Max's POV

Maxs POV

"Max I always get what I want don't forget that."

Fangs warning rang loud and clear in my head as I thought about the previous night not that anything had happened after that. I'd just done what I'd done best I walked away as always but why this time did it leave me with a slight emptiness I'd never experienced before not even when my Father died.

Maybe this could play to my advantage though, as the saying goes keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. After all no harm will come to me in getting to know him I'm the one who needs to kill him at the end of the day. I smiled at this thought.

"What's got you so happy this morning?" Angel asked as taking a seat and collapsing into a little heap.

"Let's just say everything is going according to plan, rough night last night?" I laughed knowing full well she was still there into the early hours of the morning.

"Funny so why'd you call us here?" she said as Nudge sat down.

"I have an idea about how to destroy the leader of the Ghosts." I smiled.

"Yeah that's a good one we don't even know if its Fang yet." Nudge snapped from lack of sleep.

"How about this if I'm wrong I'll step down as leader of the Riders?" I sighed only wishing it could be that simple.

"You wouldn't? You couldn't could you?" Nudge gasped.

"She can it's just know ones ever done it. So what do you get if you're right?" Angel asked always being the level headed one in situations like this.

"Peace of mind I guess knowing that the Riders are the best." I smiled in content.

"Fine but that means you're leaving the Riders to your Uncle and that's one big disaster waiting to happen." Angel scowled in announce.

"Well it wouldn't be my problem would it? Now would you like to hear my idea?" I snapped getting impatient.

I know they're my friends but sometimes I just want to smash their heads together to knock some sense into them.

" I don't want to say too much considering we're in an open area but let's just say the best way to break someone is to watch them fall in love and watch their love ones die or walk away with no reasonable explanation. That's what I intend to do I want him to suffer as much as I did when my father died. When I stand over his lifeless body I want to watch the light slowly fade from his eyes and the acceptance wash over his face as he realises nobody can fuck with me and get away with it." I smiled an almost psychotic smile.

As I said those words aloud I still didn't believe them because every time I mentioned his name I felt a sudden rush of something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Careful Max that's a two way street you're walking down there." Angel stated.

"Don't be stupid I'd never waste my time with someone like that he's nothing a nobody."

She looked at me with almost hurt in her eyes. "Max just remember this when you're pretending to go out and there's no one around your both just Max and Fang. Not Ghost and Riders. There's no pretence. If you still feel the same way when the time comes then your father screwed you up worse than I thought. When you have to kill him at least feel some remorse." She whispered the last part as though it was a secret.

"I will feel no remorse because he ordered the kill on my father. I've never wanted someone to suffer so much in all my life." My voice rising ever so slightly.

"Max maybe you should accept the fact that your father was always going to die a young man in our out of jail. Just think about this idea a little more I just don't want to see you get hurt that's all, you're like family to me." Angel spoke with a sort of hushed scared tone.

"You're wrong this is the only way it will work." I snapped and walked off.

"Just think about it Max that's all I ask." She shouted.

I don't need to deal with this shit. Of course it would work. So why was there this small nagging voice at the back of my head saying to listen to Angel? I just want somebody to feel the same pain that I felt when my dad died. It's scary to be left by yourself and know that at the end of the day there's nobody coming home to you.

Angels POV

"You don't really think she'd be stupid enough to go through with this plan do you?" Nudge asked.

"Nudge I hope she doesn't but there's something telling me that she'll go through with this idea and it will be the biggest wakeup call of her life. I think we need to just let her be and when the time comes we'll put her back together."

"Like we did with you." Nudge stated.

"Yes thank you." I snapped.

"Sorry" She had a slight guilty look to her face but it disappeared as soon as I smiled at her.

"That's ok we all have to make mistakes sometime." I sighed trying to hide the sadness.

"Angel it wasn't a mistake just a misunderstanding that's all."

"Well that's what I'm scared will happen to Max. She's not as smart as she thinks, she's lonely since her father died and left her all alone in that house and in real life. I hope she doesn't make the same mistake as me but I think when the time comes she'll choose him over everyone."

It saddens me that I have to refer to the one I love as a mistake but what has to be done must be done.

She looked at me in disbelief and then nodded. "I just want her to be happy, I don't like the fact she has this need to kill all of a sudden. It scares me sometimes." Nudge looked at me as though I was going to suddenly give her an answer.

"I can't help you there. She'll go back to normal soon I hope. I'm hoping Fang will be good for her or he'll destroy her either away it should do her good."

"Very well see you later." Nudge said a walked away.

I watched as she left the table maybe this would all just blow over and nothing would come of Max's idea. I almost had to laugh at my own thought of course this was going to happen and of course this was going to end in disaster but I'd be there to put her back together, Just like she had for me.

Past - 1year ago

Angels POV

"I'm so sorry I didn't know please don't hurt me." I sobbed down the phone as I sat huddled in the corner of my room. She was going to kill me.

"Angel sweetie you ok?" I could hear the panic in Max's voice at the other end of the phone.

"I didn't know. I didn't know. I swear." I repeated this over and over again until my voice was hoarse.

"Are you at home?" She asked pleading with me to give her something else.

"Yes." I cried.

"I'll be right there just stay on the phone."

I still remember that day as though it was yesterday. It haunted me like a ghost but I could still never place which one hurt the most the fact that I found out that Iggy belonged to the Ghosts or that Max would have to kill me and I would be disowned from the Riders.

I heard a soft knock on the door. "Can I come in?" Max asked.


"What happened sweetie?" She cooed. Giving me a hug.

"Remember that guy I was going out with Iggy?" She nodded telling me to continue. "He told me something today I could have done without knowing." I whispered.

"What did he tell you?" She asked a puzzled frown crossing her face.

"He's part of the Ghosts." I cried.

Her arms loosened around me and she looked me in the eye searching for something. "Nobody ever needs to know it can just be kept between the three of us when Nudge arrives." She smiled and nodded for me to continue.

"I broke it off as soon as I found out Max but it just hurts so much. I want the pain to end." I whispered and cried into her shoulder and we slouched to the ground.

"It will sweetie but not over night but that's why you have us. It will get better slowly but surely." She hugged me tightly like a mother would a child.

"Max won't you have to tell your dad he should know?" I asked.

"Angel you never knew I wouldn't do that to you, you mean to much to me after all who's going to help me when I'm in charge?" She laughed.

I smiled at her but it still felt forced. "Don't worry Angel I don't expect you to be back to normal anytime soon just get better that's all I ask I hate seeing you sad."

Present Day

Maybe if she'd told her dad I could of still been in a happy relationship but now I just have to watch from afar and pretend it doesn't matter. But to this day I still wonder what she was looking for when she looked into my eyes but she must of found it cause she kept my secret. I hope that Max will come to her sense and see what is in front of her.

Before it's too late.

A/N So what did you think? Please review they make me happy :) I have the next chapter written should have it up within the next week. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and Please review.