Heyhey! Well MaiMai is now insisting I countinue-now! So here is chappie 8, dedicated to MaiMaiChan =3 Ly BMFL xx
Haha, I'm so obsessed with Shugo Chara, that I made Amu and Ikuto on my Animal Crossing DS game, coz I have no life like that :P
Rofl, anyway, tomorrow I have to do an art project, and Saturday I am going out, and then I'm back at school ¬¬ But, I will try and update as fast as I can!
Enjoy ^^
Disclaimer: I STILL don't own Shugo Chara!!!!
Friends, Family and a Misbehaving Kitty
Chapter 8
BabyYaya01: Is Ikuto still there?
KusuBlondieKusu2: PERVERT!!
IchigoBaby46: Nope, went home, but, I need to tell you guys something…
SoccerDude8: What is it?
KusuBlondieKusu2: The suspense is killing me!
IchigoBaby46: Lol well…
BabyYaya01: Yaya wants to know too!!
IchigoBaby46: PROMISE me you won't tell Tadase?
SoccerDude8: k
BabyYaya01: Sure! =]
KusuBlondieKusu2: Of course, now spill!
IchigoBaby46: Me and Ikuto… kissed.
I sat at the computer screen clenching my fists around my duvet, waiting for one of them to reply. I was dreading their reactions, but I had to tell them.
I read the conversation over again and wondered why they were taking so long to reply. Maybe they had all fainted or were now having spasms on the floor like Tadase was earlier… That's a weird image.
I was pulled from my overactive, and somewhat disturbed imagination when the 'New Instant Message' sound caught my attention. I almost broke my neck by looking up so fast. I eagerly read the message.
SoccerDude8: Oh…wow…
KusuBlondieKusu2 is writing an instant message.
Uh oh… here it comes…
Woah...Evil Rima has surfaced.
IchigoBaby46: Well I-I… Um?
KusuBlondieKusu2: Dammit, I gtg! Tell ya what, come meet me, infact, meet all of us (not including Tadase, hes probably busy with therapy anyway) tomorrow at 12. Meet us in the little café by the art shop, byebye!
IchigoBaby46: Eh? Okay… Bye :S
BabyYaya01: o.O
KusuBlondieKusu2 has signed off.
SoccerDude8: Well that went well xD I'm off too, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, and you better explain yourself missy…
BabyYaya01: Bye Kukai-koi I love you!!! xxxx
SoccerDude8: L8r gorgeous xx love you more 3
SoccerDude8 has signed off.
BabyYaya01: Amu-chi, you are in trouble now! You know how Rima-chi gets…
IchigoBaby46: I know =.='
BabyYaya01: Hehe ^^ I wonder how naggy-chi will react? Hmm…
IchigoBaby46: I have no idea xD
BabyYaya01: Mm, so tell me, is Ikuto a good kisser?!
IchigoBaby46: HELL YEAH.
BabyYaya01: Teehee! Well theres one good point scored!
IchigoBaby46: Lol I really like him Yaya… Do you think its bad? :S
BabyYaya01: Well, don't tell Rima I said this, but no. I think its kawaii!!! He's not actually that bad a guy, I don't recall him do anything that's actually bad… And he only worked with Easter against his will. Hold on, is he still at Easter?
IchigoBaby46: Wow, didn't expect that from you Yaya o.O But thankyou! =3 And I dunno, I don't wanna ask lol
BabyYaya01: Hmm, let's hope not
IchigoBaby46: Mm, anyway im gonna go, l8r Yaya and thanx xxx
BabyYaya01: Byeee Amu-chi! x
IchigoBaby46 has signed off.
I closed my laptop with a sigh and placed it on the small table beside me. I then lay back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.
"Looks like we have to go see them tomorrow then huh?" said a sleepy Ran.
I nodded, my gaze still focused above me.
My mind began playing today back, but this time, not just the parts involving Tadase and the others. I remembered waking up next to Ikuto, I remembered him giving me the chain, I remembered his lips against mine. I remembered everything. I laughed as I realized how oblivious I had been. Ikuto was showing his feelings in pretty much every way possible, but I was so paranoid that I missed it. Silly Amu!
My lips formed a smile as I held the gothic cross that was hanging around my neck tightly in my hand. I missed him already.
I was glad that my parents got on with him. At dinner, everyone was talking and getting to know each other. It was really nice, almost like he was part of the family.
As if on cue, my mother knocked on the door.
"Come in" I called, sitting up as she entered the room and shut my door behind her. She sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me seriously.
"Amu-chan, I want to talk to you about Ikuto-chan."
Uh-oh…. I felt myself blush at the sound of his name. What was she going to ask me! What if she wanted to have, the talk! I slowly nodded, masking my nervous face with my outside character.
"How old is he?"
"Oh, um… eighteen." I replied, avoiding eye contact
"I see. Amu-chan, I'm a little concerned. He is a lovely boy, but, doesn't the age gap worry you?"
"I, well…" I started.
"Hold on, you are dating right?" she asked. I blushed furiously at this and fiddled with the bed sheet beneath me.
"I, I think so. We only started dating today though… Please don't tell Papa…" I said.
"Only today? Hm, you sure you're telling me the truth?" she said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes Mama I swear." I said confidently.
"Okay, I won't tell Papa, but you'll have to tell him someday. For now though, judging by the way he reacted when you started dating Tadase, whom he knew very well, telling him you're dating a complete stranger, who is eighteen, is not a good idea." she said with a small laugh. I smiled.
"Thankyou Mama" I replied, relieved.
"Amu… You aren't, having sex with this boy are you?" said my mother.
My eyes grew wide, that shocked me. Just the word made me jump.
"No!" I cried, "We only started dating today Mama!"
"Okay, well, are you planning to?" she asked.
"Not any time soon! No way!" I said, noting that she seemed relieved at this.
"Good, I trust that he'll respect that decision. Listen though Amu, even if you do decide to do that with him, please tell me. I'll be disappointed, but not angry, it's better that I know you're being… safe."
"Mama!" I said, hiding my face in my hands. This couldn't be more embarrassing.
"I'm much too young for this kind of talk!" I said. My mother laughed.
"Amu, it will be legal for you next year. You aren't too young."
"Well, ew!" I replied, my face now turning a deep pink. This caused my mother to laugh more. She then ruffled my hair and I looked over at my Shugo Chara's, as expected, they were all staring open mouthed and listening intensely to the conversation.
"Amu, I know you and Ikuto are only three years apart, which isn't really a big gap, but because you are fifteen and he is eighteen, it seems like a bigger deal than it would if you were say, twenty and he was twenty four. It's because you are so young that makes the age difference more important. Do you understand what I mean?" she asked and I nodded, "However Amu, I do trust you, so I'm sure that you'll make the right decision and wait until you are old enough."
I smiled, blushing still of course. I wanted to wait, definitely, and I knew that Ikuto would never ever pressure me into anything, he would never hurt me. Infact, I was pretty sure that if I asked him to do that, he'd say no anyway! He's very protective and he knows I'm too young.
"So Amu, he's pretty cute! How did you two meet? Oh I bet it was romantic! We haven't had a girly chat like this before, this is fun isn't it!" my mother said, squealing like a schoolgirl. I knew she loved it when Ami or I talked to her about girly things like clothes, or boys because it made her feel like she was bonding or something. This girly stuff wasn't my image, but I had to admit, sometimes, it was kind of fun. I liked seeing my Mama happy too.
Mama and I talked for a little while about friends, Ikuto, clothes and other things like that. Despite the fact I must have been the colour of a strawberry for most of the conversation, it was pretty fun.
After a while, it was getting late so I decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. I had got up pretty early today and I was exhausted.
I put on a pink pair of silk pajamas and snuggled up in my warm bed. I was a little worried about how the others were going to act tomorrow morning, but I was confident that things would work out. As I laid there and thought of Ikuto, I slowly drifted off to sleep.
Mm, sorry it wasn't that exciting, but it's more of a filler chapter to just build up the story a bit. I will make it more exciting in chappie 9!
Review, review, review!! :D
SayoChan xx