I appreciate for your patience guys. I know it's been awhile but let me tell you that writing stories like this is not easy. I have to be in the mood to write. Like I have a good idea of how this story is going to go. But again, writer's block happens to me. Not to mention I have things in real life I have to worry about. Anyway, this chapter pretty much focuses on Isabella's problems. Also, I think Lightning is not the best with technology (referring to how he was in Cars 3) and I also put in how I think cars reproduced because let's face it we all wanna know how these cars reproduce lol and finally, Lightning becomes human. Which will lead to funny scenarios. XD Read on to see what I mean...Please leave kind reviews on what you like best about the chapters. Those kind of reviews want me to continue this story guys. Not the usual please update soon. Thank you!

There was a long silence in the garage. Lightning and Isabella were both still digesting the statement Samuel said before Lightning was the first was to say, "Wait, you can turn me into a human?"

Samuel nodded, "It wasn't easy because this invention took a good few years but I finally was able to perfect it."

Isabella was the next to speak up, "You can't be serious, grandpa. You're actually going to turn Lightning into a human like us? Is that even possible?"

"When it comes to me, Isabella, anything is possible. I managed to create a portal that brought a living car into this world did I not?" Samuel replied and laughed at the shocked looks upon his granddaughter and the car's faces.

Once Lightning was able to figure out what this meant, he felt concern, nervous, and intrigued all at the same time. He didn't know what to think of having to turn into a human. For one thing, it sounded interesting. What would it be like to live as a human? How different are they to cars? Then again, was it safe? He couldn't be sure if he really wanted to try for something like this. He didn't want to get caught by other humans but at what cost?

Isabella had been watching Lightning while he was lost in his thoughts. She can tell by the look on his face that he was torn two ways. She looked back at her grandfather, "Uh, is this invention ready yet?"

"Not yet. I still need to look over a couple of things but with some luck; it should be ready by tomorrow night." Professor Holler replied and Isabella nodded,

"Good, that should give Lightning plenty of time to consider it," she shifted her gaze back at the car, who had looked at her when she said his name, "Is that okay, Lightning?"

Upon hearing his name, he looked over towards the girl and cleared his throat, "Yeah sure."

"Terrific! Let me know what you decide! I shall see what else I can do before I turn in! Night!" Samuel turned and walked back inside the house.

Isabella waved before looking back at her car friend. She knew that he wasn't sure of what to do. She couldn't blame him. She sighed before turning and got the bottle of car wax. She took the rag and walked back over to Lightning.

"Hey, you gonna be okay?" she questioned in mild concern.

"Huh? Oh yeah," he responded and laughed nervously, "I'm just wondering of what it will be like to be turned into a human. It sounds interesting."

Isabella frowned before adding in, "And scary," she watched him sigh and look to the side, "But don't worry. If you don't want to do it, my grandpa will understand. I'm just wondering how he's going to even get you into his lab since our door is not wide enough for you to go through."

Lightning chuckled at this thought, "Good question. But oh well, I have time to make up my mind." He said and gave Isabella a smile.

She smiled back and felt her cheeks heated a bit for a moment before she set to waxing him up. That was very odd. During the silence, they both started to ponder of Lightning turning into a human being. What would he even look like? Would he be able to adapt to it? And would he be able to turn back into a car when it was time for him to leave?

Isabella soon was done with the waxing and she sighed while rubbing her sweaty forehead. She was going to need to take a hot bath after this. She looked up to see it was ten pm. Boy time sure does fly by. She stood up and took a few steps back to admire her work. He shined brightly underneath the light from the ceiling. He looked brand new and she couldn't help but smile at how well she managed to get him to shine. Lightning looked at the mirror once more and a bright smile formed on his face.

Forgetting about the conversation earlier, he took this time to admire the work Isabella did. She did an excellent job making him shine and having his paint look brand new. He glanced back at his awaiting human friend.

"Thanks Bell, you made me look like I was fresh out of the factory." He said, his smile never leaving his face.

Isabella started to smile when she took note of what he said on the last part, "Wait, you came from a factory?"

"Well yeah, it's how we are born." Lightning replied as if it was a matter of fact.

Isabella tried hard not to laugh. It made sense since cars probably don't have well…the organs to reproduce. So there had to be a way to make new cars. "If that's the case, do you have parents?"

Lightning pondered over this before replying, "We do. In fact, that's generally how us cars are made. They use some of the parts of each parent to make their offspring."

Isabella was very intrigued by this information, "Well, I had no idea. That certainly answers my question, at least one of them considering you cars are made of metal."

Lightning couldn't help but chuckle at her statement. She had a point. Then again, he had no idea how humans reproduce themselves. They didn't look like they were made of metal or anything. Before either can speak further, a sharp ringtone startled them both. Isabella recognized the noise and immediately picked up her cell,


"Bell, girl, glad I could catch you!" Lisa's voice came in loud and clear.

Isabella's dark eyes widen from hearing her best friend. She had totally forgotten all about her and guilt once more began to gnaw at her insides, "Hi Lisa! Sorry I didn't call you back."

"Nah it's all good. Besides, I have something planned tomorrow that I don't want you to miss out on." Lisa replied and Isabella frowned at this.

Every time Lisa said anything like that, she always had something up her sleeve. Isabella turned away as Lightning watched her. He heard the other girl's voice and backed up a little to give his human friend privacy. He didn't know what the device she was talking into. A phone? But it wasn't attached to anything. He was never exactly a techno expert so he will ask her when she hung up with her friend.

"What plans?" Isabella questioned somewhat reluctantly.

"Jennifer is having a pool party tomorrow and you are coming with me!"

"A pool party?" Isabella repeated her eyes wide in shock.

"You bet yer booty! You better be ready by ten in the morning and have your bathing suit too. It's time you did something outside of working on cars. No excuses, girl!"

Isabella wanted to refuse. She had Lightning to look after. Then again, she also wanted to spend time with Lisa since she already sort of blew her off a couple of times. She really didn't know what to do.

"Lisa, I…" she began but her best friend snorted,

"I already told them you are going so there's no backing out of this one. Come on, girl! You need to get out of the garage once in a while. Please? Do this for me?" Isabella held back a laugh when she can hear Lisa practically begging on the other end.

She turned and could see Lightning smiling at her, "If you're worried about me, don't. Now that your grandpa showed me the track, I can go there to kill time. Go with your friend." He said and Isabella blinked at him,

"Are you sure?" She mouthed and he gave her a confirmed yes. Feeling better she turned back to the phone and said, "Okay, fine Lisa, I will go with you."

"I knew you would say that and I…wait what?"

"I said I will go with you. You're right. I've been in the garage for way too long. I think it's time I got some fresh air. And what better way to spend time with my best friend?" Isabella replied and there was a pause.

Finally Lisa replied, the excitement clear in her voice, "Yay! I don't have to drag you! Okay, be sure to in your bathing suit when I pick you up! After all, you told me the beetle was acting up. See you at ten okay?"

"You bet, Lisa. See you tomorrow." Isabella hung up her cell and glanced back at Lightning, who was still giving her a small smile, "You don't have to give me the go ahead."

"I figured I would say so. I saw the look on your face. I can tell this Lisa is a good friend of yours, and it's important to be with your friends. Trust me, I have my own best friend and he would be upset if I don't always hang out with him." Lightning replied and he recalled his mishap adventures he had with Mater.

Isabella gave him a grateful smile, "You're right. Are you sure you will be okay by yourself tomorrow? I don't know how long I will be."

"Yeah, I'm sure nothing will happen. It's not like your grandpa is going to turn me into one of his test subjects…" he trailed off before looking at Isabella, "He's not is he?"

"No. My grandpa is nothing like that. Not to mention we still have that invention of his that will turn you into a human that we have to worry about. But that won't happen until around night time tomorrow."

Lightning frowned upon hearing of the invention once more, "Yeah…anyway…" he glanced back at Isabella, "Just what was that thing you were talking into?"

"Oh, you mean my cell phone?" she asked, holding up the device in question.

"Cell phone?" Lightning repeated and Isabella stared at him,

"You don't know what a cell phone is?"

"I know what a phone is, but a cell phone?"

Isabella found this odd that a car like Lightning didn't know what a cell phone is, "Don't you have cell phones back in your world? Though, I can't imagine how you would be able to hold one since you cars don't have hands."

"To be honest, I really don't know." Her car friend replied and he genuinely had no clue if there were cell phones back in his world. He never gave it much thought since he was usually focused on just racing.

Isabella shrugged before letting out a huge yawn, "Yikes, I am tired. I'm going to take a nice hot bath before I turn in for the night," she headed for the door and paused before looking back, "Do you need anything before I go?"

"I am thirsty and hungry from racing earlier." Lightning responded and Isabella gave him a smile.

She gave him what he asked for, though he was concerned about drinking the oil she provided for him. What if he didn't like it? She set the oil can down near him and upon his request; she placed a tube inside as sort of a straw for him to drink from. He took a careful sip and relished the taste. It wasn't half bad. It wasn't terrific like Flo's but it will do for now.

Isabella watched a satisfied look appeared on Lightning's face and he continued to drink his fill. She couldn't help but smile at this scene before her. He looked adorable. Noticing she had watching him, he shifted his eyes towards her. Feeling guilty that she had been caught staring, she looked away quickly and cleared her throat,

"I hope the uh oil is to your liking. Anyway, I have to go turn in for the night. Night, Lightning." She said as she tried to cool her heated face.

"It is. Thanks Bell, you too." Lightning said a small smirk on his face as he watched her walk to the door and go inside the house.

Once she was gone, he continued to sip his fill. This day turned out better than he thought. Sure it got off to a rocky start, what with having a nightmare and him snapping at his new friend. Luckily things got better when he was able to race to his heart's content. He no longer had to worry about being stuck inside the garage. Another thought crossed his mind as he recalled when Professor Holler said about turning him human.

He frowned as he once more pondered over this. He wasn't exactly sure if he wanted to do this. Then again, he was curious of it. After all, this was once in a lifetime opportunity. He let out a sigh and decided to make up his mind by tomorrow morning. Maybe a good night's sleep will help him finally make his choice. Feeling content he closed his eyes and fell asleep. That night, he didn't have any recurring nightmares.

"Are you sure you will be okay while I'm gone? I don't know how long I will be. Knowing Lisa, she's probably going to make sure I stay at the pool until around evening." Isabella was in the garage bright and early. She had some time before her friend came to pick her. She used this time to check on Lightning and she was glad to see he slept well for once. No nightmares to haunt him, though this reminded her about that Sally character.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You go and have fun. I plan to unwind out on the track. Besides, I need the time to make up my mind about well…" Lightning trailed off as he looked to the side.

Isabella noticed and she knew what he was referring to, "Yeah I got it. My grandpa will understand if you refuse. Anyway, I better get ready before Lisa gets here. And she may arrive early. Take care, Lightning." She waved before heading back into the house.

"Thanks Bell, have a good time." Lightning called after her and once she was gone, he thought over his plans until this evening.

Professor Holler will be busy in his lab, no doubt on his portal and…the other invention that will transform him. He had all day to think it over. The night's sleep refreshed Lightning but he still couldn't make up his mind about wanting to turn human. Once he had his share of oil and some breakfast, he pushed the button to the garage that Isabella gave him so he can go out without needing anyone to open it for him.

Driving out on the track will certainly ease his mind. He was really glad to know that this place existed; otherwise, he would have probably gone insane from being stuck inside the garage long ago. It was hard to believe that it had been a few days since he came into this world. As he continued to drive through the desert, he thought back to his friends in Radiator Springs. They had to be extremely worried for him. Doc would certainly give him a talking to if he ever came back. He felt his heart drop to know it would take another couple of months before he would go back. That is if he would be able to make it back since there is no guarantee that Professor Holler's portal invention would work.

Upon arriving at the deserted track, Lightning also realized that he hadn't thought of Sally since yesterday morning. He felt guilty. Despite not wanting to remember her on the brink of her death, he didn't want to forget her completely. Sally had been a huge impact on his life. Driving on the track, he thought about the memories he shared with her.

He missed her; very much. The sadness and pain of her being gone was still fresh and he was hit with another wave of depression. He closed his tear filling eyes before he brought his engine to life and started to drive out on the track. He could still see her smiling beautiful face as she told him to find someone else.

"I can't, Sally…I just can't…" he muttered as he drove around the track.

Dirt and dust flew everywhere as he kept going around and around. He knew that if he ever got back home, he would still never see Sally again. This thought alone made him go a little faster. What can he do? What will he do? Another after thought would be, if he couldn't return home, would that mean he would be the only living car in this human world? He slowed down as he remembered Professor Holler telling him he had the choice of becoming human if he wished.

Lightning came to a full stop and he slowly opened his eyes as he looked up at the sky. Sally told him he had to move on. Despite the sadness and hurt of losing her, he also had to embrace his current situation. If there was a chance that he can never go back home, that meant he would have to deal with living here. If that's the case, maybe he should take up on the offer of turning human. Besides, he always was a risk taker. He didn't know how the professor was going to do it, but he made up his mind. He decided that he was going to turn into a human. He can feel a sense of relief go through him. Maybe he made the right choice.

He could almost see Sally smiling at him, "Sally, I still miss you but if I can't go back home, I hope you are still watching over me." He whispered and once more started to drive on the track.

"I am so glad I managed to drag you out of the garage for once. You were starting to get real pale."

Isabella laughed in mockery at her best friend's comment before replying, "I didn't come here for you to mock me."

Lisa giggled, "Sorry, girl, I'm just shocked that you decided to come. I thought I was going to beg you to come."

The two girls got out of Lisa's car and headed towards the front door of Jennifer's house. Her place was huge and Isabella can already hear people shouting from the backyard, where the pool was located. "Again, you were right. I needed some fresh air." Isabella said as she watched her friend ring the doorbell.

"I'll say. You've been so busy. Is your grandpa's beetle really having that much trouble? I mean, you normally have no problem going with me to the mall, regardless of you working on a car."

Isabella frowned as Lisa looked over at her; "Well it's…" she wasn't sure of what to say. She hated lying to her best friend.

The door opened and Isabella sighed in relief; saved by the bell. Jennifer, a girl with short black hair and wearing her black bathing suit, opened the door and grinned to see her two friends, "Glad to see you, Lisa. And Isabella! I'm shocked that you came!"

"Lisa said this was going to be a great pool party so I thought I live it up." Isabella replied, giving her a grin.

"Then come on in! Go upstairs and get dressed. The party has pretty much started!" Jennifer stood aside to let Lisa and Isabella through.

The conversation from earlier was forgotten and Isabella and Lisa got dressed up in their bathing suits in a private room. Leaving their things in the room so that no one will disturb or steal them, the two girls walked out into the backyard. The place was packed but not to the point where it was uncontrollable. Isabella watched as a few couples were making out in the corners or on the beach chairs. She bit her bottom lip before looking at Lisa.

"Come on! Let's dive in!" Lisa rushed forward and jumped into the pool.

Isabella laughed as water went everywhere. Her friend managed to splash a few people, including some couples and they were not happy to be disturbed. For the next couple of hours, Isabella swam and talked with a few people. She was glad she was talked into coming to this party. For a while, she had forgotten about Lightning. It was around seven by the time dinner was supposed to be served. Jennifer was cooking up some burgers and she told everyone that it will be ready soon.

Isabella was sitting by the pool, letting her long legs be submerged in the cool water. Lisa was on the other side talking to a bunch of other girls. Isabella had fun and she smiled as she got all the way into the pool just to relax. She closed her eyes, feeling a sense of serenity when she heard a voice go,

"Well hey there, Beautiful."

Isabella opened her eyes and she was greeted by unfriendly sight. A tall attractive young man with dark hair, dark eyes, and wearing a green bathing suit stood before her. She knew he was immediately and she frowned at him, "Vince."

Vince laughed, "Why the cold response, Isabella?"

"You know why," Isabella replied shortly and got out of the pool. Though she wished she had stayed in since she can see Vince was already checking her out, "Now if you will excuse me."

"How rude, I come over to just catch up with you and you are already giving me the cold shoulder," Vince's eyes scanned Isabella's body before meeting her eyes, "Live a little, babe, especially with a body like that."

Isabella was wearing a hot pink bikini. She wasn't exactly modest of showing off her curvy body. Lisa had told her numerous times that she had a great body. But this pervert was making her wish she didn't come dressed the way she was.

"Leave me alone, Vince. I don't have time for you." Isabella turned and started to walk away.

She had only gone a few feet when she felt a rough hand grab her arm. She gasped as she was forced to turn around and found herself face to face with Vince, "No one says no to Vince." He said, glaring down at her.

Isabella glared right back, "Vince, I'm going to give you five seconds to let me go or I will have you on the ground."

Before Vince could reply, Lisa came rushing over along with Jennifer and a few other people, "Hey! Is something wrong here?"

"There is actually. And I'm leaving." Isabella managed to take back her arm and not letting Vince get another chance to move in again, she turned and rushed off into the house.

She no longer was hungry. The encounter with Vince made her lose her appetite. She made it to the room and grabbed her clothes. She was about to put them on when the door opened to reveal Lisa, "Hey Isabella, you okay?"

"No." Lisa was taken aback from her friend's short reply.

"Isabella, I am so sorry about Vince. I swear I didn't know he was going to be here."

"It's not your fault, Lisa. I just think I should go home now." Isabella replied though she still kept her back to her.

"Well, you don't have to go. Jennifer kicked him out so you can still stay and eat." Lisa said as she slowly approached her.

"No thanks, Lisa. I'm not hungry." However, as soon as Isabella said that, her stomach let out an angry gurgle. A blush formed on her face and Lisa gave her a smirk,

"Uh huh. Come on, I promise, Vince isn't there anymore." Isabella sighed and allowed her best friend to lead her back out to the backyard.

Luckily Lisa was right that Vince was no longer there. Jennifer apologized as well since she had no idea Vince was going to show up. Most of everyone knew about the blind date between Isabella and Vince and of how it didn't go so well. Everyone knew how much of a jerk the guy was. Still despite eating and having most of the people there comfort her, Isabella still felt uneasy. She knew that wasn't the last she had seen of Vince. The look in his eyes told her that he wasn't about to give up. She hated feeling helpless like that. As if there was no solution to this problem he presented.

Finally, it was around eight that Lisa was driving Isabella home. Lisa felt terrible about how Vince showed up and nearly harmed her best friend. She tried to apologize but Isabella insisted she was perfectly fine. Even then, she can tell she was still peeved. After a long awkward silence of driving, Lisa stopped the car in front of Isabella's house and turned towards her,

"Isabella, hold on." She said when her friend made way to open the door. Isabella paused but let Lisa continue, "I really am sorry about Vince. I had no idea he would show up. I only wanted you to come to the party to have fun like old times. If you are mad at me, I understand. Just know that I am very sorry."

Isabella didn't move for a few minutes. Finally she sighed and turned towards Lisa, "Lisa, I am not mad at you. Well yeah kind of but not at you directly. I trust that you didn't know that Vince would be there. I'm just mad at myself because I let him get to me. He took advantage of me when I wasn't expecting it."

She rubbed the bridge of her nose in an effort to calm the fire of rage within her. She felt a hand go on her shoulder and she looked to see Lisa smiling at her, "I understand, Bell. Don't worry. I have your back. If he tries anything, I will be there to help you. That's what best friends are for." She said trying to be encouraging.

Isabella stared before she slowly smiled back. She was lucky she had such a good friend. Lisa truly cared about her and she couldn't ask for a better friend, "Thanks Lisa. I needed that."

"You're welcome. So, I'll let you go for now. See you at school?"

"You bet. Bye and thanks for inviting me." Isabella and Lisa exchanged a hug before the brunette got out of the car and she waved at her friend driving off.

Isabella sighed before turning and walking towards her house. She had no idea of how this day was going to turn out. To be honest, up until the unfriendly confrontation with Vince, she had a wonderful time at the party. She couldn't wait to get into the shower, clean up, and go to bed. Just as she walked in, she heard someone come up. It was her grandfather and he looked excited,

"Isabella! I thought I heard you come in! So glad you are home!"

"Hey grandpa, look sorry but I need to take a shower and go to bed. I am really tired from today." Isabella said as she was about to walk past her grandpa.

"I understand but before you do, could you help me with something?" Professor Holler replied and his granddaughter turned back towards him,

"What is it?" she asked sounding very weary.

"Lightning said yes to become human and I need your help to make it possible. My invention is ready and I have him waiting in my lab downstairs."

It took a couple of minutes for Isabella to digest the information. She had been tired and when she caught on what her grandfather was talking about, any signs of weariness went away. Her eyes widen as she remembered of how her grandfather was going to make her car friend become a human.

"He's going to go through with it? Are you serious?" Isabella asked to make sure she heard right.

"It would seem so. Once he got back from his drive at the track, he told me he is willing to give becoming a human a try. He's in my lab so we better not keep him waiting for so long. Unless you need to take a shower, because we can still wait." Professor Holler said and Isabella shook her head. She can feel her damp hair but she could worry about that later.

"No it's fine. I'll help. My only question is, how did you get Lightning into your lab?" Isabella questioned and her grandfather laughed,

"That my dear is one of my secrets. Now let's us go." He turned and started to walk towards the door that led down to his lab.

Isabella shook her head. She placed her bag by the front door and followed after her grandfather. She did wonder of how turning Lightning into a human was going to go. She had been so angry about Vince and having fun at the party that she nearly forgot about Lightning. Luckily her grandfather was there to remind her. Isabella had hardly ever been in her granddad's lab. She had been in it just a few times and it was only when she had to bring him some food if he was going to be in it for a long time.

Samuel told her that it was full of dangerous equipment so he didn't want to take risks of her getting hurt. Isabella understood though she couldn't help but wonder what kinds of things his lab held. Once they were inside the lab, she saw the place was arranged how a normal lab would be. She can see one side with a bunch of unfinished inventions. A bunch of tables and on the opposite side from the door, she can see a very large invention that was sort of hard to describe. It looked like something she saw from Kim Possible where the villain had some sort of switched minds device. That's the best she can describe it.

Standing by it, looking nervous was Lightning. He was staring at the machine and Isabella couldn't blame him. This whole thing and situation was considered downright ridiculous. Samuel however was excited and he clapped his hands, getting Lightning's attention,

"All right, my boy, let me get a few things prepared and we can began." He rushed to the machine to look it over.

Lightning smiled weakly and noticed Isabella, "Hey Bell. How was the party?" he asked in attempt to keep his mind off of what was going to happen.

"It was great." She said though she certainly left the part out about her encounter with Vince, "What made you decide to turn human? I mean, you don't have to do this."

Lightning sighed, "Well, if I'm going to be stuck here for about two months, I might as well blend in like you guys." He replied and Isabella had a feeling there might be another reason.

She wanted to ask but her grandfather interrupted, "All right, I think everything is in place, now I better explain how this will work," he walked over and stood in front of Lightning, "Now Lightning, my boy, you are going to go inside that chamber there to the left."

Lightning backed up to look over at the chamber in question. It was shaped like a large glass dome. There was another next to it and there were tubes attached to it. Isabella was also looking at it and glanced back at her grandfather, "Grandpa, just how is this machine going to turn Lightning into a human like us?" she questioned in both curiosity and concern.

Samuel chuckled, "You see, Isabella, I designed this machine to take the soul of someone and have them take the physical form of another species. In other words, I can easily turn Lightning into a dog or another animal if I want. But of course I will not do that. I have to turn him into a human. That's the easiest way to explain it." He responded and Isabella still was worried.

Take the soul of someone and turn them into something else? If that's the case, what is going to become of Lightning's car form? If it wasn't for the fact her grandfather brought a talking car into this world, she would have thought what he was saying was downright stupid and impossible. Lightning had been listening and he was starting to get more nervous. Maybe he shouldn't have agreed to this.

"Will it hurt?" Lightning asked and Samuel shook his head,

"You will not feel a thing. Now, Isabella will help you get in the chamber and we shall begin." Samuel turned and walked towards the control panel.

Isabella sighed and walked to Lightning, "You going to be okay? I mean, there's still time to back out of this." She said and placed a gentle hand on the top of his hood.

Lightning looked into her dark brown eyes. He was bent on refusing but he remembered that if he stayed as a car, he would have to stay hidden, despite going out to that track. He couldn't live with that. He didn't want to be the only car that was alive in this human world. Regardless if he ever could go home, he decided to turn into a human. This was his choice.

"I'll be fine. I have to do this. I really have nothing else to lose." Lightning finally responded and he gave Isabella a smile.

Isabella tried to smile back but she couldn't. She was worried this will not go over well. But she had to trust her grandfather. He would never put Lightning in harm's way if this invention wasn't ready. She sighed and moved to the door to the chamber. She pushed a button that her grandfather told her to press and the door opened. Lightning let out a sigh and he drove inside the glass dome. Once he was inside, Isabella pushed the button to close the door.

Lightning turned to look back at Isabella and Samuel. He was nervous but he tried to calm his nerves by whispering to himself. He did this before he raced and he felt it always helped him be more at ease. The only thing was, this wasn't a race.

Isabella walked back to her grandfather. She kept her eyes on Lightning as Samuel started pressing buttons to turn on his invention, "Are you sure this is safe, grandpa?" she asked, her eyes still on her car friend.

"Of course, my girl. I checked it several times to make sure it is working. Now then, it's time to begin." Samuel pressed another button and pulled down a switch.

The machine roared to life and sparkles started to fly from the center of the machine that was attached to the ceiling. Isabella gulped as she watched the chamber Lightning was occupied started to glow brightly. The racecar stopped his chanting and could see how the chamber he was in was starting be filled with fog like substance. He looked up and made eye contact with Isabella. She was starting to become more worried by the second and seeing the chamber get all fogged up, she couldn't see Lightning anymore.

"Grandpa?" she said quietly and Samuel kept pushing more buttons,

"Relax, Isabella, it's going all according to plan. " he said and pulled down another switch.

The other chamber started to fog up and the whole invention started letting out a strange noise. Isabella wanted to look away but at the same time she couldn't. Was Lightning all right in there? Lightning in the meantime wasn't sure of how to feel. He closed his eyes as he felt something pull at him. Whatever it was, he could feel himself slipping to an unconscious state. He tried to stay awake but he couldn't. The last thing he saw was what appeared to be his car body before he was completely knocked out.

"Success! The transformation is complete! Now to shut the machine down." Samuel announced and made way to do just that.

After a few intense minutes, the machine's noises started to die down and the fog in both chambers were starting to go away. Isabella didn't wait for her grandfather's word. As he was shutting the machine down, she rushed over to the chamber Lightning was.

"Lightning?" she called his name in concern.

When she reached the glass dome, the fog was nearly gone. She saw to her total shock that in there was just a regular looking red racecar. There was no indication that was it was ever alive. She blinked in surprise at this. She didn't know what to do. She pushed a button to open the chamber and walked inside towards the car that was once alive. She can see where his eyes were supposed to be was now regular car window glass. She can see inside and it looked just like a normal car. If that's the case, then Lightning was…

She rushed out of the chamber and towards the other one. Her grandfather was already there and he was leaning down over…something, "Isabella, would you mind grabbing my coat? It's over by the door. I would also advice that you don't come in here just yet." Samuel instructed and Isabella obeyed without another word.

She wasn't sure why he needed his coat but she decided to do what he asked. Once she got the coat and was back by the chamber, her grandfather was still leaning over the figure. She couldn't exactly make out what it was due to her grandfather hindering her view.

"Here grandpa," she reached over and he took the coat before placing it around the figure, "Uh, is that Lightning?"

"It is indeed. I had a feeling when he became human; clothes were not going to be a part of him." Samuel chuckled and Isabella blinked in shock, "Come on in and see."

Isabella slowly walked in and took in who was on the floor. She blinked in shock once more. She had been thinking of how he would look as a human and what she saw was far better than she could ever imagine. It was a boy, or a young man. He had blond hair and tan skin from what she can tell. Her grandfather was using his coat to cover him for the time being so she couldn't exactly tell how tall he was. But she was more focused on his face. She had thought he was cute as a car but seeing him as a human made her heart skip a beat. He was downright handsome and the way his blond hair fell over his face went well with his features.

"I'm glad to see my machine worked. Now that he is human, he will have no problem blending in with us humans." Samuel chuckled. He had not noticed the look on his granddaughter's face.

Hearing him speak was enough to snap her out of it and she laughed nervously, "Yeah, very true. I think we need to get him clothes though." She began and Samuel was about to agree when they heard a noise.

They both looked down and sure enough, his eyes started to open. Isabella recognized those blue eyes anywhere. And when he started to speak, it was indeed Lightning, "Ugh…wow, I feel a headache coming on. Did it go over well?" he asked looking up at Samuel and Isabella.

"It did. It was a success, my boy, for you are now officially a human like us," Samuel responded with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"I…I don't know." Lightning replied honestly.

He wasn't sure of how to feel at that point. For the most part, he wasn't sure how his body worked. This was a whole different feeling all together. Samuel helped him sit up and Lightning could feel the coat move to the point it was only covering just his lower half. Isabella stared to see he was well toned. She turned away as a blush formed on her face. She really had no idea of how to feel about this. It wasn't everyday a really attractive young man was in her house.

"I guess I better explain how your human body works." Samuel said all the while chuckling.

Lightning laughed as well but more nervously. He was glad the part of him turning human was out of the way. Now came how to use this body. For the next hour, he was told about all of his limbs and how he was supposed to walk. He tried to move on all fours since he felt that was most the comfortable way for him. But Samuel said that was not the way humans walk. The professor and his granddaughter had to help Lightning get to his feet. Isabella tried to keep her face from blushing since she was very close to such a handsome man. But she was failing not mention he was practically naked with only the coat as his clothing to cover him up.

"Like this?" Lightning questioned as he tried to step forward.

"Yeah like that. Now take another step." Isabella instructed as she and her grandfather helped him take a couple of more steps.

Once it seemed like he was starting to get it, Samuel let Lightning go and allowed only his granddaughter to help him keep going. Lightning was feeling more confident and he felt he could go a little faster. This strange body was a whole new experience. He didn't have an engine to make him go faster, but he wanted to know what else this body could do. Not to mention, how fast can he really go? He started to go a little faster and Isabella gasped,

"Lightning, wait, don't go so fast or you will trip over yourself!" she tried to warn but it was too late.

Lightning was still not used to his human feet and he could feel himself start to fall. Isabella tried to keep him standing up right but she failed. She let out a cry as she felt herself being pulled to the floor with her friend. Samuel started laughing when he saw the two fall. The whole situation was pretty funny to witness.

Isabella shook her head and scowled at Lightning who was lying beneath her, "For crying out loud, Lightning, you gotta take it one step at a time." She scolded him like a mother with her child.

Lightning laughed uneasily, "Sorry. I just thought I was getting the hang of it. It's not every day I can turn human."

Isabella saw how close she was and the fact the coat was open to the fact she can see his well-developed biceps. Holy car heaven he was hot. Realizing she had been staring, she quickly got up and cleared her throat, "Come on, let's try to help you get to walking before we tell you more about being human." She said as she held out her hand.

Lightning raised his own hand and took it. He wasn't exactly sure what happened there but he figured it was probably a human thing. By the time it was eleven at night, Isabella and Samuel were both exhausted in teaching Lightning all about being human. He was able to get walking down just fine. Now they had to tell him the basic needs of humans. For one thing, he would need to bathe, eat, and have clothes on. Lightning understood about bathing and eating but he was curious about clothes. And that conversation became very interesting.

"What are clothes?" he questioned causing Isabella to sigh and Samuel to laugh,

"It's what humans wear. Like what my grandpa and I have on currently. And for you, the only thing you have is just my grandpa's coat." Isabella explained and Lightning looked down at the coat.

"Oh this? I didn't even notice this thing was on." Lightning said he curiously looked inside the coat.

Doing this revealed his muscled chest and for Isabella's face to turn red once more, "Yes!" she said in alarm when she saw he was making way to reveal more of himself. He stopped and looked back at her, "Clothes are important thing for you to have. Just uh…think of it as like putting a fresh coat of paint when you were a car."

Lightning's blue eyes brightened at this comparison, "Oh that's makes sense," he said a smile on his face. Isabella felt her heart skip a beat. Goodness, she had to control herself but she couldn't help if he turned out to be such a hot guy.

Lightning looked down once more, "But I do have one question you guys haven't told me about." He began and Samuel who had been very amused by the whole thing asked,

"What's that my boy?"

"What's this thing down here?" Lightning was about to remove his coat to show but Isabella gave a cry out,

"Ah! We will tell you about that later! Don't take off the coat please!"

Finally, Samuel and Isabella lead Lightning out of the lab and towards the guest room. Samuel made sure to give him boxers and some pajamas for him to wear so he won't sleep in the lab coat. Lightning wasn't sure how to put the clothes on that the older man was kind enough to help him. Isabella was glad for that since she wasn't sure if she would be able to put up with seeing naked attractive man before her. She took this opportunity to go take a shower.

During it, she shook her head, "Oh my gosh. What is wrong with me? I mean, yeah he's hot and everything but he's still a car…yikes what am I going to do?" she started to mumbling to herself.

Meanwhile, Samuel helped Lightning into the boxers and pajamas. Once he was clothed, the older man sighed in content, "There you go. All ready for bed." He said as he stood back.

Lightning looked at himself before he glanced back at Samuel, "Thanks Professor. This still feels really strange to be honest," He said and looked back at the mirror. So this is what he would look like as a human huh?

"You will get used to it very soon. Tomorrow my granddaughter and I will teach you everything we know about being human," Samuel said as he watched Lightning look at himself in the mirror, "That is if Isabella will be able to control herself around you."

Lightning turned in confusion when the professor said that. He frowned as the older man laughed, "What do you mean by that?" he questioned in curiosity.

"My granddaughter thinks you are very attractive, Lightning. I don't blame her because you are a very handsome young man. Look at yourself," Samuel placed a hand on Lightning's shoulder and the two men faced the mirror, "I'd say if you are not careful, you will have a bunch of girls following after you if you ever go out there."

"I…" Lightning trailed off as he looked at himself.

He wasn't exactly sure of how humans find themselves attracted to each other. As a car, he no doubt felt he was really handsome and one hot rod. Apparently the same could be for him as a human. This made him smile. Isabella found him attractive? For some reason that made him feel a little flustered. He couldn't fathom why. Sally came across in his mind and he shook his head.

"That's great. I'm glad to hear it." He said evenly and he backed up to turn toward Samuel.

The professor let out a yawn, "Anyway, I have to head to bed. It's been such a long day and it's late. Hope the bed is to your liking. Good night."

Once the older man left Lightning alone, he looked back at himself in the mirror. He smirked for a moment before looking at the bed before him. He walked over to it to examine it. Cars don't use bed to sleep. He sat on it and felt it was the softest thing he ever felt. He smiled and made way to lay down when he heard a knock at the door. He frowned and got back up to answer it.

"Who's there?"

"It's Isabella," Lightning opened the door and looked down to see Isabella, dressed in her pink pajamas. She blinked and looked up in slight surprise, "Sorry for disturbing you. I was just checking on your before I go to bed."

"I'm fine. I'm still getting used to being human." Lightning replied and he lifted up his left hand to go through his blond hair. He was starting to like his hair.

Isabella felt a blush form on her face as she watched him do this. It didn't help that those pajamas showed off Lightning's form, "I understand. Tomorrow, we have all day to discuss that before I go back to school."

"I look forward to that." Lightning replied and gave Isabella a smile. He was curious when he saw her face turn red even more. Maybe the professor was right about Isabella finding him attractive.

"Well, night Lightning. Have a good night's sleep." She finally said and turned to walk away.

"Night Bell. You too." Lightning called after her and she stopped to smile back at him.

Once she was gone, Lightning closed the door and headed for the bed. Once he was under the covers, he felt a wave of exhaustion hit him and he fell fast asleep. It had been a long day indeed.