
"Life is something that everyone should try at least once."

~Henry J. Tillman

"…and that, dear Hana, is how your mommy and I fell in love." Shunsui smiled. The wind was cool on his skin but the sun was shining and a day on the roof of his Division Building was just the perfect thing to do on such a fine day.

Shunsui looked down at the little bundle sleeping peacefully in his arms and a gentle expression crossed his face. He just couldn't believe that he was holding his little daughter in his arms. His and Nanao's.

The little girl was barely two months old and was already a complete daddy's girl. Always wanting him to carry her around and tell her stories. It calmed his little flower and he absolutely adored having his little girl around. And his Nanao-chan certainly deserved some time off too.

As if conjuring her from his thoughts, he felt Nanao's reiatsu nearing them and looking over his shoulder he saw her climbing onto the roof with a frown on his face.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" he asked concerned.

Nanao huffed and came up right next to him to sink down on her knees and extended a hand to let her palm caress softly over Hana's cheek and then gave him a peck on his cheek.

"I've been resting and resting and I tell you, if I rest any more, I'll go crazy!" Nanao said, leaning up against him, sighing once.

Carefully, Shunsui balanced Hana on his lap while supporting her neck and head with one hand so his other was free to pull Nanao into his side. He kissed her temple, inhaling her sweet scent and thinking once again, as he had so many times that he was in absolute heaven.

"And I couldn't wait in the office for you, when I saw those mountains of paperwork that just made my skin crawl. Why can't you do any work? I'll be back in the office in another month and I shudder to think of how high the paperwork can pile itself until then." Nanao huffed quietly not wanting to disturb her little baby since she was sleeping so quietly in her daddy's arms.

It always moved Nanao deeply to see her little baby in such protective arms, practically feeling Shunsui's love for the both of them.

She felt unbelievably happy, here with Shunsui and the little girl they had created. And looking at them both now, she knew that if she could go back and make her decisions once more, she knew she would do everything exactly the same. Her life was wonderful - she had a man whose strong arms curled nightly around her and a beautiful baby girl that was adored by everyone, most of all her parents. She would be a little heartbreaker for sure, Nanao smiled. It would be fun to see her grow up and fall in love while Shunsui tried to scare away her future admirers.

"What has you so amused, beautiful Nanao-chan?" Shunsui asked with a gentle smile on his face, leaning down so he could kiss her lips tenderly.

Nanao put some distance between them and looked deep into his warm eyes.

"Life. Just life." And snuggled deeper into Shunsui's side.

- The End -

A/N: So this is it. The End. I know it's short but I just wanted to give it a nice clean ending with (hopefully) no open questions.

First off, thanks so much for reviewing You guys are simply the best! Kitsune Moonstar, Wintervines and darkangel1910 actually managed to review EVERY SINGLE chapter. That's just wow! And thanks to Anhalir for what must be the longest review EVER in the record of reviews ;) And all other reviewers: akirk85029, animeGirl2709, archiemouse, ArizonaBay, asdf, Automailjunkie44, Celelanthir, Chaerring Trinity, darkchocol8807,Eula Marie, Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Jade, JenovaJuice97, KyourakuZelda, lancer, maggie (), mj0621, Ngoc Chau, Sailordeedlit, ScrewyLouie12, skyblueocean, starbrightdreamer, sunfire1108, The Dragon Guardian of the Sea, The-piro-16, TurquisePL, Xion784, Zoelyn, 2-lazy2LoGin; - you're all just awesome!!!

I am so so sorry if I've forgotten anyone, just tell me and I'll edit you in ;)!!

This has been a fun ride and I don't exactly know what to write now but ideas about a new story are already swirling in my head ;) Bye for now!