A/N: Okay, so I'm writing another letter to Santa. So, sue me.

Disclaimer: Again with the erratic updates and staying away from a pen for too long. Tell me, who on Earth, at this point, could possibly mistake me for J.K.?!

Dedication: I Want to Give Neville a Hug – this one's for you, Meg.

Dear Mr. C.

Dear Mr. Claus,

Or can I just call you Mr. C.? Because, to be perfectly honest, if I'm so desperate as to write a letter to a supposedly jolly fat old Muggle who brings Christmas presents to good lads and lasses, I might as well be as chummy as possible, right?

Ah, who am I kidding? I'm surprised I haven't just crumpled up this piece of parchment and tossed it out the window yet. I mean, look at me! I'm writing to some bloke who has a sleigh pulled by something called reindeer? What are those supposed to be? Flying versions of Prongs? I mean: hippogriffs? Sure. But reindeer? The odds against you are getting bigger by the second, mate.

Never thought I'd really be this desperate.

So, to get the point, my good gentleman, I'm in a bit of a spot this Christmas. Well, actually, I'm in a huge spot. Don't know if you could actually call it a spot, actually. It's more sort of a –

Right, ahem, back to the point of this very off-topic letter.

See, Prongs (he's my best mate) just hasn't been himself this holiday season. He's not participated in any of the Annual Marauder festivities or traditions! Not even the customary setting off the bells of the Owlery at ungodly hours and watching as the Professors run from their chambers to round them all back up! How could you pass up something like that?

Oh, and he hasn't stopped staring at Lily Evans. …not that that's anything new.

But honestly, Mr. C., I beginning to feel a bit bad for the poor lad. I mean, he's really turned himself around this year – with the whole Head Boy thing and all that. He's stopped hexing Snivelly (which, I must say, has taken quite a bit of the fun out of it), he's taken notes in class, he's stopped bragging about his better traits, and he's even started taking things seriously! Imagine little Prongsie – thinking about his future! I could just cry!

But at the end of the day, Evans is still there to label him the infamous arrogant toe-rag.

Here's where you come in, old chap:

Would you mind cutting my best mate a break this Christmas? You know what to do. Just give the bird a nudge in the right direction, if you will.

I don't really know what you can do, mate. Blimey – I don't even know if you're out there! But I do know that the Potters are the some of the best people I've ever known, and that James deserves a good Christmas this year.

I'm hoping you pull through for me on this one, Mr. C.

Happy Christmas,

Sirius O. Black

P.S. I was only joking about the Owlery thing, as Peter is now informing me that you've something called a "Naughty" list?

A/N: Clearly, Sirius isn't my character. Fred and George have been consistent weaknesses of mine, as well.

Ah, well. Bring on the constructive criticism!