Disclaimer: Stephanie Myer of course owns twilight and I do not sadly!!

So yeh, this is just a little story which sort of was based on "What if Edward was already with Tanya when he met Bella???

ALL HUMAN!! Hope you enjoy the first chapter, one of my firsts on fanfic!!


Tanya and I walked hand in hand into the small Inuit school. It was autumn and it was still freezing, about 3 above, but that's Alaska for you. It was finally senior year and the small class of twenty-two was buzzing with excitement.

When Tanya and I walked up to the rest of our friends, Jasper and Alice, Rosalie and Emmett (yes this group was full of couples) we heard some unexpected news. "Did you hear there is a new girl!" said Alice literally squealing with excitement.

"A new girl at this school? Wow, what's brings here all the way up to Alaska?" asked Tanya, leaning closer to me s I could put my arms around her. "Turns out her Dad got a job in the oil refinery, I can't wait to meet her, she is bound to be in one of our classes!"

I just rolled my eyes. Alice always was very over enthusiastic about, well almost anything! Compared to her boyfriend Jasper, who usually kept to himself a lot, it was as if Alice had made a promise to be loud enough for the both of them!

"See you in English," Tanya whispered in my ear before planting a peck on my cheek and walking to her locker. With such a small class, we had most of our classes together, except for when we elected different courses to take.

English and history bored me as usual and I spent most of my time passing notes to Tanya about what activities we would get up to tonight. Most people were busy studying as it was senior year and at the end of the year we would all be moving off to college, but it was only the first day, so I really didn't need to pay my full attention.

Next we had science. I opted to do Biology while Tanya did Physics, so we were in different classes. As sat at my bench as usual, I didn't have a partner due to the lack of numbers, but I was fine with that, I really liked to concentrate in biology as I was planning on becoming a doctor like my father.

That's when I first saw her. She walked into the classroom, tripping on the slight step at the door. Her eyes were a gorgeous chocolate brown, although they were slightly hidden by her just as beautiful brown curls that hung loosely around her face. Her cherry red lips contrasted beautifully against her pale skin.

She handed our teacher a form and then took the only empty seat next to me. I couldn't help but stare at her, but this was crazy. In only the few seconds I had seen her I was already fantasizing about her, and the worst part was that I was already with Tanya.

"Hello, I'm Edward" I said, as she sat down next to me. I didn't particularly want to get to friendly with her, for the fear that I was attracted to her way too much already, but I had to be polite.

"Hi, I'm Bella" she said shyly getting a piece of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. Lucky for me our conversation didn't progress any further as the teacher began to speak. I pretended to be paying attention to the slides our teacher was showing at the front of the classroom but I was looking at her out of the corner of my eye.

She noticed me looking at her and pulled the hair from behind her ear out so I couldn't see her eyes. I looked down, embarrassed, only to see her slender legs in a pair of very tight jeans...

I shook my head slightly. This could not be happening. Not only was I in a great relationship with Tanya, but I also wanted to really concentrate in biology, and she wasn't making it any easier.

I noticed she looked at me a lot through out the lesson. I had always got a lot of attention from the girls at the school, by why did this girl have to be the same! I wish she would pretend I didn't exist!

Finally the lesson was over and I quickly went out of the classroom. It was recess next so I decided to wait outside Tanya's classroom and walk with her to our table in the cafeteria.

All of recess I couldn't help but think about her. The worst part was every one was noticing how zoned out I was. "Edward, hello? Did you hear that?" Tanya said waving her hand in front of my face. "Yes, sorry, what was that?" I said taking a bite of my sandwich.

"I said its Jasper's birthday this weekend, and Alice is going to throw a party. She decided the theme was going to be 80's. Sound alright?" said Tanya, her brow slightly creased in thought. "Yes, awesome, so what do we want to go as?" I asked, quickly pulling myself back into the conversation.

After recess quickly caught me with out Tanya. "I saw you looking at that girl in Biology today, she is very pretty, isn't she?" said Alice in a sarcastic tone. "Yes, and..." I said trying to make it out as if it didn't matter to me. "Look," Alice said, "Just remember, you are with Tanya, and if you ant to do anything with her, make sure to let Tanya down easy first," she said in a more serious manner.

This was going to be one heck of a senior year...

Ok, what did you think?

If you want me to post the next chapter, at least give me one review so I know that you want more!! Remember us authors love to hear feedback from you guys!!! Also tell me if you want me to change to BPOV or stick to Edwards!