Chapter 9

A Night in Solace Part 2


A Lolibear Fan fiction

So sorry for not updating more soon! I really am hesitant to keep writing this (although I won't stop!) because I don't want this story to end! Sorry! But it is here now~ I received a comment that made me very happy. A i . wrote:

"Ahhh! XDD I love how Ikuto is so calm and less perverted than the usual FanFics I've read! I'm actually very thankful that he's less perverted about him being shirtless! For example, you didn't have him say "You like what you see?" To Amu when she saw him shirtless, cuz that was what I always expect him to say but when you didn't I was actually bery happy! XD haha xD cuz, to me, it would just make Ikuto seem as though he was full of himself. ANYWAYS! I think you are portraying Ikuto PERFECTLY! XD and you must update as soon as possible! XD"

This made me happy! Recently, I have been rethinking the personalities I have given each character. I feel more reassured in my choices now. Thank you!

Please enjoy!

Amu pulled away from Ikuto as she leaned her back carefully against the hot springs. Ikuto did the same as she and they sat in silence for a moment. He looked to the dark cloud covered sky, pure and dainty flakes fell from the darkness. He followed one particular snowflake as is quietly floated down then it suddenly disappeared over the heat of the hot spring.

"How long to they intend to keep you here, Amu?" She let a slight smile cross her face.

"Seven years." she simply said. Ikuto shook his head in amazement.. "Really that long?" Amu shook her head yes, although it was unbelievable, she had regrettably started settling in.

"Ikuto," Amu sorrowfully said, "please take me bake home... I miss everyone, Mama, Papa, Ami, my chara... Yoru... the dorm... and you. I can't take this anymore, more groping and pawing at me when I turn my back. It's too much. I'm afraid what will happen if I keep living here..." Ikuto stayed quiet and pulled her into his chest. Their bare chests touch but this time Ikuto didn't take it in a sexual matter. He rested his chin and her head and let her cry her eyes to their fill.

Amu pulled two fresh white robes from the cabinet in the washroom. She handed him one. They both put their robes and slippers on. They hurried back to Amu's room and sat on her futon while drying their hair and brushing it.

"Are you cold?" Amu was shaking from the cold and Ikuto nodded. She stood up and walked to her closet and slid it open. At the bottom was a space heater that she pulled out. She quickly plugged it into the one outlet she had in her room. This was the only luxury the girls got. Besides books, they had the battery powered kotatsu and a space heater. They weren't allowed TV or video games, or even lights in their rooms. Only the guest hotel rooms had TV's, a guest laptop in each room with decorative lights.

She pulled the small space heater as close to her futon as she could then sat down in front of it with a smile on her face. Ikuto quickly sat next to her not only for the heat. "Much better" he thought out loud. Amu's cheat ached even though she was smiling. She looked over to Ikuto and his eye quickly met hers.

His dark hair had beads of clean water dripping off the ends as they stuck to the edge of his face and neck. His eyes stared at Amu's, with his seductive look that somehow calmed Amu in her time of distress. He slowly traced her jawline with his finger tips then slowly moved his hand to the back of her head. Ikuto pulled Amu in for a kiss. His kiss echoed through her body and even when their lips parted she could feel their presence. Something hit her in her very soul. She wanted him; he was the one bit of comfort she had since she arrived here.

Amu pushed Ikuto down onto her futon and straddled his hips while pushed another kiss on him, this time more urgent. Ikuto was surprised by her sudden attack on him and slightly pushed her off of him.

========Lemon, skip to next bracket if you want==========

"Amu..." he hesitantly said. She smiled and continued kissing him. Ikuto took her approval and wrapped his arm around her waist then pulled her in close. Their lips separated when Amu moved to his him down his jawline. She followed the robes fabric and when she got to the overlapping sides she reached down and slowly undid his tie. She sat back up on his still covered member. She could feel him stabbing her in the leg. She quickly untied her robe and slowly parted it revealing her small, but beautiful bosom. Her light pink nipples were hard from the cold. She was only left in her small cotton, lavender colored panties, with lace that followed the sides of her hips.

She felt him fully erect under her. She positioned herself, spreading her legs far apart, and started pumping on his covered member. Ikuto pushed himself up and kissed Amu as she rubbed her nether lips on him. He grabbed her breast and gave it a small squeeze until he slipped his mouth around one of her pink nubs. He licked and sucked on her until she let out a soft moan. She reached down and removed his robe from covering his member. She pulled her panties to the side and positioned him at her entrance. Ikuto let out a pleasurable sigh as she slowly lowered herself onto him.

"Nhn" She moaned and slowly started to rock her hips back and forth on him. Ikuto pulled her bare chest into his and pushed up into her every time she thrusted forward. He grabbed all of Amu's light pink hair that hang loose past her shoulders and gently pulled it. He kissed her neck and bit sensitively as he pushed into her fast and as hard as he could. When he let go of her hair Amu buried her face into the nape of his shoulder and cried out his name, "Ah... Ikuto...mmm" the sounds slid off her tongue.

Amu slowed her pace and after slid Ikuto out of her. She gave him a deep him a deep kiss then turned around one her hands and knees and showed herself to him completely. Ikuto got on his knees and slowly teased Amu with his hand until he suddenly pushed himself into her. She let out a cry and pushed her head down into her pillow; she bucked back onto him as hard as he did to her. "A-ah" she moaned as she pulled wrinkles into the futon's cover into her fists. He quickly started to build her up to her limits. She let out a cry and she tightened around Ikuto, "Shit" He said and quickly pulled out of her. Ikuto spilt his seed down the back of her thigh.

================Lemon over!=============

It was already getting dark outside, Amu's room grew darker but the minutes. She sat at the kotatsu with Ikuto, they were drinking tea. Amu stood up and opened a small dresser's drawer by her chadansu*, she pulled out a small white candle and a wooden and paper table lantern that was decorated in the silhouettes of flowers. She set the candle on the table and took a match and went to light the candle. She lit the wick but also burnt her finger, "ah" she said in pain and blew the match out.

"Are you okay?" Ikuto asked worried and moved to sit next to her. Amu grabbed her hand and looked at her finger. He blew cool air onto the burn to help sooth it. Amu let a touching smile cross her face and she made eye contact with Ikuto. She was blushing and for the first time since she met him, she started feeling embarrassed. Ikuto notice and smirked and let a little laugh out. Amu took her hand away with a "hmph" and placed the lantern over the burning candle that provided a fine light in the room.

"T-thank you," Amu nervously said Ikuto was about to speak but there was a small knock on the door. The door slid open and one of the maids walked in holding a tray, "Is dinner in here okay or do you wish to eat in the dining room?" she sweetly asked Ikuto.

He looked at Amu, "In here is fine." the servant set the tray down on the kotatsu. There were two plates of curry. The maid set a bowl in from of each of them and set a spoon and a set of dark wooden chopsticks on the side for each. "Thank you" Amu said to her and she left the room before saying, "After you each your meal sir, you time is up and you can go to your room if you want or go to the main room."

"Are you any hungry?" Ikuto asked Amu and looked at her plate then compared their food. Both were served curry with thick chunks of potato, carrot, and onion, but Ikuto got a big serving of pre-cut chicken katsu, while Amu was left without it and had half the amount of curry and rice.

"Why did they give you so little?" He asked. Amu let out a sigh and said, "Anzu put me on a diet, she said I am too fat." she whined.

Ikuto then started picking piece of his chicken and putting them on Amu's plate.

"No! No, you don't have to,"Amu tried to protest but Ikuto kept putting chicken on her plate. He gave her most of his chicken and said, "Just take as much of my curry as you want when you finish yours." He smiled, "If anything you are too skinny, it wouldn't hurt you to eat a normal sized meal. Gain some weight" him confidently told her.

Amu looked at all the food on her plate and tears started welling up in her eyes. 'He is always so kind to me... no one is ever this kind to me... I don't know how to react...' Amu wiped away a tear with her sleeve and took in a deep breath.

"Ikuto..." he swallowed a bite of his curry while Amu started speaking to him. "Why are you always so nice to me?" Ikuto put his spoon down and looked at Amu. This look captivated her, it was one of the most serious looks she has ever soon...from anyone.

"Amu," his voice was smooth, "I do all of this for you because I like you." he said bluntly. Her eyes grew wide in surprise.

'Like me?! How?!... what?' she wasn't expecting that sort of answer, 'a confession?!' A blush covered her whole face in red and she looked down into her lap. She played with her fingers when Ikuto put his hand on her chin and pulled her face to look at him. He softly pushed a kiss on his lips. Ikuto slid his hand to the back of her head and lightly pulled Amu's hair into his fist. Ikuto wrapped the other arm around her waist and pulled her into him. He carefully slipped his tongue in Amu's mouth as their kiss deepened. He pushed her down and got on top of her. They kiss over and over until Ikuto pulled apart from Amu. He kept his face close to her and continued what he was previously saying.

"Amu, when I think about what you are going through... the idea of other men touching you, it sickens me." Amu shook her head. "I know by being here right now I am not really doing anything for you, but I want to. I want to take you back home. I want to live in our dorm together again. I want to be able to call you all mine, be the only one that gets to touch your body, kiss you... I want you to myself." Amu smiled as hot, salty tear ran down her cheeks.

"Amu... you should go out with me." Amu started crying harder and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Ikuto!" She cried, "of course I'd be your girlfriend!" He pulled her back up and they both were sitting at the kotatsu. Ikuto smiled at her and gave her one more kiss on her forehead.

"Let's eat before it gets even more cold?" Ikuto said and Amu enjoyed her first big meal in a while.

"What do you mean?" Ikuto asked one of the waitresses slightly irritated.

The worker put a smile on her face a repeated, "I'm sorry sir, Miki-san is currently booked this lunch. May we offer you another girl for your entertainment?" Ikuto shook his head 'no' and the girl didn't know what to make of him.

"Really? Their is no one else you want to eat with?" Ikuto stared at her. "How about this" she tried to reason with him. "There is a girl that is open right now and her table is right next to Miki-san. You can still see her this way, you just can't keep her from her customer." He wasn't too sure if that made it any better, but he wanted to see her. After Amu agreed to date him, his time was over and he was sent back to his room. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to feel her lips.

He sat down at the table he was assigned. A somewhat attractive looking girl wearing a lightly tinted pink kimono with black birds sat down next to him. Her brown hair went to her jaw line and it was cut in long layers. She put a sweet smile on her face and tired to look sweet but Ikuto could see through her fake persona.

"Hello, I'm Kawano Akemi, what your name?" she said. Her happy expression quickly changed when Ikuto's eyes didn't meet hers once. She turned her head to see what he was staring at, Amu. She scowled then looked back at him with a sweet outer surface.

"What's your name?" she attempted again. Her face grew angry at him. "What's so special about her?!" She demanded to know.

Ikuto made eye contact with the girl for the first time, "She is the person I care about most." he surprised himself, the words just came out. Akemi's eye widened. Amu caught her first glimpse of Ikuto and smiled and him. She excused herself from her guest and her walked over to their table. "Hello." She said to both of them and bowed. Her eyes looked happy for once and it drove Akemi crazy.

"That whore is so special that you would say something like that about her?" Akemi said loudly with Amu right there.

"Oi!" Ikuto sternly said as soon as the word 'whore' came from her lips. Amu actually looked hurt, but her tough side quickly came out.

"What's your problem with me?!" Amu spoke loud. Ikuto was surprised at out much she sounded like a 'tough' girl.

Akemi stood up and grabbed Amu by the wrist, "You and I will speak in the next room." Akemi pulled Amu forcefully out of the main room. Eyes were on them but unfortunately, now staff members we present to witness the scene. Akemi pushed Amu into one of the vacant hotel rooms across the hall and slammed the door shut.

"Who do you think you are?!" Akemi yelled at her. Her voice was bitter and full of hate. "Why do you get treated so special?" She yelled at Amu.

Amu scoffed and looked at her with an unbelievable stare.

"You get it so easy! You don't even do your job correctly yet you get the best room, you are almost never busy, and you don't care about this place!" She yelled and took a swing at Amu and punched her in the stomach.

"You are nothing but a dirty whore!" Akemi yelled at Amu. She sat on her knees and held her stomach from the punch then let out a laugh.

"What are you laughing for?!" Akemi yelled louder. Amu look her in the eyes.

"You are jealous." She stood up. "You are jealous," she repeated, "you are upset over what I have? I have nothing! I lost everything when I was kidnapped and taken here! I don't want any of this." Akemi was breathing heavily, "and calling me a whore?" Amu continued, "who the fuck are you to call me a whore? Every time a 'client' is assigned to me and tries to force himself on mean, I always get beaten because I will not whore myself out to pay my parents debt."

Amu returned her hit with a punch to Akemi's face, just in time for Anzu to walk in a witness it. Akemi started to cry loudly when she saw Anzu in the room. She held her face and cried, "Obaa-chan, Miki is trying to beat me up!"

"Miki!" Anzu yelled at her. "This is unacceptable!" Anzu looked at Akemi's face and a bruise was starting to form on her cheek. "Get to your room and put some ice on that, Akemi." She said in a loving way then looked back at Amu with a cold stare. Akemi stood up and before she left the room she made eye contact with Amu and smirked.

"Get me my whip." Anzu demanded and a maid ran off to find it. "Face the wall and get on the knees. Take your kimono off, I don't want any blood to ruin it." Anzu said and was handed the whip from her maid.

Chadansu – a cabinet that holds things for tea.

Next chapter will be up asap!