Hello People!!! Here is my new story I liked the idea and decided to see where it would take me

Hope you enjoy it!

By Myself – Chapter 1: Leaving

I had my bag all packed. The choice I had come to make was the hardest I may have had to decide in my life. I don't regret the day I left Phoenix, or the day Edward left me. Both brought me closer to the two people I love the most. I was now debating on how I would escape; my truck or my bike? My bike was in my trucks flat bed so when one died I could just grab the other one. I packed my backpack with food and all the money I had left. I stuffed about as much clothes as I could after that. I grabbed my CD player and my favorite CD; the one Edward had made me. I knew Alice could see this coming but with Jake tied into this I really hoped she didn't. I can't decide, I can't choose between the man I love more than my life or my sun, my warmth. They both deserved better than me. They deserved someone so much better than me. I had to run; I had made their lives living hells. I had to remove myself from their lives, even if it would kill me. I sighed and wrote a note to Charlie.


By the time you read this I will be gone. I'm sorry but I have to leave Forks. Call it soul searching if you will, thank you for letting me come to live with you in Forks. I will promise to stay in contact when I can.

Love Bells

This was going to be harder than I thought. I sealed Charlie's letter in the envelope I label dad and moved on to the next one.


I love you like a brother, but I can't love you the way you want me to. It seems wrong. I wish you happiness when you finally do imprint.

From Bella

Ok, this was getting easier. Like cutting the right strings and breaking free. But why does this seem so stupid? Oh right it was, running away from my problems was a brilliant idea. But it seemed so alluring, so inviting I had to take it and 'run with it' just to see where it will take me. I slipped that note into its envelope and started on the next one, the hardest.


Edward, I wouldn't be able to tell you this in person I couldn't be able to see me hurt you. I'm not leaving because of you or anyone. I'm leaving because of me. You deserve someone who doesn't need constant protection, someone who isn't as dull and boring as me. I will always love, more than you will ever know. But I can't put you or your loving family in danger because of me. Hopefully when Victoria sees that I'm gone she will leave you alone. I will love you forever, but it's all too much. I will never forget you. Forgive me, I love you.

Love, Bella

P.S – Please tell your family that I love them all, and I'm going to miss them especially Alice.

There it was I was done. I folded up the letter and placed it in the envelope named Edward; sealing my heart inside. I placed the letters on my bed, the Cullen's were hunting, and Jake had pack business. I told the wolf Paul who was watching my house that I was going to the dump to drop off the bike. He actually believed me…I guess he wasn't the brightest bulb in the bunch. I left the window an inch open so when Edward came he would think I was here. I ran to my truck holding back the tears that were burning in my eyes. I started the ignition and started to drive away. I didn't have a radio and I didn't what to be pulled over by wearing head phones. I kept driving in silence. When I reached the border of Forks and saw 'you are now leaving Forks' sign pass I felt utterly horrible. But the adventure was calling the urge to protect my family and friends were so much more over powering the bad feelings were muted. I was escaping and hopefully taking all my bad luck with me and maybe the memory of me.

I know it is short but the first chappie is always a test go. now please review!!!