Merry Christmas Eve! A little treat for my great reviewers ;)


We join the Pokegang in a big celebration! A big Christmas party has been started at Pokemon Academy's gym and this is sure to be a Merry Christmas! But as enjoyable this party may seem, the Pokegang girls worries. All of them want a little chance of romance this Christmas. I, Roz, will tell you the tale on what happened this Christmas night! It all started when I greeted everyone:

"Hey guys!", I greeted them. They all greeted me back. But I noticed all of them looked down. And they greeted me half-heartedly. "What's wrong?". I asked. Zoey, Marina, Dawn, May, and Misty looked up at me sadly.

"We all have the same problem and were discussing it right when you came in", Dawn had told me.

"What is it?", I asked.

"You see, all of us want to get a little something from the guys this Christmas", Marina sighed.

"It has been a long way with them, and well...", May trailed off. All of the girls heaved a big sigh then.

"Wouldn't you want something special from that special person. Especially at this time of year!", Misty said.

"Aheheh I have no one", I said, sweating. Then brilliance struck me, the way it always does (xD). "Idea!", I exclaimed happily. After all, I couldn't leave them love-less on Christmas Eve(even though I was). I told them I would help them all get together.

At that moment, I swore to myself, I would be the Christmas Cupid for Zoey, Marina, Dawn, May, and Misty.


I wish you all a very Happy Christmas Eve, and I hope you enjoy it. Have fun reading this! And remember, I don't own Pokemon!