Title: The Interview With Shannon
Rating: PG-13
Contains: Craziness
Characters: Shannon Moore, Jeff & Matt Hardy, and Shane Helms
Disclaimer: I own no one.
Distribution: Stefani, this is nuts, but if ya want it. My site Whispering Flames but please e-mail me first before putting it up. (But, who would want it.)

This comes from my sick little mind. I don't know why I am writing this. It just won't get out of my head so I writing it.
IV: Interviewer
SM: Shannon Moore
SH: Shane Helms
JH: Jeff Hardy
MH: Matt Hardy
*This is an action*

IV: I am here at Shannon Moore's home. And I must say, I never knew you liked Handcuffs.

SM: I do! When Storm puts them on me, I have so much fun! *smiles stupidly*

IV: Who's Storm? *confused look*

SM: My Goddess. My rider. My toy to play with.

MH: She's mine too Shanny. Please don't forget that one time.... *growls at Shannon before looking like he is King*

SH: I wish I would! *looks like he is going to be sick*

JH: Shane, you're just jealous that she didn't ride you all night! *nods and pats Shannon on the back*

IV: WHAT!? *shocked*

SM: Don't listen to them. They don't know anything. *crosses arms* OUCH! *Matt hit him on the back of his head*

MH: Shannon, she likes us more than you. *folds arms like Shannon*

SM: Then why does she have her e-mail as StormluvsShanny, huh? *Raises his eyebrow*

SH: Because she pitties you.

JH: Then why does she play with Shanny and me more than y'all? *looks around knowingly*

IV: What the hell?! *Throws his pad down and watches*

*Shannon Stands up and stomps feet*


*All the guys look around fearful*

JH: Shanny, stop. You're going to wake Storm. And, you know she is a bitch in the mornings. *Ducks behind couch*

*Shannon stomps harder*

SM: What do ya think I am trying to do?

*A loud hiss is heard through the house*

*All the guys dive behind the couch with Jeff*

IV: What was that? *Looking around confused*

SM/SH/MH/JH: Storm!

*A short, brown haired female comes walking through the house. She grabs a pair of leather handcuffs and a whip*

Storm: WHO IN THE BLUE HELL WOKE ME!? *She cracks the whip* Who?

*Shannon stands up*

SM: They *points to the others hiding* Think you no love me! *cries* They say you luv them moooooorreeee!

*Storm grabbs Shannon*

Storm: You will pay for waking me!

*Forces Shannon to follow her into the back room*

JH: Now, what are we going to do?

*A crack and a scream is heard*

SH: I don't know, but Shanny always has the most fun *pouts*

IV: I still don't have my interview... *Stands up*

MH: Well, *rubs chin* Make something up...

JH: Yeah, or you can read the interview Storm left for you...

*looks at Shane and Matt*


*Runs around like they had their heads cut off*

IV: What?

MH: Oh my GOD!

SH: We were suppost to give you this interview. *point to a fold on table*

JH: Storm is going to be mad!

*Storm comes running down the hall followed by a limping Shannon*

Storm: Shannon *points to a black that was on a hook* Get me that bag. *Looks at Jeff, Matt and Shane* Y'all need to learn some respect for me and yourselves.....