This was a little different for me to write, that is for sure. It is definitely a fluffy little story. I am really proud of myself about this story, it is my favorite thing that i have written, that is for sure. I have had a rough couple days the last two days, so writing this was a little difficult cause well...let's just say, I wish my love life were like Troy and Gabriella's in this story, or any story for that matter. I am really jealous of it. If only i could have a "Troy Bolton" in my life, or all of us for that matter!

Okay time for me to get back to watching One Tree Hill (watching season 3 dvd right now, school shooting is playing. Such a good episode).

The last chapter for this three shot is here! AHHH! lol. Well I hope you like it. Review if you'd like.

Gabriella Montez stepped out of the dressing room, once again, as she was looking at herself in the mirror of the Bridal Store. There she stood starring at the young woman in the long white dress, it was her. She was getting married, was she excited? Of course. Was she nervous? Hell yes.

They had been engaged for eleven months, it was now the end of August, the wedding was set for September 1st, it seemed appropriate. There had been a great deal of planning, pain from the needles, tears from the realization, laughs of the good times and love that was made along this journey with her friends and future husband.

Husband. She couldn't believe she was finally marrying the man of her dreams. She would be Gabriella Elizabeth Bolton in just mere days. Her fairytale life was not a fairytale anymore. It was reality. It had always been reality as long as she was with Troy, it just took her until now to realize that.

She was Cinderella and he was Prince Charming. He had found her and been with her for her journey of life. They had gone through many firsts together, they had more memories than most couples, they had made a life long commitment to each other. They had become one along the way.

"I look like shit," Gabriella mumbled to her best friends.

"No, you look beautiful," Taylor spoke up.

"Troy will hate this dress on me...What was he thinking about marrying me? I am just...a freaky math and science girl," she sighed.

The thought that Troy could love her was still a mystery. How could he, a basketball star who had everything, possibly love her? Someone who looked normal, black curly locks, short, and who spent hours studying during high school and college? Whatever the reason was, she was damn sure she got lucky into falling in such a deep love with the man of hers, and many other womans, dreams. She knew she was lucky, she was thankful that of all girls who put a pass on him over the years, he still continued to be in love with her. He made her complete.

He made her laugh, smile, cherish every moment she spent with him. She couldn't imagine anyone else who could share so much with her that he had. He was made for her, she was made for him.

"Gabs, he is in love with you because you are a great woman with a great personality, soul and are hot, girl, not going to lie," Taylor said in attempts to cheer up her best friend.

"She is right, Gabriella. You look sexy in that dress-if only you had some pink strips on the veil..." Sharpay said, she had been trying to convince Gabriella to have more pink in the wedding. Every idea Sharpay pitched, Gabriella quickly turned down.

"No Shar. Are you guys sure? You don't think the front is too low? I don't want anyone thinking I'm a whore or trashy on day," She said shyly as a small smile played onto her lips.

"You look fantastic," Taylor assured.

Gabriella, Sharpay and Taylor had been planning the wedding of a century, or that was what Sharpay had been referring it too. To Gabriella it was just the wedding she had always dreamed, with the dress she had always imagined.

The dress itself was white, slick, made with a silk texture. It was simple, which is what Gabriella had always planned since she had been a little girl who would pretend to be Cinderella. It fit her small frame perfectly, even if she had doubted it time to time. The veil was long, it had fallen softly to the floor and would follow behind her as she walked slightly, she feared she would stumble with its length but that couldn't happen. She wouldn't allow that to happen on her day, their day. It had to be perfect, the perfect Cinderella wedding she had always dreamed about.

"Have you decided how your makeup and hair will be, yet?" Sharpay asked, Gabriella shook her head for a 'no,' "Oh you should let me do your hair and makeup then!" She pleaded with excitement.

"Are you crazy? I don't want to look like the circus paraded across my face on my wedding day, Shar," Gabriella responded.

" about you Taylor? Can I do yours?"

"No." Taylor said quickly.

"Fine," Sharpay retorted, crossing her thin arms across her chest, sticking out her bottom lip as though she was a little child who was not permitted to buy a toy at Toys-R-Us.

"Does everything look like it fits?" Gabriella asked one final time, "This is the final fitting, it needs to be right today."

"You look fantastic, Gabriella, for the thousandth time." Taylor answered honestly.

"Okay. Well I guess in...three days, I will be all set to walk down that aisle," She said, just realizing that in hree days, all the work she, Troy, her friends and family had put into the wedding, would be awarded. "Three days..."She whispered, smiling to herself.


"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" Chad asked Troy, as Troy paced the tuxedo aisles, "you already have your tux and its all ready for you, man."

"Fuck off, Danforth. I'm just making sure this is the right tux that I need and want. I don't want to get it home and find that there is a stain from some kids sucker on it," Troy retorted to his best friend.

"You need to chill, man. The tux you have is perfect. We have checked it and over checked it. You even threatened the clerk if it wasn't perfect, I'm pretty sure you're all set with it."

"Sorry, man. It's just I have less than three days to make sure it is perfect. This has to be perfect for Gabi. She has been dreaming about this day since she was conceived," Troy joked, although he was sure that was true.

He had been relaxed ever since the proposal last year. Everything was in her hands to make her dream wedding come true. If she needed his help for choices, he would be there. They had discussed every detail for the day a hundred times over. He had held her when she felt she couldn't take on any more decisions for the wedding, told her after all said was done, it would be worth it. They would be one, together, and forever.

He was determined to be her prince charming for both of their lives. He had made every special moment for her, for them, perfect, or damn close to perfect. The day was finally approaching and he wasn't sure if he had everything perfected for her. If he didn't, he would never forgive himself, but his best friend had assured him everything had been taken care of. Everything from the flowers placements to the tissues Taylor would carry in her purse.

But what would happen if she left him at the altar? He was positive she wouldn't, but there is always the possibility, right? If she did, he would be crushed and broken into pieces. He wouldn't be able to handle it. Although, she told him more time than necessary, that she would never leave him at the altar and the thought had never crossed her mind, she would be crazy to do so. He believed her, trusted her, he fucking loved her. She claimed that she loved him more than he loved her, but Troy would always argue and say he loved her more. That argument was his favorite over the past few months, although they rarely argued about anything recently, but that was still his favorite.

"Alright, Troy, we'd better get going. People are starting to get pissed, we're blocking their way in the aisle." Chad said.

"Alright, well I'll see you later, I have to go to the house. Gabi is making dinner and wants to just chill for the night," Troy replied, excited to see his girlfriend after the stressful day adjusting his tuxedo and having pins stabbed into his legs all day.


"Gabi, I'm home!" Troy bellowed as he opened his house door.

"I'm in the kitchen," she spoke softly back, "no need to yell, it's right next to the door you are at," she giggled.

"How was I supposed to know you were in there?" He laughed as he responded.

"Cause you know everything," she smirked as she watched for him to enter the kitchen.

After the engagement the year before, Troy had thought it was a wise investment to buy a house, therefore they could actually live in a house and not on the street after the became newlyweds. The house, itself, was a large Spanish designed home. It had two bathrooms, four bedrooms, living room and a large kitchen. It was the perfect size for a small family, a family the couple had planned on starting in a couple years time, but neither was sure what the future held for that yet.

"So what's for dinner tonight, babe?" Troy asked as he took a seat next to his fiance.

"Well I was going to make something but I got distracted, with the last minute details for everything, so I thought we could go out to dinner. Maybe?" She offered.

"Something quick, I'm fucking starving," he let a small smile grow upon his features, Gabriella offering a small smile in return. "I missed you today," he said quietly.

"I missed you too."

"How about we go to McDonald's and get a movie? I want to cuddle with you tonight," Troy said, growing a playful smirk on his lips and turning a light crimson color.

Gabriella knew he rarely blushed, it wasn't "manly" for him, or any guy that she knew, to do. But when Troy did blush, she thought it was the most attractive feature he had. After all this time they had been together, he would still get shy around her when he would try to be romantic or do little activities such as watching a movie while laying together.

"Sounds great, Troy," She smiled, "give me a minute, I want to grab a hoodie to wear."

As she walked to their bedroom, she reached in their large closest full of her favorite sweaters. One hoodie that wasn't exactly hers, but might as well be, was a red hoodie with "Wildcats" printed across the front, with a large '14' on the back. She still had held onto that hoodie for years, there was no way in hell she would ever get rid of it, it always had Troy's scent embedded in it and would have that scent for eternity. From time to time, she would spray Troy's cologne on it to keep the scent fresh and always be with her, when they would be apart, or even if they were together, like tonight.

She walked down the stairs to catch Troy's crystal eyes, "Nice hoodie you got there. It looks familiar," Troy said.

"Really? I got it from this guy I fell in love with years ago. He will never get it back," she smiled largely.

Troy opened the door as he let Gabriella out first, he followed closely behind. Placing his large hand on the small of her back, a gesture that made her smile and still gave her the butterflies to this day, some things would never change for the couple. They would always give each other the same feeling, causing each other to have butterflies, for eternity.


"Oh, my God!" Gabriella woke up yelling on September first.

The day had finally came. The day her life dream and fairytale would, once again, prove that she is not living in a fairytale but reality. Her reality, theirs. In a matter of hours she would be Mrs. Gabriella Elizabeth Bolton, perfect. It had a perfect ring to it, it always had, even when she would write the name on her notebooks in high school.

She felt Troy stir next to her. He looked so much like an angel sleeping next to her, how could one being be so perfect? Perfect to her? And perfect for her? She was still in amazement that he had fallen in love with her of all girls, but she was more than ecstatic that he had. She found her soulmate within him. He had found her, kept her, loved her with his life.

"Troy," she whispered.

"Huh?" He mumbled back, half asleep.

"Get up! You have a lot to do today! We are getting MARRIED at one!" She squealed, jumping out of the bed to grab a pair of jeans and an over sized tee-shirt, running to the bathroom to shower, leaving Troy half asleep, but she would wake him up as she got out then leave the house for the next few hours to be made over into the woman of his dreams.

Gabriella was out of the shower within fifteen minutes, walking over to the bed and laying next to Troy to wake him gently. She didn't want to yell at him on this day, it was too important for him to be in a crabby mood. This day was always to be remembered for both of them, for the rest of their lives.

"Baby," she whispered into his ear.

"Gabi?" he asked.

"You need to get's quarter after seven, time to get ready."

He turned to face her beautiful face. Without makeup was when she looked most beautiful in his eyes. She never needed it, he had told her that time after time. He was well aware it was for a security issue she had, she felt ugly without it, but he had assured her she never needed it. Today was no exception, in his hopes that she wouldn't wear any today or hardly any.

"You're not going to leave me at the altar...are you?" he whispered nervously.

"Troy, I promise on my life, I wouldn't ever leave you at the altar. Nor would I ever think of it. I am beyond ready to be your wife," she smiled, as he pressed his lips to her round forehead.

"Good....I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too..."

Together they laid on the bed, cherishing the last few moments they had together for the next six hours. Then they would see each other, their eyes and all the love they had for each other, as all their friends and family would stare with awe in how true the couple were and how they were, really, made for each other. How they were meant to be together since the moment they had met.

"I have to go..." she whispered, disappointed she wouldn't be able to see him until he would turn his attention to her as she would be walking down the long aisle at the church. "I need to look beautiful for you today."

"You look beautiful now," he whispered, meaning every word he had just said. Just her wearing jeans and a over sized tee made her look as the most beautiful woman he had ever dreamed of, he was still beyond amazed that she was his to keep for the rest of their lives. God, she was his world, without her, he would lost and broken. He got lucky to find someone like her and he knew it.

Continuing to stare at her deep chocolate orbs, he could think of a million reasons as to why he loved her. Her ability to care for others, to help others, to make him laugh, her laugh was intoxicating. The way she would twirl her hair when she was nervous or how she scrunch her face when she was confused, it was too adorable for him to endure. Her flaws were just as amazing; how she couldn't whistle, or would stumble on her words such as 'regularly.' Everything about her was perfect, he loved her more than anything or anyone. How he got this lucky, he didn't know. But he was damn sure about one thing.

He would keep her forever, that much was obvious. He couldn't ever lose her, their love was too pure for that to ever happen.

"You'd better go take a shower, babe. I'll see you at one, right?" She asked as though she wasn't sure he wouldn't run off with some other woman.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he smiled brightly, pressing his large lips to her small soft ones.


"Less than an hour to go, Gabs how excited are you?" Sharpay squealed.

"You have no idea...." Gabriella mumbled, "I'll be right back, bathroom break."

"Again? You have gone to the bathroom like twenty times today!" Taylor said.

"Yes again, and it's only been three times." Gabriella retorted as she walked to the bathroom, grabbing her purse on the way, pulling out a silver and black phone, pressing speed dial number one. Troy.

"Hello?" She heard his velvet voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey," she whispered.

"Baby, what's up? Something wrong?" He asked concerned.

"No...every thing's fine. I just wanted to talk to you before everything..."

He chuckled, "Babe, everything is going to be great. Don't worry, I will be waiting for you at the altar, I pinkie promise. Do you pinkie promise that you won't be nervous anymore?"

She smiled, "yes, I do."

There was a long comfortable silence on the line. Those last two words she had said would be the few words they would exchange to become husband and wife, time couldn't slow down now. She was far too excited to say those words in less than thirty minutes.


"Yeah, Troy?"

"I love you," he said with more passion than she swore he had ever said it before. His voice was soft and yet still husky, making it more sexy and appealing to her.

She smiled at the truth of his words, "I love you, too. So freaking much."

Together they laughed, the nerves had left her body. She could do this, she would do this. Everyone would stare at her, she would imagine they weren't there. She would just keep her eyes on his, connected as always. Time freezing, like it had always done when the ocean blue connected with the chocolate brown.

It was time.


Troy had made his way to the front of the altar, waiting for the woman that he loved, to come walking down. He heard a stir from the guests in the church. They had stood up, changing their direction toward the entrance, there she was.

Her hair was half up, half down. Long loose curls falling down her back and onto her shoulders. The veil flowed perfectly down her back onto the floor. Just as he hoped, she wore little makeup. She looked gorgeous, no woman could ever compare. She could put a sunset at the Caribbean to shame. Hell, she put Sienna Miller, Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon all to shame. They couldn't compare to her beauty, not today or any other day for that matter.

The best part, he got to keep that beautiful woman, without makeup on her gorgeous features.

As Gabriella approached the stand, Troy grabbed her small wrist and intertwined their fingers. As though no one else was there; no priest, no friends, no family, he just starred into her mood lite eyes, not hearing a word.

Gabriella did the same, she could not dare to move her eyes from his. They were lost in their own world, no one could interrupt, it was always that way but more emotion now than ever. She could see her life in his eyes, she could see her forever, as well as he could.

"Do you, Troy Jayden Bolton, take this woman, Gabriella Elizabeth Montez, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Was all that was heard.

"I do," he whisper huskily, not daring to take his eyes away from hers.

"Do you, Gabriella Elizabeth Montez, take this man, Troy Jayden Bolton, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked Gabriella.

"I do," she smiled largely, letting a tear fall down her cheek, Troy releasing a hand from hers to wipe the falling tear, she let out a soft giggle. His heart rate picked up as he heard the graceful sound.

Troy placed the ring onto her small finger, wear her engagement ring was still placed, he took note that her promise ring, from all those years ago, had moved over just two fingers.

Gabriella placed his ring onto the ring finger, not letting go of two of his large fingers as they shared a small, yet passionate kiss that had more passion than ever before.

They walked down the aisle, her holding her grasped of his two fingers for her life. Not daring to change the position of her small fingers. She couldn't let go, she placed her other hand around his large arm. Everyone had stood up cheering and congratulating the couple, but still leaving the couple in their own world, not hearing a world as to what was going on.

Together they made their way to the limo, as people followed closely behind, they were still oblivious, not giving a care in the world who was behind them, around them, or in front of them.

All that mattered was that they were together. They had did it, they were married, they had each other for life, defeating the world that is love and making it their life. They had more love between the two of them than what was ever to be heard of. Their love would make history, it would live forever between them. Nothing could compare to what they felt for each other.

They sat together, cuddled, in the back of the limo, cherishing what they had just made possible. They had came a long way since the day he got the courage to ask her to be his girlfriend back when he was just sixteen.

"How you feeling, Mrs. Bolton?" Troy kissed the back of her head, smiling into the last two words he had just said.

"I can't sum up how I am feeling, Mr. Bolton. There aren't enough words invented in the Webster Dictionary to tell you," she smiled brightly, he smiled in returned. "How are you feeling, husband?" She asked for the first time, a word that she had always dreamed to call him.

He smiled larger, if that were possible, "I like that nickname," he said cheerfully, "but pretty fucking amazing right now. It will only get better from here."

"I love you," she said as she rested her round head onto his broad shoulder.

He lowered his face to meet her gaze, closing his eyes, connecting their lips together. The kiss was more toxic than ever. They could feel the power of their love growing as they continued. If this was what this kiss was like, they couldn't imagine what the nights events would be like.

"I love you, too. For the rest of my life," Troy said as he released her lips from hers.

"Forever," she agreed.

Life couldn't be more perfect for the couple than it was right now, everything would escalate to be better, how? They didn't know. But they knew that they just would. Their love was too pure and true for anyone to handle, other than them. They were a match made in heaven, and would forever be that way.

Love was the only way to describe what their life had been since the moment they met. They had more love than anyone could imagine. They had each other, and that's all they needed in life to be happy for the rest of their lives. Their love was forever and beyond.