Tea Party

Pairing: ShadowXCream (Brotherly/Sisterly)

Summary: How did I get myself into this...?

'How did I get myself into this...?' The ebony hedgehog thought to himself. Inside, he was located in a pink walled room, colorful flowers were placed on a small table, the air smelt of tea. Shadow sat on a tiny white chair, there were three stuffed animals beside him, the stuffed animals also sat on tiny chairs, and before him was a tiny white, plastic table. A plate of plastic cookies, water that was supposed to be tea, and tiny white plates were placed on the table.

This room was so girly. Almost everything that was in this room was the color pink. The big, beady eyed stuffed animals stared at him in the most uncomfortable way possible. Suddenly, Cream entered her room. She was wearing her best dress. Her outfit was a sparkly white dress, dainty white gloves, and a pearl necklace. Shadow glared at her, unimpressed. Cream slowly made her way to her seat and stood beside it. She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot, impatiently.

"What?" Shadow asked, irritated.

"A gentleman always pulls a seat out for her." She said softly. Shadow sighed; he stood up and aggressively pulled her seat out. Once he did that, he marched back to his seat. His crimson eyes glared at the cream-colored rabbit. Shadow slouched down and crossed his arms over his abdomen.

"Mister Shadow, would you like a cookie?" The young rabbit held the plate of plastic cookies, waiting for him to take one.

"No." He simply answered.

"Please, I would appreciate it if you take one." Shadow grunted and took one of the plastic cookies.

"Thank you, Mister Shadow." Cream glared at him when he didn't respond.


"You're supposed to say you're welcome."

Shadow's eye twitched; his hand crushed the mere plastic cookie in his hand. "You're welcome," His teeth were bared out.

Luckily, Cream didn't notice that he crushed the cookie. "Would you like some tea, Mister Shadow?" Cream held the white teapot in her hand. Shadow rolled his eyes and slowly nodded his head. The young rabbit smiled as she poured a small amount on "tea" in his cup.

Shadow looked in his cup, "This isn't tea." Shadow stated.

"I know, I'm not allowed to use the stove. Mother's afraid that I would do something wrong..." Cream explained, she slowly poured herself some "tea" also.

Shadow nodded his head, uninterested. "Well, I should be going..." The black hedgehog stood up and quickly tried to walk away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Cream also stood up, in a panic. Shadow stopped and looked over his shoulder. He didn't say anything to her.

Cream frowned, "I thought we were having fun? I guess you weren't though, huh? Well, you can go..." Cream sat back down.

Guilt overpowered him now. "Damn it..." Shadow muttered to himself, the black hedgehog went back to his chair.

Cream looked up, excitement clearly shown on her face. "Mister Shadow, you didn't leave!"

"I have nothing else to do anyways..." Cream smiled and happily poured him more tea.

The End!!!