lingered there momentarily. Karin's mouth dropped at finally getting a glimpse of the dress Tenten had been making such a fuss over. Juugo on the other hand looked away politely.
"Sakura-chan, where are you going?" She turned at the sound of Naruto's deep voice. She gave a small smile to him and the others at their end of the table.
"I think I'm going to go play some cards with Kiba, Choji, Shino and Shikamaru. It's a little too loud over here." Her eyes shot towards a fuming Karin before returning to Naruto's.
"Alright sweet now we can have a dealer." Kiba's voice boomed from the opposite end of the large table. She glanced over to see the others nod for her to come over.
"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN PINKY?" Sakura's fist shook slightly by her side. She had a long day at the hospital. Her list of patients seemed endless and at the end of the day all she wanted to do was go home, take a bath, and relax in bed with a book or something. Instead she got dressed and met her friends at their favorite bar/restaurant for dinner and to chat about old times. Being harassed and screamed at by Sasuke's number one fangirl was not on the top of her list of things to do today. In fact it wasn't on her list at all. She hated seeing the loud mouth red head so close to the Uchiha, wrapping her arms around him as if he was hers. The only comfort she got from it was the look of utter boredom on Sasuke's face.
Sakura shook her head and began making her way over towards the other side of the table. Behind her she could hear Naruto still arguing with Suigetsu and Karin. But she also felt a gaze burning holes into her back. She glanced over her shoulder, shocked to see onyx eyes on her form. The heat rose once again to its home on her cheeks as a delicious shiver trailed down her spine.
Good Lord this was going to be a long night.
"Haha, oh my god, do you remember the time Naruto farted in Kiba's face during the chuunin exams." Choji barked a laugh meanwhile Naruto flushed.
"Ah shut up Choji, that was not one of my best moments." Hinata giggled beside him.
"You farted on someone during a fight? How cheap…but effective." Suigetsu couldn't help but laugh meanwhile Karin scrunched her nose.
"More like repulsive and childish."
"Oh lighten up four eyes. It's natural and hell it helped him win a fight."
"Oh here's a good one, did you guys know that Sasuke and Naruto were each other's first kiss." Everyone except the rookie nine gawked at Ino who sat smiling smugly at Karin.
"WHAT?!" Sakura laughed at the expression on everyone's faces. Of course she was just a fangirl back then and didn't realize that the kiss was not intentional. Now it all seemed so funny to her, especially the murderous expressions that Sasuke was sending towards Ino.
"Wow dickless, who knew you actually swung that way at one point." Sai said with a smile plastered on his pale features. Naruto growled and threw his hands up in the air.
"It was an accident! Someone pushed me onto him. And I never swung that way and stop fucking calling me dickless you freak!"
"Hinata could prove to you that he's not dickless. Far from it from what she's told me." A slightly tipsy Tenten giggled meanwhile Neji nearly spit out his drink. The last thing he wanted to hear about was his cousin's sex life.
"Tenten-chan!" Hinata gasped and blushed before burying her face in the crook of Naruto's neck. Naruto on the other hand was trying to hide his smile so he focused his attention on the girl in his arms. Across from them the Uchiha and Suigetsu smirked at the sight. Karin on the other hand was still in shock from the news that Sasuke's first kiss had been with Naruto of all people. Naruto leaned in and whispered something to Hinata again making her flush before she moved to kiss him.
"Get 'em girl." Ino said with a laugh. Sakura laughed, but felt bad that all this attention was on Naruto and Hinata. She knew Hinata was a very private person, especially with her relationship. Besides it almost felt like a sin watching Naruto and Hinata together. There was something innocent about their relationship; it was so intimate and personal. So she decided to turn their attention away from them.
"Oh I've got one." She waited for more eyes to focus on her. "The time Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun and I tried to see what Kakashi looked like without his mask." Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sasuke's lip twitch upward into something of a smirk. Naruto pulled away from Hinata gently and chuckled.
"Oh man was that an experience."
"I've always wondered what he looked like. Did you guys find out?" Choji asked.
"Actually no, you, Ino and Shikamaru jumped in on us at Ichikaru's before we could watch him eat. By the time you guys moved he was already finished."
"Damn." Ino hissed.
"Yea but that girl…umm Ayane- I think- she looked pretty awe struck."
"Yea she couldn't take her eyes off him, so we have our suspicions." Naruto added. It immediately grew silent amongst the group besides the outside noises of the people around them.
"So who do you think has changed the most out of all of you?" Suigetsu piped up with a question no one expected.
"Naruto…" All eyes shot to Sakura. She shrugged. "Well he has. He went from a loud mouth kid who talked smack to one of the strongest Anbu in our village. And we all know that he is in training to become Hokage soon. I'm proud of you Naruto-kun." She smiled a genuine smile at him. Her heart warmed at the sight of unshed tears glistening in his sapphire orbs.
"Oh please don't tell me you are going to cry." Kiba asked.
"Shut up asshole, I'm not." Hinata whispered something to him and he nodded, a smile forming on his face.
"Well as much as I have to agree with forehead, I actually think she's changed the most."Sakura's head whipped around to look at the blond sitting not to far away from her
"I will never forget the day you cut your hair…" The blond trailed off nostalgically.
"Hm I remember that. We were in the forest of death during our exam." Shikamaru muttered.
"What happened?" A curious Kiba asked.
"A team of sound ninja attacked Sakura while she was taking care of Sasuke and Naruto. One of them, the female caught the back of her hair. So in order to escape, Sakura took a kunai and cut her own hair." Sakura squirmed uncomfortably in her seat as she felt Naruto and Sasuke's eyes on her. She had never told them exactly how and why she cut her hair only that it was something she needed to do.
"Don't worry about it Naruto. It's in the past and besides I like my hair short. I'm glad I did what I did, so don't say anything okay." He nodded beside her, sealing his lips from asking the questions he wanted to ask. She gave him a brief smile before looking away. She could still feel Sasukes burning stare on her but it disappeared as another person spoke up.
"We've all been through so much shit huh?" a melancholy Kiba asked.
"It's all troublesome."
"Everything is troublesome to you Shikamaru." Choji chuckled.
"You know what's troublesome?" A flushed faced Tenten half shouted as she slammed another drink down onto the table.
"Dear god I think someone's had too much to drink." Sakura muttered facetiously.
"Pfft, have not! I'll drink you under the table little girl. But that's beside the point. See that." She pointed over towards a group of girls dancing on the dance floor. Their lusty gazes set on the Uchiha. "That is what is troublesome. I swear every freaking where we go if Sasuke is there, they follow. These women need lives."
"Hn," Sasuke replied in agreement.
"You know what you need to do Uchiha. You need to just fuck someone already and maybe they'll leave you alone." It was clear Tenten was now a little more than tipsy. However that didn't stop her from taking another hearty swing of her drink. Naruto who was taking a drink of water instantly spit it out. Sakura's jaw dropped, Suigetsu smirked, Karin looked up at Sasuke seductively meanwhile everyone else gawked at Tenten.
"Tenten-chan…" Lee spoke up hesitantly. He was still shocked by Tenten's out burst.
"Aw don't look at me like that Lee-kun. You should get laid too." Neji coughed while Kiba and Naruto laughed. "Hell everyone should!"
"That's enough Tenten." Neji finally spoke up, his voice as stern as his expression. She pouted but slowly smiled at him.
"Sorry but we are all friends here aren't we?" She looked around the table. Her eyebrows furrowed as an idea came to mind. "I bet it wouldn't be hard to live with any of you people." Naruto scoffed.
"Speak for yourself Tenten-chan. I'm sure some people would have more trouble than others. Isn't that right teme?" Naruto shot a look at Sasuke who met his competitive stare.
"Is that a challenge dobe?"
"You bet it is teme."
"Get ready to lose dead last."
"How about we make things a bit more interesting?" Kiba asked.
"How so?" Curious green eyes snapped up towards him before looking back at the two Anbu sitting beside her.
"How about a dare?"
"What kind of dare?" Sasuke intoned.
"Well you have to- umm live with one person for two weeks."
"Make it a month!" Tenten shouted, slurring slightly.
"Make him have to live with a girl." Shikamaru said lazily although the amusement was present in his face.
"Why does it have to be a girl?" Suigetsu questioned.
"Because teme either has a phobia or just hates the female race. But with all those fangirls I wouldn't blame him."
"So living with a girl would be harder." Both Choji and Neji smirked.
"Tch, this is ridiculous."
"Don't tell me you're scared teme."
"You wish idiot." Sasuke narrowed his eyes.
"Then agree to the dare bastard."
"Hold up," Ino piped up, "Just who is he going to be living with. Who has to move in with him?"
"I will." Karin chimed in. She took off her glasses and smiled seductively up at the black haired beauty beside her.
"As much as I'd love to see teme suffer just a little that seems down right cruel." Sakura giggled at Naruto's comment.
"Shut up idiot." Karin hissed angrily.
"Spin the bottle." All eyes landed on Suigetsu.
"Have all the girls-at this table mind you- who agree to this dare and are willing to go through with it, sit around one of the empty round tables. Then have someone spin a bottle. Whom ever the bottle lands on will be the girl who moves in with Sasuke."
"Sounds good to me" Kiba agreed, mirth twinkling in his eyes.
"It should only be the girls who are not currently seeing anyone." Naruto said while shooting a longing glance towards Hinata.
"What afraid he'll steal your girl."
"Pfft as if, I just don't want teme ogling Hinata-chan." Sasuke scoffed. There was one thing he would never do and that was to ogle anyone, especially his best friends' girlfriend. He knew how in love the idiot was with the Hyuuga heiress. He could see how happy Naruto had become with Hinata and he would not dare try anything to destroy that happiness.
"Well then that leaves us with only three girls; Ino, Sakura and Karin." Kiba said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Are you girls up for the challenge?"
"Definitely," Karin smirked.
"I'm down to try it." Ino smiled. The only reason she did want to was so that she could wipe that hideous smirk off Karin's face if she was chosen.
Everyone slowly turned to Sakura. She bit her lip, sea foam green eyes darting from Ino, Karin and then to Sasuke. She could stand doing missions with him and being around him in public with friends but she had never thought or even dreamed of actually living with him. Ino suddenly cleared her throat.
"Hey forehead, snap out of it, you are zoning out." Sakura flushed lightly.
"Eh oh sorry…um yea sure, I'll give it a try."
"Alright then it's settled. There is a table right over there that we can use quickly. Come on." Everyone got up and walked over towards the table. All were eager to see the results and who would have to spend a month living with Sasuke.
Sakura, Ino and Karin took a seat while Tenten giggled giddily, clutching onto Neji for support. Sasuke moved to stand beside Suigetsu and Naruto who watched as Kiba stood between Sakura and Ino. "Does anyone have a bottle?"
"Oh I do! Here…" Tenten hiccupped as she handed Kiba the empty sake bottle. Neji only shook his head, knowing he would have to take her home soon.
"Err thanks Tenten. Alright let's get this over with." Kiba placed the bottle directly into the center of the table. "Does anyone want to spin it or shall I?" Lee moved passed a silent almost invisible Shino towards Kiba.
"I shall do it my friend." He offered eagerly although he was silently hoping Sakura would not be chosen. "Good luck to you all fair maidens." Ino made a remark under her breath about Karin not being a fair maiden. Karin must have noticed because she kicked Ino from under the table.
"Ow, what the hell was that for, Karin?"
"You know why I did it."
"Ugh you know what; maybe we should just let Karin move in with Sasuke. She already follows him around like a sick little puppy anyways."
"Ugh shut up."
"What? I only call bitches as I see 'em." Naruto snickered behind Sakura. It was times like these when he actually liked Ino.
"Can we just get this over with you two?" Sakura asked. The irritation was rising to new levels by the second.
"Alright, alright fine forehead."
"Yeah whatever pinky," Karin mumbled with a scowl.
"Alright then, let us now begin. Let the essence of springtime be with you." With that, Lee spun the bottle with his fingers. The bottle moved at lightening fast speeds and no one knew just when it would stop.
After a few dreadful minutes the bottle began to creep to a stop. The tip of the bottle passed by each girl slowly. Karin, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sakura, Ino…
Everyone watched in anticipation and a certain calm and collective Uchiha found himself holding his breath. Naruto gripped the back of Sakura's chair meanwhile Hinata held onto his arm. Suigetsu's cunning smirk continued to grow and Tenten's drunken giggle increased. Everyone's eyes were locked onto the bottle as if taking their eyes away for one moment would end the world. It continued.
Karin, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sakura…it slowed even more. Ino, Karin, Sakura, Ino, Karin….
Everyone's eyes widened when the bottle finally stopped.
A/N: So There it is my first SasuSaku fic. I hope you all enjoyed it. Also Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I wish i could have published this sooner but as i mentioned before the idea just popped in my head two days ago. Oh's a late christmas gift? WELL i mean if you like it that is...oh jeeze...i'm rambling aren't I? T T Crap. Well I hope you enjoyed.
-Sweet Madness-