Phew. I never thought I'd live to see this day. I know it had been over a year and a half since I last updated this story and I am terribly sorry for it. As you all know (or not) I had accidentally deleted this chapter last year. And rewriting the whole chapter was quite a pain in the ass for me, so i skipped from doing it for an entire year *cough*. This chapter did not end up exactly the same as I had written it a year ago because I had mostly forgot the real ending. But whatever, just try to enjoy it. Sorry for any mistakes.

Rated for Lime and nudity. Nothing explicit though.

By The Window

He was lonely.

Very lonely.

I could feel it by the way he desperately clung to me.

It was very hard for me to breathe properly. His hold on me had tightened by every minute of the hour. I wonder how much longer it would take before my oxygen supply would be cut off completely.

How could he be this lonely?

I was lonely too, yes. But at least I had Hanabi. Hanabi would listen to me. Even if I didn't have much to say to begin with, at least she would understand.

Even if Father and Mother was never around at home, always so busy going overseas to deal with business, Hanabi would always make time for me, no matter how busy she was.

Hanabi was the one, the only one, who provided me with human warmth; the one who kept me sane and calm every time I broke down.

There used to be a time when there was also someone else aside from Hanabi. He was a family too, yes. Except that, it had been different with him. The kind of warmth he provided was different from Hanabi's, but it was still nice.

It used to be nice… until he decided to leave me.

I don't want to talk about that… No, no I don't.

But Sasuke…

I didn't understand how he could be so lonely.

He should have a family; his parents, or maybe his siblings, to comfort him just like Hanabi had always comforted me. Somebody… at least somebody!

But then he tightened his grip on me some more, and a thought that lead to more confusion occurred to me.

"Why me?"

His body stiffened.

He loosened his grip and pulled back a bit, looking once again into my eyes. His were so black, so intense. It held so many emotions, all at once. It was as if he had so many things to say, so many to tell me, but didn't know quite how to.

It was getting darker. I couldn't see his face properly anymore. But my lack of sight had heightened all my other senses.

My body was more aware of our closeness, and the warmth which radiated from his hard body.

My skin was tingling from where he had just touched me.

My nostrils were intoxicated with the smell of his musky cologne.

And all I could hear was the soothing sound of his breathing, his warm breath tickling my face.

Looking back at him, I loosened my grip on his shirt and splayed my trembling palms on his hard muscular chest, my elbows resting on his torso.

"W-why me?"

I repeated.


He inched his face closer to mine, pitch-black eyes still fixed on my creamy-white ones. His eyes were willing me to understand him, to stop asking questions and search for the answers in its depths, on my own.

At that moment I could feel anger coursing through my veins, annoyance plaguing my mind.

How could he expect me to understand him? I didn't even know him. I wasn't some I-could-read-your-mind-like-a-book person. I was an outcast. I didn't even understand myself, and he expected me to understand him just by looking into his eyes?

He let out a shaky breath and touched his cool forehead on mine, the simple yet intimate gesture instantly pushing away the anger I had felt just seconds ago,

He had his eyes closed, I noticed. My head was tilted upwards, my eyes wide open, staring straight into his inhumanly beautiful face. Eyes still closed, he moved his face a little until our noses touched.

For a second I had wondered what the beautiful boy was going to do.

But then he tilted his head a bit and… kissed me.

Uchiha Sasuke was kissing me.

He was…

At that exact moment, I didn't know what it was, but I felt something burst inside me and I just didn't care anymore.

My fingers instantly gripped the front of his shirt the moment our lips touched, fluttering my eyes shut. His lips were so soft, a bit dry and chapped, but still soft. He tilted his head a little more to get a better access to my trembling lips. The kisses were rough and hard, desperately coaxing me to respond.

Slowly, and hesitantly, I started to move my lips around his. It felt so good, his mouth felt so good. I was still a bit confused but I kept on kissing him back, I needed to… I wanted to. But just as I was starting to lose myself into the kiss, he pulled back, his ragged breaths caressing my face.

"Hinata…" at that moment he looked so much like a little boy, lost and insecure. It broke my heart to see him looking at me with those eyes, and I wanted to pull him close, to cuddle him. I wanted so so much to make him feel better.

I didn't want him to be lonely.

Maybe my head wasn't functioning properly, maybe it was because of the kiss, maybe I was too caught up in the situation, or maybe I was more than confused…

I didn't know what, but whatever it was, it made me want nothing more than to be with him. At that point it didn't matter to me why or how this happened to be, I just wanted to be with him.

Maybe I was making a mistake, maybe I was being irrational but as our tongues swirled and teeth clashed, I couldn't find the logic in me to stop the incredible sensation I was feeling right at that moment.

Our movements were frantic, desperately clinging to each other, afraid that the other would disappear if one were to let go. All too sudden I felt a stray drop of tear sliding down my cheek, and warmth began to fill the void in my heart.

When was the last time I had cried?

I didn't cry when Father and Mother left for another business trip even though they had just arrived the night before.

I didn't cry when Hanabi went to Summer Camp leaving me alone at home for weeks.

I didn't cry when… when he left me.

Why was I crying then?

I pulled away from the kiss and sobbed quietly on his chest. Sensing the confusion he must've had from my behavior, I slowly lifted up my head to look at him.

I expected him to have his eyebrows furrowed, to frown at me.

I expected that he would back away for sure, just like every body else did.

But he wasn't frowning at me, he wasn't backing away. He was still there, standing in front of me, holding me up against him. He was still there, looking at me with gentle eyes, wiping my tears away.

This time it was me who initiated the kiss.

This time the kiss was slower and deeper.

This time he lifted me onto a table, unbuttoning my shirt and pushing them off my body.

This time I wasn't confused anymore because right then I finally understood.


That was the second time he had said my name. I didn't notice it before but he had called me by my first name. He had called me Hinata.

For the first time in my life, I didn't feel like a Hyuuga anymore, for once in my life, I felt free.

And as I was laid on the table, my naked body exposed to his heated gaze, I called out his name for the first time.




The next day Uchiha Sasuke didn't come to school. And the day after that.

By the third day, I gave up.

I felt used.

I felt like a fool.

During the boring History lecture, I couldn't stop my treacherous eyes from glancing at his empty seat. The window was opened, I noticed, and the breeze was blowing in.

I imagined his black hair swaying softly against it but quickly snapped my thoughts out of it. Heat rose up to my cheeks as I felt anger coursing through my body.

Angry at him for making a fool of me.

Angry at him for using me.

Angry at him for giving me hope.

But most of all, I was angry at myself.

Angry at myself because I couldn't bring myself to hate him.

Angry at myself because I couldn't forget him.

Angry at myself because, because I fell in love with him.

Tears were prickling at my eyes threatening to fall but I refused to let them go. I let myself cry that night because I was happy, happy at finally having found someone, happy because it was him. I could not let myself cry again for the opposite reason, no matter how hurt I was.

The lunch bell rang signaling the end of the History lesson. After giving farewell to the teacher, I sat down, pulled out my lunch box and began eating like I always had.


The class was upset, of course, due to his absence. It had been almost a week and there was still no sign of him. The homeroom teacher refused to say anything when the Class Monitor asked about his absence, raising more doubts and theories among the students.

I was too tired to care and tried to ignore their whispers of gossips. Sighing, I stared into my lunch box as the food kept disappearing little by little; once in a while I would steal a glance at his vacant seat. Frowning at myself as i did.

I picked a piece of fruit and moved to placed it inside my mouth when the classroom door suddenly burst open. The noisy class immediately fell silent as everyone turned to look at the door, disturbed and curious by the noise.

The fruit never made it into my mouth as it plopped back into my lunch box. My mouth was still hanging open though, but it wasn't waiting for the fruit.

Looking at door, I felt a rush of déjà vu washing over me.

He was looking straight at me, with his black messy hair, loose tie and crumpled shirt. He was looking at me.

I put down my chopsticks slowly, never letting my eyes off him, scared that he wouldn't be there if I looked again. There was a big lump growing in my throat, and I fought hard to keep my lunch down.

He was walking towards me, and I could feel my stomach clenching tighter. My heart felt like it would burst out of my ribcage any time now but I forced myself to stay calm, pressing a trembling hand to my stomach.

Swallowing hard, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. He was standing right at the foot of my table and only then had I noticed that he was breathing in short pants.


I stared at him.

Perhaps the whole class was taken aback that Uchiha Sasuke suddenly decided to come to school during lunch break. Perhaps the whole class was surprised that he came straight to me. Perhaps they were even more shocked to hear him start a conversation for the first time ever, let alone it being with me.


But I didn't know any of that for sure.

Because at that point of time I had lost sense of my surroundings. I had no idea what was happening around me nor did I care, other than him standing right in front of me, waiting for me to say something.

And that was exactly what I did.


And then he did it again.

Only this time, it was a real one. And it was a million times more beautiful than any that I'd seen.

"You're smiling,"

"Yes, I am,"

And then I smiled. Because I was happy. Because he was there, smiling his beautiful smile at me.

"You're smiling too,"

"I am,"

I was smiling.

I had forgotten how wonderful it felt when my lips stretch on both sides of my face.

I had forgotten how wonderful it felt to smile genuinely for once, and to receive one back.

"I'm back,"

Still smiling, I felt a huge wave of relief washing over me as the tears finally trickled down my face. I guess this was it then.

"Welcome back."

For once, I had stopped wondering what exactly was he thinking right at that moment.

Because for once his eyes didn't look bleak anymore, they were bright and happy.

Because for once his face wasn't grim anymore, it was full of life.

Because at last he wasn't lonely anymore, he had me.

As we stood there, smiling at each other, I know, deep down in my heart, that it was the beginning of that very friendship I had always longed for.

And possibly something much much more...


The End

Thank you for sticking with me till the end. For new readers, thanks for dropping by. Don't forget to give feedback if you feel like it and I hope you will continue to read my stories in the future. To those who are confused with some scenes in the story please ask me in your reviews, or PM me if you will. I know I hadn't been clear about a lot of things but that was just how the story goes.

I was thinking to write one chapter in Sasuke's point of view to have you guys understand better, because he was quite the mysterious boy wasn't he? But, I'm not quite sure yet so I won't be making any promises. Thank you again for making time to read my humble story. Until next time!