A/N: So here I go. First of all, disclaimer: Soul Eater, does not, under no circumstances belong to me. This story is only fan-made.

Now...it amused me to write this one and hopefully, if I'll have free time to spare and ideas then this will be continued.[I intend to make one in Maka's point of view, but oh well. I'll see what the future has in store for me] I hope that I managed to keep them in-character, if not, then I apologize for the slight OOC.

I.i. Proud

Her hand falls limply to her battered and bruised side and he tells her unconscious form that she fought well and the hidden meaning [like always, hidden underneath layers and layers of lies] is that he's proud of her.

ii. Belief

He believes that somewhere out there her mother is proud of her and if she isn't, then Soul's damn sure that she's crazy.

II.i Guilt

It would reach her green eyes whenever she would see his scar [and he knew that she was always bad at hiding the emotions swirling inside of her] and it would reach his heart whenever she'd succumb into depression because of it.

ii. Scar

A perfect diagonal of damaged flesh, a constant reminder of his duty, his want, his need to protect her.

III.i. Stupid

They always had arguments because he actually liked making her angry. He expected screams [and he would scream back], he expected a maka chop [that was a regular thing so it didn't surprise him anymore], hell, he even expected kicks [sure, why not? If he was a sadist, the he could be a sadist until the very end] .Stupid. He told her she's like that, but he never expected the kind of reaction she had.

ii. Tears

He never knew how to deal with weepy overemotional females [and he never actually cared either] but when tears started to pour out of those big pools of faded emerald, he felt himself grow panicky and ashamed, a pang of guild piercing right through his heart.

"Oi, Maka, stop it."

And she cried harder.

iii. Useless

But what was he supposed to do? Here was his silly dummy of a technician, crying her heart out in front of him and all he could do was to stare. Was he always like that?

iiii. Touch

He threw one arm over her shoulders, squeezing one bony arm in comfort.


Short, blunt and so tipically him.

"And don't make me repeat myself."

She sniffed. He brushed his free hand through snow white hair. Another sniff.

"I hate you."

He grinned. She scoffed.

"You don't."

It was a thing of 'he knew, she knew' and both of them knew that it was the truth. She hit his shoulder and his catlike grin widened.

IV.i. Smile


Her name rolls smoothly and easily off his tongue and her wide eyes , scared and apprehensive, turn to look at him. He grins his usual grin.

"Let's not die."

She blinks and then smiles and her eyes are once again hopeful and joyful and he tells himself that it's not the last time he'll see her smile and he believes it.

ii. Idiot

She's tired. He can see that [it's not that oblivious anyways]. She's hurting too and her breath is ragged and uneven, though the damn moron is trying to hide it and insists that she's fine. Well, fine then. He'll let her be. Her legs tremble underneath her and he expects her to fall down anytime [he swears to himself that if that happens, then he won't raise a single finger to help her].


He mutters under his breath and she hears.


He shrugs.


She nods and leaves it like that.

iii. Help

She stumbles and almost falls, but he catches her by the elbow [here goes his resolve to not help her. He's just so weak] and holds it in a stern and iron-like grip. Her skin is hot under his cool fingers and for a silent moment he watches her.


She struggles a bit, visibly uncomfortable. His grip is harder and she opens her mouth to protest, but he leaves her no time. He lets her go, turns his back and kneels.

"…what are you doing?"

Her voice is raspy and he growls the words out.

"Get on."

She hesitates at first and he growls again. She complies [though they both know that it's not because she's afraid of him], sliding her skinny arms around his shoulders for support. He puts his hands under her knees and lifts her [and he's amazed once again by how easy she is, despite what he tells her all the time], continuing the long way home. Her head is lolling from side to side and he can almost see her trying to keep her consciousness. She fails and he knows it by the way her arms are limply hanging from his shoulders.

"You're such an idiot sometimes."

And he snorts.

A/N: Reviews are very much appreciated alongside with constructive criticism. Sankyouuuu~ *waves*